Milburga ATCERO
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Iam Ms Milburga Atcero, an Associate Professor in French Language Education at Makerere University Business School. I am the Dean Faculty of Tourism, Hospitality and Languages. I hold a Ph.D. in French Language Education, National and Foreign Cultures and Civilization awarded by Sorbonne University, Paris 3, France in April 2013. I teach French language for Specific Purposes. I have administrative responsibilities. I provide direction, resources, and oversight to help ensure that all key personnel complete and comply with required education and meet annual training requirements in accordance with the university and Public Service policies and procedures. I conduct research on Information and Communication Technology (ICT) and Oral Language development in Ugandan context; ICT in education, multilingualism and regional integration, uses and functions of indigenous languages, ICT and Destination marketing,. Of recent, I developed passion and competence in researching on global issues through interdisciplinary research. The recent research areas comprise the following: “The Indirect impacts of COVID-19 on healthcare systems: A case study of Uganda’s healthcare professionals”, and “Fostering digital learning environment for adolescent reproductive health education”.
I have been the Chairperson of Advisory Board of Alliance Française de Kampala since 2007. I work in close collaboration with the French Embassy in Uganda, the International Federation of Teachers of French and the Francophony University Network. I have worked in collaboration with Director and Deputy Director MUBS Women Forum to coordinate the activities of the International Consortium for Gender Equality (GE) on Campus, initiated by the Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie (Francophony University Network) with the support of UN Women over the period 2021-2022. The MUBS Women Forum became a member of this Consortium in 2021. I am the special Advisor to the President of the African and Indian Commission of the International Federation of Teachers of French. I am a subject Expert panelist and Consultant with Uganda National Curriculum Development Centre and the National trainer for foreign languages in the framework of the Competence Based Curriculum. I am part of UNESCO Consultancy Team on building capacity for Ministry of Education and Sports to roll-out the National Sexuality Education framework. I follow calls on ICT and Education,innovative approaches to strengthen inclusive early learning and school readiness,reproductive health education,Sexuality Education framework,Social Economic Transformation,Vaccine hestancy,Entrepreneurship and Youth and Women Empowerment,Gender Equality .
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