Daniel Voinea

: 16 sept. 2019

Recherche partenariat
A propos

PhD student

The most relevant projects are eHERITAGE ( a Coordination and Support project which addresses the “twinning” challenges described in the topic H2020-TWINN-2015 of the Work programme. eHERITAGE project is supported by the Research Executive Agency (REA), under the power delegated by the European Commission, under grant number 692103) and BrainSpace ( the aim was to develop novel hybrid multimodal interfaces that use biopotentials-based methods which will allow the astronauts to use supplementary communication channels while performing simple or complex robotic tasks ).

We are following Twinning and research and innovation calls.


Mots clés et domaine d'activité:

 Coopération internationale
 Éducation et formation
 Héritage culturel

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