I am Asst.Prof.Dr. at Yeditepe University in Istanbul, giving full-time courses in the Department of Public Administration. I received a bachelor’s degree in political science and public administration from the Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences at Marmara University in 1996-2001. 2002, I took my master’s degree in France at the University of Montesquieu Bordeaux IV, at IEP Bordeaux, Sciences Po, with a French government scholarship. 2010, I obtained my PhD from the University Pierre Mendès France of Grenoble, IEP Grenoble, Sciences Po.
My research interests are digital and collaborative governance, local and regional authorities, decentralization / decentralized cooperation, regional policy / local and regional development, Europeanization of public policies, new technologies in the public sector, and smart cities; I also participate in conferences and seminars at national and international platforms.
Additionally, I work as a consultant/expert within the projects of the development banks and international financial institutions such as AFD, UNDP, KfW, and EU projects concerning local governments in Turkey, public administration, and decentralization reform, including regional development agencies.