Ceramics - best practices for the sustainable cultural heritage preservation

il y a 6 ans

Bulgarian Sport Fishing Federation

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Recherche partenariat

Dear friends and future partners,

In this letter we present an project idea under the


 Call for Proposals EACEA 32/2017: Support for European cooperation projects 2018

  • for small scale cooperation projects (Category 1), the EU grant requested is no more than EUR 200 000 representing maximum 60% of the total eligible costs; furthermore, the projects under category 1 shall involve a project leader and at least two other partners having their legal seat in at least three different countries taking part in the Creative Europe – Culture Sub-programme. Either the project leader or one of the partners must have its legal seat in one of the eligible countries referred to herein;

2018 is declared European Year of Cultural Heritage. In this regard, we have focused our attention on one of the world's oldest crafts - pottery. We are from Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria. The town was a medieval capital and here the remnants of medieval Tarnovo can still be seen. The ceramics of that period is known as Royal Ceramics. It was made by special technique, shape, drawing and colours. It was designed only for the most distinguished citizens.

Nowadays, only two craftsmen deal with this type of ceramics.

We aim, firstly, to provoke people's interest in it because even our fellow citizens do not recognize it and involve it in our work with children and students from the Faculty of Fine Arts at the local university. Secondly, we are planning to create, in the area of one of the major historical sites in our city, a Ceramic Center, where visitors will be able to make ceramic items of this kind.

That is why it is of utmost importance to us to have a partnership with countries and organizations that have practical experience and interest in this art and manage to self-finance themselves through it.

Such a partnership will involve:

  1. Exploration and exchange of techniques, forms, layout for working with clay;
  2. ontemporary good practices of working with children and young people (including representatives of smaller communities);
  3. uccessful business practices from partner countries and the world for the production and distribution of ceramic art;
  4. Exchange of specialists;
  5. Implementation of business ideas developed during the project;
  6. Ceramics as a tourism product.

We need to consider the requirements of the Programme.

Due to the specifics of our organization, if it is identified as the leading one, the following framework of the project is suggested:

  1. duration – 18 months. (May 2018 – November 2019)
  2. – the leading organization and two partners from countries that have traditions in the production of ceramics;
  3. funding sought from the EU for the three organizations is 60 000 euro (60% of the whole budget);
  4. contribution   - 40%, which has to be proved by financial documents by each organization.

Here is a link to the official webpage with the call for proposals and all the documents:

We hope that our proposal has aroused your interest and willingness to work together with us!


Daniela Malakova

Veliko Tarnovo, BULGARIA


 Éducation et formation
 Éducation artistique
 Héritage culturel
 Culture et développement
 Europe créative

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