Metin Esgin Phd c.
19 janv. 2024
En recherche d'un consultant En recherche de financements
A propos
I am a lecturer and Phd student in Istanbul University-Cerrahpasa. I am preparing an open access book about reference manager software step by step using guide book. I am looking for a funding to meet amount for open access book publising charge.
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Idées proposées
Look For A Funding For Open Access Book Publisging Charge About 15000 Euro
Education, centre de formation ou école
Innovation & Recherche
Éducation et formation
Europe créative
Horizon Europe
Union européenne
I have WIPO PCT patent application. The number of this patent application is PCT/TR2023/050634. The subject of this patent is "A SYSTEMATIC AND COMPREHENSIVE LEARNING SYSTEM FOR REFERENCE MANAGERS (ENDNOTE, MENDELEY, ZOTERO). By proof of patent application this work contain innovation. I have a book which content will be use in this patent' learning application.
İstanbul, Türkiye
il y a 1 an
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