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Safe and green road vehicles (SAGE)
Date du début: 1 nov. 2011, Date de fin: 31 oct. 2014 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

"The SAGE network of regional research driven clusters will facilitate an increasing pace of innovation within the major European growth market for innovative road vehicles for passengers and goods. The science and technology Scope of SAGE is innovative road vehicles for passenger and goods transport. The main technology drivers for the research driven clusters of SAGE are safety for drivers, passengers and other road users; greening of road transport; and usability, in terms of affordability, functionality, and attractiveness.The goal is to strengthen European competitiveness in the road vehicles sector. To achieve this, the project work will address five key objectives: 1. Assess the current and future capacity of Europe’s most important regional research driven clusters; 2. Assemble a portfolio of best practices as regards the key aspects of cluster management and regional R&I policy deployment; 3. Ensure that all European regions with a potential to contribute can do so; 4. Development of a common SAGE agenda with long and short term goals for innovation, research and education; and 5. Integrate an innovation and IP management system consortium-wide to enable efficient and reliable knowledge exchange.The automotive industry is a major economic driver in all the participating and the potential growth in jobs and GDP from this is significant. SAGE will enhance the efficiency of European innovation in the road vehicles sector and promote a faster response to consumer and societal demand for safe and green transportation.SAGE has been developed as a complementary consortium comprising different types of clustering modalities. It will yield very tangible output as regards the inclusion of more regions into the research driven automotive industry, primarily through the Warsaw region, where a knowledge-cluster on electric-hybrid mobility is being constructed during the spring of 2011."



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