Harghita Community Development Association
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Harghita Community Development Association (37 municipalities from Harghita county) undertakes its activities in the field of tourism, cultural heritage and environmental protection in Harghita county (Transylvania, Romania). The association was founded at the initiative of Harghita County Council, on 17 December 2009. We organize events, publish brochures about values of the county and we create programme guides for tourists.
The objective of Harghita Community Development Association is the establishment and development of long term cooperation with the municipalities of Harghita county, implementation of projects at national and international level which contribute to the development and promotion of the county tourism and as well to the conservation of the protected areas.
Our main activities are:
• Development and promotion of tourism: increasing the capacity of accessing funds regarding the development and promotion of the tourism; developing the institutional framework in the tourism sector; organizing fairs, events and tourism exhibitions in on sustainable tourism activities in protected natural areas; preparation of publications, websites, magazines; participation in thematic projects (ex. Via Mariae) and promotion of cultural-religious tourism etc.
• Conservation of protected areas: creating studies in the field of protected areas; administration and protection of protected areas; developing programs on sustainable tourism activities in natural areas.
The Harghita Community Development Association is charged with the management, maintenance and popularization of Visit Harghita app and website, which was made by the Harghita County Council and co-financed by the European Union as part of the Danube International INSiGHTS project. This is the only platform that answers to all questions a tourist has to know before visiting Harghita County. The application offers information in Romanian, Hungarian and English about accommodations, restaurants, tourist attractions, the county’s best-known legends and more. A unique feature of the mobile app is the audio guide, which is a first of its kind in Romania. To develop this app the community worked together, and thanks to this cooperation it has more than 4000 downloads.
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Développement rural
Héritage culturel
Coopération transnationale
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Développement rural
Héritage culturel
Coopération transnationale
il y a 3 mois
Interested in ERASMUS+ Strategic Partnerships in response of the Covid-19 situation (tourism topic)
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Développement durable
Tourisme durable
Héritage culturel
il y a 4 ans
Tourisme durable
Héritage culturel
il y a 5 ans
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