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The NURSLIN project is a breakthrough initiative to identify common denominators in the academic sectors in Uzbekistan. The wider objective is to approach the Uzbek higher education to real needs of economic and social development of the country. The specific objectives are the following: - establishing of the National Committee on QF in Uzbekistan, together with the national Ministry of Educatio ...
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...HEIs and national QA body through training of staff to use QA tools, establishment of organizational QA infrastructure and piloting internal and external QA models-Low level of student involvement in university self-assessment processes-Need to make the self-assessment mechanism an integral part of university functioning With a new Law on Higher Education of Ukraine that came into force in Septemb ...
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Visual Privacy Management in User Centric Open Environments (VisiOn)

Date du début: 1 juil. 2015, Date de fin: 30 juin 2017,

Public Administration (PA) authorities are working towards upgrading the level of their online services through new governance models such as the Open Government. This pushes for greater transparency, accountability and innovation aiming at increasing citizen levels of confidence and trust in PA online services. In this context, user data privacy is an important issue. VisiOn will deliver a high T ...
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Quantification of ecological services for sustainable agriculture (QUESSA)

Date du début: 1 févr. 2013, Date de fin: 31 janv. 2017,

"The project aims to identify the key semi-natural habitats (SNH), outside and within crops, providing essential ecological services (ES). Vegetation traits will be linked to potential ES provision, case studies will measure actual ES levels and inform models which will show unused opportunities and trade-offs among ES by SNH from habitat to landscape scale. This will be achieved for a range of re ...
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Miniaturisation, progress with energy issues and cost reductions have resulted in rapid growth in deployment of networked devices and sensors, very strongly connecting the internet with the physical world. With wide adoption of smartphones and social media, also people have become key sources of information about the physical world, corresponding events and the intents and plans of many individual ...
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...pport systems integration schemes and control the production models. Industrial mathematics is among the next generation methodologies in R&D and knowledge management. This presents a challenge for university education, curriculum development, training practices and research collaboration. With the main aim to contribute addressing these challenges, the project develops and integrates a research t ...
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Sustainable Entrepreneurship - A Game-Based Exploration for Lower Secondary Schools

Date du début: 1 déc. 2014, Date de fin: 30 nov. 2016,

The main objective of the SUSEN project is the creation of an innovative game-based and student-centred learning programme for lower secondary schools. The result will be to ensure the acquisition of key competences with a focus on entrepreneurship which is seen as a key competence itself in the European strategic framework ET 2020. A strategic game will be the core of the SUSEN learning arrangem ...
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REVEALing hidden concepts in Social Media (REVEAL)

Date du début: 1 nov. 2013, Date de fin: 31 oct. 2016,

Description Revealing hidden concepts in social media.The world of media and communication is currently experiencing enormous disruptions: from one-way communication and word of mouth exchanges, we have moved to bi- or multidirectional communication patterns. No longer can a selected few (e.g. media organisations and controllers of commun ...
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Data Insights for Policy Makers and Citizens (SENSE4US)

Date du début: 1 oct. 2013, Date de fin: 30 sept. 2016,

Making and implementing policy at any level of government is fraught with difficulty. The impact of decisions made are not always obvious at the time the policy is formulated or enacted, and any short-comings of the policy become known too late to change it. This is not due to a lack of information, it is due to the difficulty of finding and aggregating the right data out of the sea of information ...
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eGovPoliNet sets up an international community in ICT solutions for governance and policy modelling. The international community of researchers and practitioners will share and advance research and insights from practical cases around the world. To achieve this, eGovPoliNet will build on experiences accumulated by leading actors bringing together the innovative knowledge of the field. Capabilities ...
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Description Enhanced discovery, analysis, retrieval of newsworthy and high-quality content in social media sources to assist news, event professionals to improve the experience of news readers and event goers.SocialSensor offers technologies for analyzing the activity in social networks with the goal of discovering trending and high-quali ...
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Description Understanding, Preserving and Predicting the Value of Online Communities.Online communities generate major economic value and form pivotal parts of corporate expertise management, marketing, product support, CRM, product innovation and advertising. Communities can exceed millions of users and infrastructures must support hundr ...
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A Network for Enabling Networked Knowledge (Net2)

Date du début: 1 juil. 2010, Date de fin: 30 juin 2013,

The Web has enabled information creation and dissemination, but has also opened the information floodgates. The enormous amount of information available has made it increasingly difficult to find, access, present and maintain the information required. As a consequence, we are drowning in information and starving for knowledge. New methods are required to manage and provide access to the world’s kn ...
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Open Collaboration in Policy Modelling (OCOPOMO)

Date du début: 1 janv. 2010, Date de fin: 30 avr. 2013,

OCOPOMO addresses two levels of scientific and technological advancements:1)\tSocio-political: to formulate, model, evaluate and monitor social and economic policies of governments, which are supported by2)\tScientific and technological innovations: drawing together lessons and practical techniques from complexity science, agent based social simulation, foresight scenario analysis and advanced ICT ...
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Date du début: 1 févr. 2009, Date de fin: 31 janv. 2013,

Description ROLE is developing a highly responsive learning environment, the elements of which can be combined by the learner to generate new components and functionalities, for self-regulated and social learningROLE's cross-disciplinary innovations will deliver and test prototypes of highly responsive technology-enhanced learning environ ...
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We.Gov - Where eGovernment meets the eSociety (WeGov)

Date du début: 1 janv. 2010, Date de fin: 30 sept. 2012,

Social networking technology provides major new opportunities for policy makers (eGovernment) to engage with the community (eSociety). WeGov will develop a toolset so full advantage can be taken of well established social networking sites (Facebook, Twitter, Bebo, WordPress etc.) when engaging citizens in two-way dialogs as part of governance and policy-making processes. The tools will make it pos ...
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Pan European Public Procurement OnLine (PEPPOL) (PEPPOL)

Date du début: 1 mai 2008, Date de fin: 31 août 2012,

Description eProcurement - Opening doors to cross-border business Many EU countries use electronic procurement (eProcurement) to make bidding for public sector contracts simpler and more efficient. However, these national solutions have limited communication across borders. PEPPOL will make electronic communication between companies and g ...
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Trusted Architecture for Securely Shared Services (TAS3)

Date du début: 1 janv. 2008, Date de fin: 31 déc. 2011,

The TAS3 (Trusted Architecture for Securely Shared Services) proposes an Integrated Project that will develop and implement an architecture with trusted services to manage and process distributed personal information. This architecture will be dependable, robust but at the same time also cost-effective and reliable. The personal information that will be processed and managed can consist of any typ ...
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Marrying Ontology and Software Technology (MOST)

Date du début: 1 févr. 2008, Date de fin: 30 avr. 2011,

MOST will improve software engineering by leveraging ontology and reasoning technology. To reach this goal, a seamless integration of ontology technology into model-driven software development (MDSD) will be realized, resulting in ontology-driven software development (ODSD). This concerns the integration of all involved artefacts (ontology and modelling languages, models, tools), as well as the de ...
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Description Novel techniques for generating different layers of intelligenceWeKnowIt aims to develop techniques for exploiting multiple layers of intelligence from user-contributed content, which together constitute Collective Intelligence. The project will provide technology able to support a paradigm shift, establishing a foundation for ...
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Governments struggle to regulate an increasingly interdependent and complex world, as the financial crisis has shown. At the same time, citizens are becoming more vocal in monitoring and influencing policy decisions. Future scenarios are likely to show greater complexity and citizens' involvement. Current ICT tools for collaborative governance and policy modelling start to show great opportunities ...
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Background Pesticides are one of the main sources of water pollution and aquatic environment degradation in agricultural areas. Approximately 320 000 tonnes of pesticides are sold every year in the EU, mainly to the agricultural industry. Agricultural pesticides find their way into water and sediments, threatening the sustainability of Europe’s water re ...
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The project aims at helping trainers to cope with bullying at school (as a very important aspect in students’ performance) by means of two key phases: gather and analyse good practices; propose a training methodology to train trainers. The main objective of this methodology is to provide the base for the development of a training curriculum that, adapted to the different training characteristics ( ...
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More & more adults lack in personal, social & management skills which are basic conditions for successful LLL. Particularly socially disadvantaged persons take rarely part in adult education offerings. Few offers exist that give adults the opportunity to get trained in basic skills within a protected environment. Furthermore there's a lack of knowledge on the part of staff how to support these ski ...
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Cyberbullying is a new form of school bullying that involves the use of electronic devices such as e-mail, instant messaging, chat rooms, mobiles, or other forms of information technology. In contrast to other forms of bullying, it reaches a far wider audience at rapid speed, transcending boundaries of time, and physical and personal space. The CyberTraining-4-Parents project aims at providing in- ...
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I Am Not Scared

Date du début: 1 nov. 2010,

ContextThe bullying phenomenon is a main challenge that all European educational systems have to deal with. Despite many initiatives: - The main information and experiences related to the understanding of bullying have been developed through a mainly Top-Bottom approach. - The standard of the researches and initiatives is not homogeneous at European level - National approaches are still prevalent ...
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 TERMINÉ geomedia in schools

Date du début: 1 nov. 2010,

There are pockets of activity in using geo-media with geoinformation (GI) and Geographical Information Systems (GIS). Two Comenius projects supported some developments. Those involved are not networked, so the project will do this and be a place for new initiatives. An early focus will be the founding of a European Centre. This will be based at the Austrian Centre of Excellence, di ...
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The project Promoting Internationalization and Comparability of Quality Assurance in Higher Education (PICQA) aims at enhancing the quality of higher education in Armenia and Georgia by promoting internal and external quality assurance systems which are acceptable both regionally and internationally. In a first line of action, the quality expectations for the systems to be built in Georgia and Arm ...
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Placing quality culture at the forefront of a university's strategy demands changes in daily practices of all the units concerned with education quality and move from presently more or less accidentally- and individually-oriented work processes towards the quality assurance leading to recognition of credentials at international level. Considering self-assessment the heart of quality provisions the ...
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...dures, staff recruitment and appointment procedures, learning resources and students support. Information computer system will be an important instrument of collecting and analyzing information about university activities.For real introduction of mentioned approaches, a national Agency (for education quality assurance, internal assessment and external review) will be established. One of important ...
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A Transatlantic Dual Masters degree in ICV

Date du début: 16 sept. 2010,

...e science, applied computer graphics, communication, education, and business emerging from the ubiquity of visualization tools and media in international commerce. Studying a year at California State University-Chico (CSUC) USA, and a semester each at Pierre-Mendes-France University, Grenoble II (UMPF) France and University of Koblenz-Landau (UOKL) Germany, students will attend lectures, work with ...
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Multiliteracy virtual

Date du début: 1 janv. 2011,

The two major changes in our society emphasized by the scholars-members of the New London Group (1996: 64), are the rapid change of new communications media and the steady growth of cultural and linguistc diversity. These changes force us, as educators, to rethink literacy learning and teaching in the sense of a pedagogy of multiliteracies. Against this background the work with multilingual talkin ...
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Nowadays, the increasingly changing and updating new technologies have burst into the training environment allowing the development and experimentation of innovative methodologies very successfully. While the lifelong learning culture consolidates in the European SMEs, the application of these innovative training methodologies gives adjusted, customised and no-limited (in terms of time and space) ...
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...ject implementation: two institutions with a broad experience on the subject tackle by the project (ASIMAG and PREVENT), a technological partner (INFOART) who developed the learning platform, a university (ZEPF) that works in the methodological development for preventing any unhealth phycosocial situation, and finally a public institution that support the decission makers throuh the social researc ...
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...the bullying issue amongst the target group but also in the diversity and experience of the six partners representing three organisations who are delivering services for people with disabilities, one University, a centre for Educational research and a specialist multi-media consultancy SME. Each partner has been specially selected for:- Their specific VET expertise- Experience in working with p ...
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This project is a multi-country approach to the problem of lack of regional and local administrative staff trained in ICT, by creating a network of Educational Centres. These would offer mainly training courses but also act as resource centres for local administrations. The project will create Educational Certers' Network for retraining the administrative staff of the cooperating region administra ...
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This P2T 2.0 project transferred the innovation of the previously successful Passport to Trade Project (P2T) by:a) increasing the number of European countries covered by the existing P2T project website from 25 to 31 countries by b) augmenting the resource with social media guidesc) adding guidelines and training material on industrial placements for both SMEs and placement ...
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The aim of this project is to identify the training and educational needs of employees inboth public and private sector and university students regarding enterprise architecture(EA) and to fulfil these using innovative pedagogies and practices based on Web 2.0technologies and active, problem-based learning approaches.The main outputs of this project includes:An EA learning ontology that will inclu ...
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Proposed QANTUS project aims at preparation of sectoral Qualifications Frameworks for Environmental Science. It will contribute towards wider objective “Enhancement of quality and relevance of higher education in Ukraine and increasing convergence with EU developments through elaboration of qualifications frameworks”. Three specific project objectives are:1. Analyses of existing standards and meth ...
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MAHATMA (MASTER IN HIGHER EDUCATION MANAGEMENT: DEVELOPING LEADERS FOR MANAGING EDUCATIONAL TRANSFORMATION) is a three-year multi-country joint project, under the EACEA N° 25/2011, 5th call and Curricular Reform action. MAHATMA’s wider objective is to promote transformation of higher education management in Armenia and Georgia through introduction of a new Master’s programme/professional developme ...
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