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25 projets européens trouvés

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...ons respectives ET leur permettre de transmettre le fruit de ces échanges aux décideurs européens à l’occasion de deux rencontres : l’une dans l’hémicycle du Parlement européen et l’autre lors d'un événement festif porté par des jeunes. Le but est donc de réunir 400 jeunes, chiffre correspondant au nombre de sièges du petit hémicycle du Parlement (le grand étant en travaux pour plusieurs mois enco ...
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International Session of the European Youth Parliament in Brno

Date du début: 1 mai 2016, Date de fin: 30 nov. 2017,

Under the theme “Seeking the heart of Europe”, the International Session of the European Youth Parliament in Brno will bring together 280 young participants from 31 European countries, including local youth from Brno and the Czech Republic. For the majority of participants, this will be the first time experiencing such an international environment and getting directly in touch with decision-makers ...
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While the European Union tends to focus nowadays on the aims of active citizenship, citizens’ debates and the acceptance of diversity, equality and unity values to face those societal challenges, we consider that educating and raising awareness amongst all young people is a fundamental step to accompany them to become fully aware active citizens. The EYP-France has created a non-formal education p ...
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International Session in Trondheim

Date du début: 1 janv. 2016, Date de fin: 31 août 2017,

The International Session of the European Youth Parliament in Trondheim will bring together 280 young participants from 27 European countries, including local youth from Trondheim and Norway. The theme highlights the impact events like this can have on participants, as well as on their direct and indirect environment. During eight working days, the event will create a unique parliamentary simulati ...
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“Strengthening European Youth Participation: Capacity Building and Networking for Multipliers” is a project aiming to offer networking opportunities to peers in the field of youth education and youth work; to enhance the skills development of these youth workers; and in turn help the participating organisation to increase their capacities further. The training course is built on the idea of multip ...
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Second National Selection Conference of EYP Slovenia

Date du début: 1 mai 2016, Date de fin: 31 oct. 2016,

The Second National Conference of the European Youth Parliament Slovenia in Ljubljana is an event made by youth for youth.Together 150 participants will 5 days work on finding solutions to the most current European problems and at the same time enjoy the culturally different environment. The youth will get a chance to work in an international envrionment and develop their pontentials. The Conferen ...
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International Session of the European Youth Parliament in Rennes

Date du début: 1 juil. 2015, Date de fin: 30 sept. 2016,

In a current context particularly marked by the high stakes related to active citizenship, the need of a more active implication in public debate by citizens, the acceptance of diversity, equality and unity in front of common societal challenges, we believe that an increased attention should be given to raising awareness and enhancing civic education of the young generation, in an effort to make y ...
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Donner les moyens aux jeunes de prendre part aux décisions qui les concernent

Date du début: 15 janv. 2015, Date de fin: 14 juil. 2016,

European Youth Parliament-France wishes to implement a more sizeable, wider and innovative project, based on its determination, on one side - to give opportunities to the young participants in its activities to explore in depth the crucial topics they address and consequently put forward pertinent solutions to tackle the issues discussed, and, on the other side – to involve considerably more the d ...
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International Session of the European Youth Parliament in Belfast/Dublin

Date du début: 1 août 2015, Date de fin: 31 mai 2016,

Under the theme “Crossing Borders, Transcending Conflict”, the International Session of the European Youth Parliament in Belfast/Dublin will bring together 330 young participants from 34 European countries, including local youth from Belfast. The theme highlights the historical background to the event, as well as the impact events like this can have on participants, including their direct and indi ...
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National Session of EYP Finland in Lahti

Date du début: 1 août 2015, Date de fin: 31 mars 2016,

Our project, National Session of EYP Finland in Lahti is a huge project which takes place 8.1.2016-11.1.2016. The project started by selecting the two Head Organisers for the session. Head Organisers are in charge of budgeting, fundraising, reserving the venues and planning the actual session. The Board of EYP Finland is guiding and supervising the project f.ex. in financial matters. Our objective ...
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Training Course for Multipliers in European Youth Participation

Date du début: 1 févr. 2015, Date de fin: 30 nov. 2015,

The ‘Multipliers in European Youth Participation’ project aimed at strengthening the skills and competences of youth workers of partner organisations in 33 countries by providing the participants both basic and deepened knowledge on the corner stones and the development of the organisational work of international youth organisations. By bringing together a diverse and international group of nearly ...
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Share, Learn, Multiply – Facilitating European Youth Training

Date du début: 1 mai 2015, Date de fin: 1 nov. 2015,

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European Forum Pilsen 2015

Date du début: 1 août 2015, Date de fin: 31 oct. 2015,

European Forum Pilsen 2015 was a seven-day event, organised by Evropský parlament mládeže v ČR, z.s., (EYP CZ) which took place in the city of Pilsen, European Capital of Culture 2015. This Forum gathered around 100 young Europeans from various European countries in order to discuss current political issues. The main objective of this conference was to support the development of young people into ...
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International Session of the European Youth Parliament in Tampere

Date du début: 1 sept. 2014, Date de fin: 31 oct. 2015,

The International Session of the European Youth Parliament in Tampere (IS Tampere) brought together 242 young participants from 31 European countries, including local youth from Finland. This includes participants from 5 partner countries who were not a formal part of this Erasmus+ project and their participation was funded by other partners. The project showed the impact that an event like this c ...
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Hiber 2015- 4º Forum Internacional EYPE

Date du début: 1 déc. 2014, Date de fin: 1 sept. 2015,

Hiber 2015, 4th International Forum of the European Youth Parliament Spain brought together 149 youngsters aged between 16 and 22 in the city of Zaragoza (Spain) in July 2015. Youngsters from 13 different European countries (not only EU Member States) took part in this session, in order to discuss some current European issues. The participants were divided into 10 different groups in which they wo ...
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Paneldiscussies EYP-Europolis Belgium Nationale Sessies

Date du début: 1 janv. 2015, Date de fin: 31 août 2015,

EUfrasie vzw is a Belgian non-profit organisation, aiming to raise awareness on European issues and to encourage active EU citizenship of the Belgian youth. Using methods that have been developed within our organisation and in cooperation with the international EYP network, the organisation uses a unique approach to stimulate both the personal development and independent thinking of the participat ...
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25. Nationale Auswahlsitzung in Passau

Date du début: 1 mai 2015, Date de fin: 31 août 2015,

In 2015, the European Youth Parliament in Germany (EYP) looks back at 25 years of successful educational work. The 25th National Selection Conference of the EYP is taking place in Passau from May 26th until June 2nd 2015. German 10th to 12th-grade students from all educational backgrounds, as well as apprentices aged 16 to 22-years-old experience democratic decision making first hand together with ...
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Ljubljana 2015 - 1st National selection conference of EYP Slovenia

Date du début: 28 févr. 2015, Date de fin: 27 août 2015,

Ljubljana 2015 ? 1st National selection conference of European youth parliament of Slovenia, the event made by youth for youth will bring together 100 young participants from 8 European countries, including youth from all around Slovenia. In this four day event young delegates from all over Europe will have a chance to meet their peers, work together in international teams, exchange ideas and expe ...
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International Session of the European Youth Parliament in İzmir

Date du début: 1 janv. 2015, Date de fin: 30 juin 2015,

The International Session of the European Youth Parliament in İzmir (IS İzmir) brought together 240 young participants from 26 European countries, including local youth from Turkey. Additional partners from 5 other countries were included, but were not a formal part of this Erasmus+ project, their participation was funded by other partners. The project showed the impact that an event like this can ...
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Amsterdam2015: International Forum of EYP The Netherlands

Date du début: 1 août 2014, Date de fin: 31 mai 2015,

EYP The Netherlands is a non-partisan apolitical organisation that aims to provide informal political education to European youngsters, and through simulating the European Parliament seeks to provide them with a platform to debate European issues, and to promote their active participation in society. Having organised large international conferences before, a group of six individuals started prepar ...
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Cork 2014 - The First International Forum of the European Youth Parliament Ireland

Date du début: 1 sept. 2014, Date de fin: 1 déc. 2014,

The project “International Forum of the European Youth Parliament in Cork”, under the theme "Green Light for Technology and Innovation" will create a unique forum for eight working days consisting of almost 200 young people between 16 and 22 years of age from over 15 European countries as well as local youth from Ireland. Participants will experience parliamentary democracy first-hand and articu ...
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Learn to Share – Training for Trainers

Date du début: 1 août 2014, Date de fin: 31 oct. 2014,

The ‘Learn to share – Training for Trainers’ project aims at strengthening the European Youth Parliament network and the network of project partners towards a training-based organisation, while at the same time offering young volunteers better tools in planning, running and organising training events. 20 new young volunteers will be introduced to training, and trained as trainers, to join the EYP ...
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Under the theme Walking Towards a Common European Spirit, the International Session of the European Youth Parliament in Barcelona will bring together 240 young participants from 28 European countries, including local youth from Barcelona and Spain. The theme highlights the wish to work towards a common European identity in all fields with a stress on the importance of culture in this process. Duri ...
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The project “Session of the Euro-Mediterranean Youth Parliament in Stockholm" will create a unique meeting place for seven working days gathering in total 100 young people between 18 and 25 years of age from 15 European and MEDA countries as well as local youth from Sweden. They will experience parliamentary democracy first-hand in a multicultural setting and discuss current issues as well practic ...
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European Youth Parliament

Date du début: 1 nov. 2011,

For the young people, teachers and researchers of the consortium with partners in 25 countries, it is clear that only a more integrated Europe can achieve the EU 2020 goals with active citizens participating in this process. We therefore share the assessment of the Education and Training 2020 work programme that the EU has to take major steps to meet its targets especially with regard to the promo ...
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