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Our school is located in Kocaeli close to İ are a secondary school and there has been 590
students ages 10-14 and 30 teachers Our school is a rooted instutition since 1961 and it is restorated in 2018,In accordance with general and private objectives of National
Education Fundemental Law,The mission of our school is to raise students who are character
wise,honest,endowed with humane and moral values,have a strong feel of patriotism,read,observe
and search,know and adopt national and universal values,respect other’s opinion and rights while
defending their own ideas and know their tasks and responsibilities. Toward the realization of our
school's mission and vision, and 2015-2019 strategic plan. At the beginning and end of every year,
student-parent-staff surveys are conducted, problems screening tests are applied for students, tests
are conducted for the status of the students who make school violence and school absenteeism at
risk and bullying, As a result of the analysis of these tests, continuous trainings are given by School
Counseling Service in our school about" No Violence At school " and "Safe Internet Use", "Solution of
the Child Conflict Problems", "Peer Bullying and Cyberbullying"for school stakeholders. In particular,
for prevention of bullying in schools, early school leaving, and popularization of the school, by
supports of Directorate of Public Education and the Municipality of Izmit , free activities are carried
out in basketball, volleyball, cycling, ice skating, judo, gymnastics, football, music, and folk dances.
Most of our students have been participating in these activities. Additionally, "Values Training"
(tolerance, respect, humility, peace, greeting, responsibility, patience, and compassion) is included in
curriculum. To direct students towards positive behavior patterns, green and red card projects are
applied effectively. Additionally, poetry, stories and slogan competition wereorganized so as to raise awareness on bullying. Once a month we wear the same and activities we started and implemented are samples and suggested to otherschools. A short video has been made on bullying. This video is published on the internet site of ourschool, on facebook and youtube.
Our school has a KA1and KA2 projects with the coordination of Directorate of Education .
You can see the other activities of our school from links below.
School website:
Our school in media:
Our school which is in the center of Kocaeli is 120 km away from İstanbul Atatürk Airport and 50 km from Sabiha Gökçen live four seasons and Kocaeli is a industrial city with many can get extra information about Kocaeli-İzmit from the links below
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il y a 6 ans
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Éducation et formation
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il y a 6 ans
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