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23 projets européens trouvés

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eCOOLes jobshadowing (Cooperative offene Lernfornformen mit elektronischen Medien)

Date du début: 5 sept. 2016, Date de fin: 4 sept. 2018,

Bundeshandelsakademie Wien 22 („") is one of the biggest business schools in Vienna. We offer economic expertise and a substantial general education, two elements which contribute to a successful future for our students.The focus of the school is on management, languages and media. Our students can graduate after five years with a school-leaving examination diploma that ...
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GRITFIS “DIVIDED WE FALL, TOGETHER WE STAND. IMPROVING STRATEGIES IN EUROPEAN SCHOOLS AND TEACHER TRAINING CENTRES TO PREVENT BULLYING AND DISCRIMINATION ACROSS EUROPE” is the name of the project which main aim is prevention of bullying and ethnic, religious and economical related exclusión in the field of Education in Europe. The applying organization is Centro de Profesorado in Málaga (Andalus ...
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Matka muutokseen, eväitä Euroopasta

Date du début: 3 juil. 2016, Date de fin: 2 juil. 2018,

Ymmersta School is a primary school with about 350 pupils and 30 staff members. The school is known as a developer of teaching literature and the pedagogic use of school libraries. Every year there are numerous domestic and international visitors who are interested in this area of expertese. A new generation is about to take over that area of expertise therefore it would be important we could send ...
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Connecting People

Date du début: 1 juil. 2016, Date de fin: 30 juin 2018,

Connecting PeopleTähtiniitty school is one school with many faces. In our school there are main stream classes from 1st to 6th grade where the language of instruction is Finnish. We also have main stream classes from 1st to 6th grade where the language of instruction is both Finnish and English. We have Special Needs classes for children with severe learning difficulties such as Down Syndrom etc. ...
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EU experience for nursing students and teachers

Date du début: 1 juin 2016, Date de fin: 31 mai 2018,

The applying organization is Secondary School of Nursing Ljubljana with 90 employees, aproximately 950 students in youth education and 250 students in adult education unit. The school offers two programmes: health care and nursing assistant. So far, the school has been involved as a partner organization in two mobilty projects with SŠFKZ and co-ordinated an LdV VETPRO mobility project. This projec ...
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Moving Europe Moving oneself and each other through sports, art and culture across borders in EU. The project is cooperation between three special schools from Denmark, Finland and Germany and between the free time organizations there are cooperating with. The pupils participating in the project have the following characteristics: They take part in primary/lower secondary education (age group 12- ...
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"Profesionālā pilnveide konkurētspējas paaugstināšanai Eiropā""

Date du début: 1 sept. 2015, Date de fin: 31 août 2017,

...ugal. 2. Istituto di Istruzione Superiore Cattaneo - Italy. 3. Glasgow Kelvin College - United Kingdom. 4. Stedelijk instituut voor handel en ambachten - Belgium. 5. VANTAAN KAUPUNKI - Finland. 6. ESPOON SEUDUN KOULUTUSKUNTAYHTYMA OMNIA - Finland. LDMV professional subject teachers, practice specialists and career counselor - totaly 12 persons - will go in 5 flows to Italy, Belgium, United Kingdo ...
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La mobilité européenne, un tremplin pour la formation professionnelle

Date du début: 1 juin 2015, Date de fin: 31 mai 2017,

CONTEXT ET OBJECTIVES SEPR has been developing a voluntarist policy for 25 years in order to allow students to have a vocational and personal experience abroad and to give an international standing to their studies. The aim is also to fight against youth unemployment and youth drop-out. Objectives for the students : - Learning further vocational skills - Learning new foreign langages - Getting ne ...
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An increasing share of children attending early education in Espoo comes from diverse cultural and linguistic backgrounds. The task of early education is to support the growth, development and learning of children so that children learn Finnish and can begin school in general classes in basic education. This paves the way for a smooth integration into the Finnish society.In the project “Developing ...
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Going international with SDE College for practical training and education

Date du début: 1 juin 2015, Date de fin: 31 mai 2017,

SDE College wants to develop its existing efforts in international mobility and put forth an extensive and thorough framework for international mobility. Europe will in the coming years face challenges like demographic change, higher unemployment, skill gaps, a need for a higher skill level, less and less traditional training, problems with retention of students, youth unemployment and a lack of a ...
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Nurtured by Nature

Date du début: 2 mai 2016, Date de fin: 1 mars 2017,

The theme of this project is nature and environment, respecting it and the opportunities it presents to support of our own well-being. The theme of this project was decided by the young people who participated in our Youth Exchange in Malta last year. The new project will also be done as a Youth Exchange in Espoo, Finland this time. The theme of our previous joint project was tolerance and the con ...
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Toiminnalliset menetelmät erilaisten oppijoiden tukena

Date du début: 31 déc. 2014, Date de fin: 30 déc. 2016,

The main goal of this first Erasmus project of our school was to prepare our staff for implementing the new National Core Curriculum (2016). In the critical phase of a curriculum reform all members of the teaching staff, young as well as more experienced, are facing great challenges. Some of the key goals of the reform include enhancing pupil participation. Therefore our focus was on gaining skil ...
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Quality Enhancement of Mobilities using ECVET

Date du début: 1 oct. 2014, Date de fin: 30 sept. 2016,

Tartu Vocational Education Centre (TVEC) where 3500 students or approximately 14% of Estonian students learning a trade either after basic or secondary school attend studies on a daily basis, is the largest institution providing vocational education in Estonia. Due to the impressive number of students we have an influential role in Estonian economy which means a great deal of responsibility. The n ...
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Through the ENIGMA project, 5 cities from Sweden, Finland, Italy,The Netherlands and Norway will initiate a joint Pre-Competitive Procurement process leading to the procurement of innovative solutions and radical improvements for these and other cities' urban safety and energy efficiency using next generation ICT applications in the context of innovative public lighting systems in part of their ci ...
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Opso Pro Metropolitan 2014-2016

Date du début: 1 août 2014, Date de fin: 31 juil. 2016,

Opso Pro Metropolitan 2104-2016 is a multidiciplinary networking project of four organizers of Apprenticeships. The coordinator is Helsinki Vocational College and sending bureaus of Apprenticeships are in Helsinki Vocational College, Omnia, Keuda and OSAO. Opso Pro Metropolitan 2014-2016 is one of the two regional projects under the umbrella of the Finnish Association of Organizers of Apprenticesh ...
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Crafts 'n' Skilss

Date du début: 1 août 2014, Date de fin: 31 juil. 2016,

The project Crafts 'n' Skills is based on the mobility projects APC 2, APC 3 and APC 4 (2008-2012) realised by Taitumo-network and coordinated back then by LPKKY/IKATA. The participants of the project are students of 8 Finnish colleges of the cultural field. These colleges have worked as a network since 2007 albeit some members have changed. The success of the earlier projects proves the effectiv ...
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Yksi koulu, monet kasvot

Date du début: 28 juin 2014, Date de fin: 27 juin 2016,

One School Many Faces Tähtiniitty school is one school with many faces. In our school there are main stream classes from 1st to 6th grade where the language of instruction is Finnish. We also have main stream classes from 1st to 6th grade where the language of instruction is both Finnish and English. We have Special Needs classes for children with severe learning disabilities such as Down Syndrom ...
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Crossing the National Borders - Working Possibilities in Europe

Date du début: 1 juin 2014, Date de fin: 31 mai 2016,

A two year long project is organized and coordinated by Srednja šola za farmacijo, kozmetiko in zdravstvo (SŠFKZ - Secondary School for Pharmacy, Cosmetics and Health Care) from Ljubljana, Slovenija in the partnership with Srednja zdravstvena šola Ljubljana (SZŠ - Secondary School of Nursing Ljubljana). Project includes seven educational institutions with five study programs (beauty therapist, ph ...
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Amazing Tolerance Race

Date du début: 4 mai 2015, Date de fin: 3 mars 2016,

Youth Services of the city of Espoo and NGO PRISMS Malta has organised a youth exchange in Malta during 10.8.-17.8.2015. A total of 38 participants attended. From Finland there were 15 young people and three leaders and from Malta there were 17 young people and 3 leaders who took part in the youth exchange project. APV was 30th of June - 2nd of July 2015 in Malta and present was a contact person ...
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La mobilité européenne, un tremplin pour la formation professionnelle

Date du début: 1 sept. 2014, Date de fin: 31 août 2015,

CONTEXT ET OBJECTIVES SEPR has been developing a voluntarist policy for 25 years in order to allow students to have a vocational and personal experience abroad. SEPR works in the framework of the Leonardo da Vinci program since 2001 et was awarded with the Leonardo certificate in 2012. The present project aims more particularly our vocational highschool students. The objectives for the students ar ...
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Date du début: 1 sept. 2014, Date de fin: 1 juin 2015,

" Seeds of Europe" , is a European Voluntary project based on sociocultural revitalization and environmental education , through a series of community urban gardens, environmental education workshops and promotion of healthy leisure habits . Through these three complementary lines of action we want to work with the youth population of the municipality of La Laguna , using tools of non-formal educa ...
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Goals of the project:Learning supporters / quality managers are qualified to support training-on-the-job in nursing homes1.1 Learning supporter (LS)is informed about qualification necessities from the point of view of wearers, qualified personnel and science.1.2 LS evaluates his competences and is informed about educational facilities to improve them.2.1 LS is qualified to asses educational demand ...
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Goals of the project:Learning supporters / quality managers are qualified to support training-on-the-job in nursing homes1.1 Learning supporter (LS)is informed about qualification necessities from the point of view of wearers, qualified personnel and science.1.2 LS evaluates his competences and is informed about educational facilities to improve them.2.1 LS is qualified to asses educational demand ...
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