Nuray Ozbosnalioglu, Kadikoy Guidance And Research Centre
Recherche partenariat En recherche de financements
Kadikoy Guidance and Research Center (Kadikoy RAM) is a governmental institution that serves in Kadikoy, Istanbul. It is one of the important institutions which is affiliated to the Ministry of National Education, serving for many years with its experience and knowledge in the field of education. The staff consists of school psychological counsellors and special education teachers. It regulates and supervises psychological counselling and special education services for schools in the region. There are about 250 schools and 60 thousand students in its area of responsibility (pre-school + primary + middle + high schools)
RAM consists of two main parts:
Guidance and Psychological Counselling Department: Cooperates with school psychological counsellors and prepares activities for the needs of schools. Prepares different programs according to the characteristics, levels and types of different schools. These programs include various preventive, developer and problem solving activities depending on the characteristics and needs of the school. The department also follows the final reports of these programs. It organizes activities to contribute to the professional development of psychological counsellors. The department conducts individual or group counselling services or therapy sessions for students referred from schools. Some of the main study topics are;
- Prevention of child neglect and abuse,
- Addiction prevention,
- School violence, discrimination, peer bullying, cyber bullying,
- Coping with exam anxiety,
- Career guidance,
- Child development, adolescence, sexual development, behavioural disorders,
- Positive and effective communication in families and schools,
- Organizing trainings that will contribute to the professional development of psychological counsellors and teachers,
- Conducting researches that will contribute to the field and converting the results into scientific publications.
Special Education Services Department: It is responsible for the screening, analysis, detection and diagnosis of children in the risk group or those with disadvantaged or different characteristics (disabled, victimised, gifted, etc.). It places the individuals who are found to be in need of special education to the appropriate schools or classes for them. It guides them in reaching appropriate training programs and specialists. The department follows the development of students with disabilities attending normal schools within the scope of inclusive education, visits special education schools and classes, helps professionals in the field of special education develop and solve their problems. This department also provides the necessary social and psychological support to those individuals and their parents as well. Some of the main activities are;
. İmplementing various ability and intelligence tests to identify people with special needs,
. Identifying children with special needs including autism, down syndrome, mental retardation, dyslexia and ADHD,
. Preparing reports for children with special needs in order to enable them to benefit from opportunities for special education,
. Providing trainings to teachers about children in special needs and inclusive education.
As a research centre, RAM also cooperates with universities and related institutions to monitor scientific developments in the field and to implement new methods. With these collaborations, RAM organizes activities (trainings, courses, conferences, symposiums) for the professional development of all stakeholders in the field of education, especially school psychological counsellors and special education teachers. In addition, it conducts research on students, teachers and administrators. It develops programs based on the findings of these researches and provides training and counselling services for individuals or groups in need. All schools, students, teachers and parents in Kadıköy can benefit from all these services free of charge. In addition, RAM aims to raise awareness, improve the quality of life and ensure the personal development of individuals through preventive activities. The centre carries out projects in line with the needs of our service region and has strong ties with local and regional stakeholders.
In addition, the District Crisis Intervention Team, which operates under the leadership of RAM, conducts studies in cases of crisis in schools. Psychosocial intervention studies are carried out by the team in order to help the students recover from the trauma caused by death, attack, injury, suicide and disaster with minimum impact and to help them recover healthily. RAM organizes trainings to improve the Crisis Intervention Team and activities to maintain their psychological resilience. It also participates in scientific studies to develop and disseminate the “Trauma Sensitive School Model”.
RAM, which also works for the development and dissemination of inclusive education, carries out various activities such as the adaptation process of immigrant students to the schools, the solution of the problems faced by these students, increasing the cooperation of parents with schools and raising awareness for teachers.
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Affaires sociales et inclusion
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Affaires sociales et inclusion
Personnes defavorisées
Garde d'enfants
Éducation et formation
Apprentissage des adultes
Migrants et Réfugiés
Santé mentale
il y a 5 ans
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