OHM Project Management & Consultancy
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OHM Project Management & Consultancy
Beside the architectural projects where we prepare EU funding projects, national funding projects and also evaluate SME projects. I have been working in; EASME / Executive Agency for Small & Medium-sized Enterprises Horizon 2020 projects; as an remote expert for 4 years. I am still continuing. Evalated approximately 200 projects in Horizon 2020. The experience ares are;
Air and water pollution control [Environmental protection], Architecture, smart buildings, smart cities, urban engineering [Civil engineering], Energy Efficiency [Energy], Energy management [Environmental management], Environment, Pollution & Climate [Earth Observation / Services and applications], Geothermal [Renewable electricity], Low/zero carbon communities [Sustainable energy communities], Renewable electricity [Renewable energy sources],Solar Heating & Cooling [Renewable heating & cooling], Sustainability [Bioenergy], Waste water recycling [Waste management], Water-climate interactions [Water resources], Wind [Renewable electricity]
Our team is strong, Dr. Meltem Uygun has doctorate degree in social sciences/ business, health, tourism and management. She is also an remote expert in EU. She is providing training and consultancy to our company in EU funds the expert ares of her is;
Design, culture& development, innovation, social sciences, bioenergy, eco-innovation, intelligent buildings ans energy, technology on green architecture, energy, energy saving, renewable energy, SME, civil engineering, project management, business plan, implementation, international cooperation, health care, medical equipment, environmental protection, marketing and business management, sustainable tourism, transport.