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19 projets européens trouvés

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Millennium: New Trends and Challenges in Human Rights Education for Youth

Date du début: 18 mai 2016, Date de fin: 17 mars 2017,

“Millennium: New Trends and Challenges in Human Rights Education for youth” is an international training course developed to fill the gap of information and knowledge of youth workers, leaders and activists, about human rights in a youth perspective. We want to transfer to the 30 participants from 10 different EU countries taking part in the TC, to be held in the dates 9-16 December 2016 in Caglia ...
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Inclusion as a basis for equality

Date du début: 9 mai 2016, Date de fin: 8 janv. 2017,

“Inclusion as a basis for equality” - is a training course that will take place near Amsterdam, the Netherlands during 3-8 of October 2016. TC will gather 27 participants + 1 trainer + 1 facilitator + 2 support staff from 9 Programme countries : The Netherlands, Latvia, Turkey, Italy, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Belgium, Estonia and Malta.After recognition that a problem of social exclusion as ex ...
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Mosaic Of Inclusion

Date du début: 1 mai 2016, Date de fin: 31 déc. 2016,

The 'Mosaic of Inclusion' is a youth exchange that will bring together 36 young people (5 participants from 3 EU and 3 EaP partners from different countries, plus 1 youth leader for each country). Which will be held in Lviv, Ukraine from the 1st to the 6th of August 2016. The participants will come from backgrounds that have been linked with social exclusion such as those who have dropped out of s ...
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Improve your skills - raise employability

Date du début: 18 janv. 2016, Date de fin: 17 oct. 2016,

"Improve Your Skills - Raise Employability” is a training course that will take place in Berlin (Germany) between 15-21 of May 2016.TC will gather 28 participants + 1 trainer + 1 facilitator + 2 support staff from 9 EU countries: Germany, Latvia, Turkey, Hungary, Romania, Italy, Bulgaria, Greece and Portugal.Participants for this TC will be active and motivated youth workers, youth leaders and ...
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Conecting GeneratiON

Date du début: 1 mai 2016, Date de fin: 30 sept. 2016,

"Conecting GeneratiON" The project aims to be an international seminar of youth workers from 7 different countries to exchange good practices and reflections on the possibilities offered by intergenerational exchange of skills between young and old. Key skills of life and human development. Employability skills for youth, based on experience. Experience provided and shared by the elderly. Culture ...
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YW-Youth Peace Ambassadors – Combating Hate Online & Offline

Date du début: 1 août 2015, Date de fin: 31 juil. 2016,

"Youth Peace Ambassadors – Combating Hate online & Offline" is a two phase project taking place in Oslo, Norway December 2015, and in Cagliari, Italy in April, 2016 that is an outcome of a long-term cooperation of the partner organizations on the topic of Hate Speech on-line. The main aim of this training course is to combat online discrimination, such as hate speech, bouling in Europe, especially ...
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Understand Social Inclusion with European's Youth Fusion

Date du début: 1 janv. 2016, Date de fin: 30 juin 2016,

The mains aims of the project will be to introduce Europeans youth to the topics of social inclusion, to share them countries's realities about the issue, to improve them relationship skills and awareness of European society through non formal education. This youth exchange titled "Understand Social Inclusion with European's Youth Fusion" will be developped in the Can Parellada residence of Dian ...
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Break A Brick- Youth Against Social Exclusion

Date du début: 1 août 2015, Date de fin: 31 mars 2016,

"Break A Brick- Youth Against Social Exclusion " is a training course that took place in Tallinn, Estonia on 8-15th of November 2015. The training course gathered 27 participants from 8 European countries. Each Organization sent youth workers, youth leaders and volunteers who work with young people and wanted to learn about or develop their skills, in order to promote and launch new quality projec ...
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Time To Change Habits - Alışkanlıkları Değiştirme Vakti

Date du début: 4 mai 2015, Date de fin: 3 mars 2016,

Our main aim is to gather young people from disadvantaged backgrounds and organize several meetings with youngstres about obesity and its negative influences on young generation. We are intending to find out the reasons of obesity, the effects on young people’s physic and psychology, and to search the outcomes of obesity on youth which have made a global effect on our age without making any cu ...
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Equal Inclusion for a Gold Future

Date du début: 1 mai 2015, Date de fin: 29 févr. 2016,

The TC was held 21-28 October 2015 in Porto, Portugal. TC gather 30 participants + 2 trainers, 1 facilitator and 2 support staff from 10 countries: Portugal, Italy, Romania, Slovenia, Latvia, Spain, Bulgaria, Turkey, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Greece. Social exclusion is a major social problem of our time, which has replaced the "old notions of" poverty and marginalization. Social exclusion is of ...
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Growing up tolerance, destroying exclusion.

Date du début: 19 mars 2015, Date de fin: 19 nov. 2015,

?Growing up tolerance, destroying exclusion? - was a training course that took place in Liepaja, Latvia during 11-19 of June 2015. TC gathered 27 participants + 1 trainer + 1 facilitator + 3 support staff from 9 Programme countries : Latvia, Romania, Turkey, Italy, Czech Republic, Spain, Greece, Poland, Bulgaria. After recognition that a problem of social exclusion as existing and more or less ac ...
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Business in Britain

Date du début: 1 sept. 2014, Date de fin: 31 août 2015,

This project aims to discuss ways to develop social and business entrepreneurial skills for young people living in the rural areas through showcasing examples of successful businesses and enterprises developed by young people in rural areas around EU and programme countries. We will share the experience and discuss the skills needed for young people to create their own job opportunities and how it ...
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Youth Leaders+

Date du début: 15 janv. 2015, Date de fin: 14 août 2015,

The project “Youth Leaders +” is a Training Course under the Key Actions 1 of Erasmus+ Programme aimed to equip youth workers and leaders working with minority youth with the tools to empower them with leadership skills, enabling minority youngsters to participate actively in the international and local community. In particular the project’s aim is to empower youth workers that work with young peo ...
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Empowering Young Disabled People to Take Action in Europe

Date du début: 17 juin 2014, Date de fin: 16 juin 2015,

Act Global feel that one of the core pillars of youth work is inclusion. During the course "Empowering Young Disabled People to Take Action in Europe" we will be demonstrating how to engage visually impaired and disabled young people into general youth work practice. We will demonstrate how they as youth workers can make their intervention more inclusive. Our course will teach best practice method ...
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“Tools for successful leadership - from vision to reality”

Date du début: 1 août 2014, Date de fin: 28 févr. 2015,

“Tools for successful leadrership - from vision to reality” is a 7 days training course constructed acording the needs of young society and directed to youth workers and youth activists. This course between 9 Eu countries will take place in Kaunas, Lithuania and will involve 27 participants- youth workers and activists,two trainers and two support staff experienced in the field of youth work ...
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Active unit - social changes

Date du début: 1 juin 2013,

Active unit - social changes! was a youth exchange between 7 different countries that was realized by young active people in Cyprus. This project brought together 42 youngsters from different background among EU countries to act together as a team. The mission of this one week of youth exchanges was to spread information about EU opportunities for young people and to empower them to be active ...
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The project aims to improve the teaching practice regarding entrepreneurship in higher education at large, as well as facilitating entrepreneurship fostering in practice. This will be achieved by the creation of the new e-course curricula in entrepreneurship at all levels of higher education in all the consortium members. Also, the quality of the curricula and its delivery will be standardized and ...
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Our time is full of daily changes, be it the European financial crisis, environmental desasters or masses of protesters demonstrating for their rights.Changes bring along conflict potential and most of the people cannot understand what happens around them or they interpret things negatively. This is the reason why we want to bring together young people from all over Europe in order to deal in a cr ...
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Minor changes were effected following the initial application and these were related to i) the composition of thetrainer team and ii) the composition of participants from two promoters.i) In the initial application the trainers’ team consisted of one trainer from Greece (Paidia en Drasei - Kids inAction) and one trainer from Spain (Neagenia Intercultural). Due to last minute personal commitments b ...
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