Bulgarian Sport Fishing Federation
26 mai 2017
Recherche partenariat En recherche de financements
A propos
Bulgarian Sport Fishing Federation is NGO interested in elaboration of project in the sphere of environmental protection, social care and helth services.
Mots clés et domaine d'activité:
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Idées proposées
Innovation sociale
Affaires sociales et inclusion
Personnes defavorisées
Logement social
Soins de santé
We are looking for a Lead partner and Project partnes for the implementation of a project under the Third call for proposals of Danube Transnational Programme, Innovative and Socially Responsible Region.
The project idea "Danube partnership for better life" envisages the implementation of a social innovation and best practices on the basis of a partnership established on Eur...
il y a 5 ans
il y a 5 ans
Éducation et formation
Mobilité des jeunes
We are intered in participating in a project under the opened Call for proposals: Erasmus+ Sport EAC/A05/2017. As objectives we envisage to inspire local people to participate in swimming courses, to improve people's health and thus to overcome the increased overweight problem. In the framework of the project, apart of the obligatory dissemination activities we also expect to contribute for...
il y a 7 ans
il y a 7 ans
Éducation et formation
Éducation artistique
Héritage culturel
Culture et développement
Europe créative
Dear friends and future partners,
In this letter we present an project idea under the
Call for Proposals EACEA 32/2017: Support for European cooperation projects 2018
for small scale cooperation projects (Category 1), the EU grant requested is no more than EUR 200...
il y a 7 ans
il y a 7 ans
Innovation sociale
Affaires sociales et inclusion
Personnes defavorisées
Logement social
Fonds social européen (FSE)
Social et Bien-être
We are looking for a Lead partner and Project partnes for the implementation of a project under the Third call for proposals of Danube Transnational Programme, Innovative and Socially Responsible Region.
The project idea "Danube partnership for better life" envisages the implementation of a social innovation and best practices on the basis of a partnership established on Eur...
il y a 7 ans
il y a 7 ans
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