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Acteurs du territoire pour une éducation à la citoyenneté mondiale

Date du début: 1 sept. 2015, Date de fin: 31 août 2018,

Education for Global Citizenship gives keys to understanding environmental, economic, social and cultural interdependencies all over the world, and contributes to the education of citizens. It strengthens social cohesion and capacity to act of the people.Carried out in many European countries by motivated teachers, informal education organizations and local authorities, it is still fragmented, sca ...
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EU is dependent on the import of Raw Materials, if we consider that in Europe there are between 150K to 500K highly variable landfills, it is easy to understand that the SRM potential of various landfills is significant. Valuable Raw Materials disposed in landfills are mostly lost due to inefficient waste management practices. Existing knowledge, reporting standards and inventory on SRM seems to b ...
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Cloudopting (CloudOpting)

Date du début: 1 mars 2014, Date de fin: 28 févr. 2017,

Current situation\n\nThe Smart City concept and the idea of making an efficient use of the data generated by citizens in their daily activities have been around for almost a decade. In a middle-term view, cities were expected to turn into places where both everyday lives would be pretty much easier and connections between citizens much more useful.\n\nHowever, despite its potential, very few succe ...
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Innovation Support Services for SMEs in North West Italy (ALPS.INN3)

Date du début: 1 janv. 2015, Date de fin: 31 déc. 2016,

The project, whose geographical coverage will be North-West Italy (3 regions : Piemonte Liguria and Valle d’Aosta) aims at implementing a specific framework service for supporting SMEs in the innovation management capacity . The service, delivered through provision of 96 individual companies’ service packages, will be directed to SMEs with international growth potential via product, process servic ...
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Date du début: 1 nov. 2014, Date de fin: 31 oct. 2016,

Eurostat Survey show an exrtemely high youth uneployment peak especially in Italy, Greece and Spain. However the Tourism economy still remains one of the most dinamic fields employing about 20 millions of workers equal to the 5.2 of the total EU workforce developing the 12% of the total EU gross product. The quality of the tourist and restoration services provided influences the global tourist c ...
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Date du début: 1 nov. 2014, Date de fin: 31 oct. 2016,

The partners have identified the needs of the beneficiaries, that are at the base of the project, through interviews and focus groups, which showed some problematic elements: - ability to organize in autonomy the work; communicate effectively; availability for work mobility and passion for the profession; - lack of knowledge of the labor market and of motivation towards school and work; difficulti ...
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Le projet C3PO - Coopération, Coordination, Co-élaboration de stratégies pour la Prévention et l'Optimisation de la gestion des déchets à travers des échanges d’expériences et la mise en œuvre d’initiatives pilotes veut offrir des modèles et des outils pour améliorer la politique locale de évitement des déchets et impliquer activement les organisations, les entreprises et les citoyens.
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Date du début: 13 janv. 2013, Date de fin: 13 janv. 2015,

Etude de la ressource en eau souterraine dans les Alpes Latines : disponibilité actuelle et future, optimisation de l'approvisionnement.
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Date du début: 13 janv. 2013, Date de fin: 13 janv. 2015,

Lobjectif du projet est la capitalisation et le développement du réseau transfrontalier sur les risques naturels dans les territoires des Alpes Occidentales pour développer une identité transfrontalière. La stratégie retenue est de mener une réflexion commune sur des concepts tels que la «culture du risque» (facteur important didentité transfrontalière) et le «risque soutenable».
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Date du début: 13 janv. 2013, Date de fin: 13 janv. 2015,

Le projet "DEGUST'ALP" vise à développer des méthodologies reproductibles permettant.aux populations transfrontalières de s'approprier les produits agricoles locaux et pour renforcer le lien entre consommateurs et producteurs afin de renforcer le sentiment d'appartenance au territoire rural en faisant prendre conscience de ses richesses.
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Safe and green road vehicles (SAGE)

Date du début: 1 nov. 2011, Date de fin: 31 oct. 2014,

"The SAGE network of regional research driven clusters will facilitate an increasing pace of innovation within the major European growth market for innovative road vehicles for passengers and goods. The science and technology Scope of SAGE is innovative road vehicles for passenger and goods transport. The main technology drivers for the research driven clusters of SAGE are safety for drivers, pass ...
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Presently it is difficult to use (or re-use) the extensive wealth of information stored in the Public Administration data bases, even though it is widely recognized that such information can be helpful to face a wide range of social needs and promote innovation and business opportunities. Current information systems of PA's are based on monolithic architecture models that include all the applicati ...
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Cammino tra natura e spiritualita

Date du début: 29 févr. 2012, Date de fin: 30 mai 2014,

On the Italian side, the project involves the Antrona and Bognanco Valleys, Domodossola and the Sacro Monte Calvario Special Reserve (part of the UNESCO heritage). On the Suisse side the Saas valley, Saas Almagell, Saas Grund, Saas Balen, Saas Fee "Vie delle cappelle – chapel path" (UNESCO heritage) are involved. The project’s purpose is to promote spiritual tourism as the means to help seasonal a ...
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Date du début: 8 sept. 2011, Date de fin: 8 nov. 2013,

Démonstration et vulgarisation de modèles de sylviculture visant l'amélioration de la productivité mycologique, tout en sauvegardant la biodiversité et le bon fonctionnement des écosystèmes forestiers. Analyse du marché local lié à cette ressource et étude des possibilités de valorisation locale.
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Policy Gadgets Mashing Underlying Group Knowledge in Web 2.0 Media (PADGETS)

Date du début: 1 janv. 2010, Date de fin: 30 juin 2013,

Today the ever growing visibility of the web as a medium that exhibits the potential to attract and maintain society's involvement coupled with the need for a more citizen-centric and socially-rooted policy making, calls for novel tools with the capability to analyze society's input and forecast the possible impact of policies. Thus, more citizen-centric governance arises more pressing than ever. ...
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Background One central aim of the Water Framework Directive (WFD) is to achieve good environmental status for surface water bodies by 2015. The WFD requires a River Basin Management Plan (RBMP) to be drawn up for each river basin district, which must be reviewed every six years. An RBMP sets out environmental objectives for all water bodies in the distric ...
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Helvetia-Italy Digital Elevation Model (HELI-DEM)

Date du début: 19 sept. 2010, Date de fin: 18 mars 2013,

In the last few years have been acquired in Italy and Switzerland, the land elevation data with technologies and various inaccuracies. The project aims at creating a digital terrain model (DTM) correctly geo-referenced, multi-resolution, incorporating prior validation, all the information available for the alpine and subalpine, including Italy (Piedmont, Lombardy) and Switzerland (cantons Tic ...
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Sustainability and efficiency of city logistics (CITYLOG)

Date du début: 1 janv. 2010, Date de fin: 31 déc. 2012,

"The CITYLOG project proposal aims at increasing the sustainability and the efficiency of urban delivery of goods by means of an adaptive and integrated mission management and innovative vehicle solutions. Three action domains have been identified to improve today’s city logistic system: - logistic-oriented telematic services are expected to give a decisive contribution to improve mission planning ...
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Il progetto strategico PEEF "Educazione e formazione" mira a promuovere l'inserimento e la mobilità delle popolazioni trasfrontaliere con la prospettiva di un'apertura europea.
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The strategic plan involves the transboundary territories of Central Government and involves the construction of a technological platform enabling the spread of information and computer services, addressed to: PA SMEs and a consumer in the general areas Alpine border. Pilot services will be implemented that will cover the following topics: -spatial information sharing and dissemination and im ...
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Focus of the project is the Intangible Cultural Heritage (ICH) - cross-border communities: its discovery, understanding, appreciation and transmission between generations through the use and testing of tools innovative communication. The ICH linked to the exploitation of rural areas and mountain plays a key role in the development of sustainable local economies as potential attraction of rest ...
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Date du début: 30 juin 2009, Date de fin: 29 juin 2012,

In relazione agli obiettivi comunitari, il progetto ha l'obiettivo di fornire alle Regioni ed agli Enti strumenti per migliorare ed armonizzare le basi conoscitive e metodologiche relative ai processi di pianificazione della tutela della qualità dell'aria in modo da individuare strategie comuni di tutela nello spazio transfrontaliero.
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Date du début: 30 juin 2009, Date de fin: 29 juin 2012,

I rappresentanti degli enti territoriali delle Alpi Occidentali hanno elaborato una proposta di progetto strategico per il periodo 2007-2013 sul tema della gestione in sicurezza dei territori di montagna transfrontalieri rispetto ai rischi naturali.
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Date du début: 30 juin 2009, Date de fin: 29 juin 2012,

Iniziative di cooperazione per 10 sviluppo delle fonti di energia rinnovabili (bosco e acqua) neIle Alpi Occidentali, il risparmio energetico e la riduzione delle emissioni di gas ad effetto serra
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Date du début: 31 mai 2009, Date de fin: 29 mai 2012,

Il Progetto vuole (i) valorizzare la filiera del genepì attraverso azioni di formazione, divulgazione e promozione, (ii) predisporre una scheda tenica funzionale alla tutela di una delle poche Indicazioni Geografiche transfrontaliere esistenti, (iii) saggiare le possibilità di diversificazione delle produzioni in quota con altre piante officinali a integrazione del reddito degli agricoltori.
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Point-Of-Care MONitoring and DIagnostics for Autoimmune Diseases (POCEMON)

Date du début: 1 janv. 2008, Date de fin: 31 août 2011,

The POCEMON project aims to the hardware and software development of a multi-purpose autoimmune diseases diagnostic platform by combining Lab-on-Chip (LOC) technologies, genomic microarrays of HLA (human leukocyte antigens) typing, microelectronics, mobile devices, intelligent algorithms and wireless communications. The multi-purpose platform will be provided as a portable integrated platform with ...
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Date du début: 30 juin 2009, Date de fin: 30 juin 2011,

Il progetto R2D2 si pone l'obiettivo di migliorare le capacità di intervento e di controllo dei partner coinvolti nel settore della prevenzione della produzione dei rifiuti urbani e della raccolta differenziata. Il progetto si articola attorno a 7 azioni tematiche basate sullo scambio di esperienze e la creazione di percorsi innovativi comuni.
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The proposed project CReATE is based on the cooperation of highly innovative clusters in the creative industries, one of the emerging lead markets of the European knowledge economy. With the objective to bring the benefits of research to SMEs, the largest group in those clusters, the project facilitates an “open innovation” approach. It incentivates and enables a more systematic use of the innova ...
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Date du début: 31 déc. 2008, Date de fin: 30 déc. 2010,

Il progetto è volto alla promozione, alla diffusione ed allo scambio di conoscenze della pratica della "Peer Education". Questa strategia educativa mira ad attivare un processo naturale di passaggio di conoscenze e di esperienze da parte di giovani istruiti e ben motivati ad altri membri di pari status (per età, sesso e interessi) al fine di renderli responsabili e proteggere la loro salute.
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VIADVENTURE is based on the results of the VIA ALPINA project, developed within Interreg IIIB Alpine Space from 2001 to 2004. This project has established the Via Alpina "product", a network of hiking trails throughout the Alps, complete with basic information documents, an on-line database and specific marking and information panels along the trails. Also, it produced an international Quality Gui ...
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Alpine Lakes Network (ALPLAKES)

Date du début: 31 oct. 2004, Date de fin: 30 janv. 2008,

The project consists in the creation of a network of local authorities in the alpine area involved on the one hand in the management of natural alpine lakes, and on the other hand in sustainable development and improvement of “lakeside environments”. The networking initiative’s two main concerns are the promotion of tools in favour of the regional planning of the lakes space, the protection of the ...
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Date du début: 31 mars 2003, Date de fin: 29 nov. 2007,

The achievement of the objectives of the European Spatial Development Perspective (ESDP), of harmonious, balanced and sustainable development, depends to a large extent on the effectiveness of metropolitan governance and spatial planning and development practice. InterMETREX offers practical benefits by enhancing the competence, capability and processes of existing metropolitan planning, and by pr ...
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ays.Doc : Good Practices for the Landscape (Pays.Doc)

Date du début: 31 mai 2005, Date de fin: 30 oct. 2007,

Le projet vise à faciliter les échanges et la dynamisation de la coopération méditerranéenne et des autres institutions intéressées par le fait paysager. Lespace méditerranéen offre un milieu géographique aux caractéristiques propres et aux problèmes communs et le partenariat souhaite mettre en place les moyens dun processus déchange dexpériences entre lensemble des acteurs (gestionnaires locaux, ...
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Blue : Building river Landscape across United Europe (Blue)

Date du début: 30 avr. 2005, Date de fin: 29 juin 2007,

Le but du projet est d’affronter sur un plan unitaire deux objectifs apparemment opposés : restituer leur ‘identité culturelle’ aux paysages fluviaux et proposer un modèle de développement de tourisme culturel durable (pour le territoire et les populations qui y vivent) à travers la découverte de ressources, de thèmes et de parcours liés au monde du fleuve. L’approche proposée privilégie la relect ...
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Seismic hazard and alpine valley response analysis (SISMOVALP)

Date du début: 30 juin 2003, Date de fin: 30 mars 2007,

Due to tourism and industrial development, urbanised areas located on deep-filled sediment alpine valley have undergone massive development. In the last decade, many seismological studies have shown that vibrations due to earthquakes are strongly amplified by alpine-specific soil conditions. Therefore, the fast building expansion in the alpine environment may have not been regulated by adequate le ...
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The value of public purchase in the Alpine Space amount to 14 % of the GDP of the area. It represent therefore a huge development opportunity for private companies – and especially Small and Medium Size Enterprises ( SMEs). Nevertheless, only 3% of public contracts are awarded to transnational bidders. This situation represent a weakness for the competitiveness of the Alpine Space, both for privat ...
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The use of modern space based techniques gives us new potential to monitor and prevent natural risk, reduce economic losses, and save lives.The aim of the ALPS-GPSQUAKENET is to build up a high-performance transnational space geodetic network of Global Positioning System (GPS) receivers in the Alpine Space. This GPS array, within the millimeter-per-year precision, will represent the first ever ins ...
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SEDEMED II: Dryness and Turning into a desert in the Mediterranean basin (SEDEMED II)

Date du début: 31 août 2004, Date de fin: 29 sept. 2006,

Le projet SEDEMED II a développé une approche intégrée et partagée pour fournir une évaluation fiable est basé sur une norme commune de qualité, concernant les mesures et la quantification des ressources en eau disponibles et prévus, ce système était fonctionnel pour fournir des méthodes et des manuels bonnes pratiques sur la collecte et le traitement des données, les modèles de prévisions à court ...
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The progressive social and economic marginality of the mountain areas is matched with the decreasing offer of goods and services available for inhabitants (especially for the weakest categories).This causes a decrease in the quality of life and local identity: many surveys report that the progressive depopulation of mountain areas is due to the desire to look for services at an urban quality level ...
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« AMPHORE » s’intéresse à la prévision et la prévention des risques naturels, avec une référence particulière aux risques dûs à des phénomènes hydrométéorologiques intenses. La prévention des risques naturels est l’un des éléments fondamentaux d’une politique de gestion du territoire conjuguant le développement, la conservation du patrimoine naturel et l’utilisation optimale des ressources. Les ac ...
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