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The project GALAHAD targets the critical need for better glaucoma diagnostic systems. Glaucoma is an age-related major cause of blindness. The eye disease is characterized by an irreversible damage to the optic nerve head caused by increased intra-ocular pressure. The current screening and basic diagnostics for the disease involve intra-ocular pressure measurement, visual field tests and detection ...
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...on access to client data, including those coming from home platforms providing monitoring of physiological and environmental parameters and tools for improving self-care. The ICT platform will enable regionally customised integrated care models based on common care pathways aligned with the SmartCare Pilot A currently in the implementation phase. Pathways will be supported by workflow tools activa ...
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Innovation support by the Enterprise Europe Network - SEIMED to enhance the innovation management capacity of SMEs & services as key account managers for the SME Instrument beneficiaries in the regions of Comunidad Valenciana y Murcia. In order to enhance SME innovation management capacity, we will support SME´s to implement truly effective processes in order to become more competitive and have a ...
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Local food as engine for local business (LOCFOOD)

Date du début: 31 déc. 2011, Date de fin: 30 déc. 2014,

... that have low involvement in clustering, cooperation and innovation, and they have a great potential of playing an important role in creating jobs and opportunities in rural areas. All participating regions have various degrees of policies and experiences regarding the local food sector, and will benefit from sharing knowledge and good practices. The project will improve competitiveness and contr ...
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The EU, its Member States and EU regions have defined ambitious energy strategies, setting firm targets for an increased share of renewable energy sources, more energy efficiency and less carbon emissions in order to make Europes energy supply sustainable and future proof.An important obstacle for wide-spread introduction of renewable energy production capacity and energy efficiency measures is th ...
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Energy Efficiency in Low-income Housing in the Mediterranean (ELIH-Med)

Date du début: 31 mars 2011, Date de fin: 30 mars 2014,

ELIH-Med project objective is to identify and conduct a large scale experimentation of cost effective solutions and innovative public and private financing mechanisms backed with Structural Funds to foster energy efficiency investment in low income housin Achievements: ...
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motion of residual forestry biomass in the Mediterranean basin (PROFORBIOMED)

Date du début: 28 févr. 2011, Date de fin: 27 févr. 2014,

... and outputsPROFORBIOMED has hold its third Steering Group Meeting in Greece during May, having the opportunity to meet the needs of the project implementation. Further to this, National meetings and Regional seminars have been conducted in partners areas. PROFORBIOMED has also finalised the draft model for amendments to the CAP and developing an Energy Pact for future policy recommendations. Lias ...
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Description The main goal of the universAAL project is to make it easier for the ICT industry in Europe to develop and successfully deploy AAL solutions. To achieve this, the project is developing an open standardized platform/specification on which the AAL service providers can quickly and cheaply build AAL services. The project also assist ...
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Background The European graphic sector makes a significant contribution to the European economy. It has an annual turnover of over €125 billion and employs more than 1.2 million people. It is made up of over 106 000 companies, 95% of which are small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). The production life cycle of graphic products gives rise to differ ...
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...50 Communication Plan 1 Project Website 1 for the project by LP+ 1Contribution in the Cambridgeshire Website by Uk partners e-magazine 5 Project Launch Conference 1 Thematic Congress of the Project 1 Regional Capitalization Seminars 3 Think tank 1 The Knowledge Fair 1 Coordination and Monitoring Committee meetings 6 Steering Committee meetings 3 Management coordination Seminar 1 Management Manual ...
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ENERMED - Mediterranean Renewable Energies (ENERMED)

Date du début: 31 mai 2010, Date de fin: 30 mai 2013,

Enermed aims to coordinate and improve the regional policies of renewable energies (RE), through: -shared instruments for the analysis of projects and policies RE -development of common policies in the RE -common experiences in the RE We will develop and implement: -a transnational (common) methodological and strategic framework -a database of good practices on regional policies -concrete p ...
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Background The increase in the use of electronic equipment all over the world has occurred without the development of safe disposal strategies. These products are characterised by fast technological change, for example, the switch from cathode ray tube (CRT) to LCD and plasma screen technology. This means they often have a short lifespan and therefore pre ...
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artnership on European Regional Innovation Agencies (PERIA)

Date du début: 31 déc. 2009, Date de fin: 30 déc. 2012,

PERIA is a co-operation project between Regional Innovation Agencies and Regional Authorities in Europe with the aims of: • sharing experience and methodologies on innovation services and policies• learning from each other in the management of regional innovation systems.PERIA focuses on regional innovation policy and on the tools used for implementing innovation: the Regional Innovation Agency (R ...
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...testing the F4all Platform in real life running scenarios.Latest project activities and outputsFreight4all has provided the first internal training seminar for the partners preparation in view of the Regional Training Events scheduled to take place till the beginning of 2013. The cross fertilisation activities, with other projects, have started with the invitation as key note speaker in the last P ...
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highly scalable Deployment model" of Inclusive E-GOverm (DIEGO)

Date du début: 1 avr. 2010, Date de fin: 30 sept. 2012,

The main outcome of DIEGO, will be to offer to any European Public Authority a FULL e-accesibility front-end for e-Gov services, highly scalable and affordable:1) a new "user-centric" and accessible service provision model for speeding up Inclusive e-Government & e-Governance (Inclusive e-Gov), including trans-borders services, according to preferred ICT media available (interactive TV, smart mob ...
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...icultural and forestry wastes and residues. The LIFE project was a follow-up project to the activities of Perspective 2007-2013 under the Interreg IIIc programne. Potentials and opportunities in the regions of Saxony-Anhalt, Valencia and Northern Great Plain would be identified and know-how transfer between the regions facilitated. The project was a response to the need to develop ways to utilise ...
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Mediterranean Inter Cluster (IC-MED)

Date du début: 31 mai 2009, Date de fin: 30 mai 2012,

Cluster policy is a priority in the Mediterranean regions taking part in the ICMed partnership. ICMed will address the issues and challenges facing cluster policy by focusing on 5 specific themes and putting SME competitiveness and innovation at the heart of the project. The ICMed work programme will cover a 3 year period. First, a series of activities will be launched in order to identify the are ...
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...will be implemented also during the next months. 9 newsletters have been prepared in Italian and in English. 2 spots have been prepared by partners and they have been transmitted several times by regional and local TVs. 20.000 promotional materials (brochures, leaflets, documents and CDs) have been distributed to stakeholders by partners. Concerning the Management, partners produced: 6 steering co ...
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Tool for the Territorial Strategy of the MED Space (OTREMED)

Date du début: 31 août 2010, Date de fin: 27 févr. 2012,

...ION OF PREVIOUS WORK, 9 planning tools provided by partnership have been analyzed, moreover a set of European projects in line with Otremed aims have been analyzed. 29 questionnaires from the 48 MED Regions have been submitted and the final report presented to the partnership for the activity MED SPACE TERRITORIAL CHARACTERISATION. C.4. Activities 4.1, 4.2 and 4.3 have been finished. C5. The Spati ...
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...order to prevent a dispersed polycentric settlement pattern caracterized by urban sprawl and the subsequent negative impacts or costs. The aim to create polycentric and at the same time compact urban regions needs a great attention to landscape, especially the preservation of open public spaces in the periurban areas, but also are important other landscape matters treated by PAYS.MED.URBAN. ...
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Date du début: 31 août 2008, Date de fin: 29 sept. 2011,

To reduce the effects of climate change and prepare for the decline of the oil-age, European regions play a key role in promoting, developing and implementing renewable energy sources (RES) combined with energy efficiency strategies. Many EU regions are taking action in this field, defining specific objectives and action plans to improve the use of RES and energy efficiency in their area. More tha ...
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Sustainable Tourism In Fragile Territories (SHIFT)

Date du début: 31 mars 2009, Date de fin: 29 sept. 2011,

...ure, coastal over-development, and intensive, seasonal tourism marked by a lack of integrated planning. These factors impact negatively the Mediterranean economy, culture and environment. That is why regions from Spain, Italy, Greece and France are working together, through SHIFT, to provide an Integrated Quality Management model to experiment strategies fostering sustainable development in fragil ...
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Appropriate delivery of quality healthcare requires constant monitoring of the patient during follow up, particularly in the presence of chronic diseases. This approach can be further improved if leading edge tools supporting diagnosis, as well as prediction, identification and monitoring of adverse events are available. COMOESTAS aims to develop an innovative ICT system that allows patients with ...
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Background The surface treatment of metal products is a significant industrial activity in Europe. A number of liquid wastes are generated by surface treatment processes such as degreasing, acid pickling, alloy baths or lacquering. Many of these procedures form part of other products’ manufacturing processes. This can lead to an ‘invisible’ generati ...
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Background The huge volume of pig manure generated across Europe, and its customary use as fertiliser for agriculture, is the cause of serious environmental problems. These include the leaching of high nitrogen, which causes an excess nutrient enrichment of soil and water, and the emission of odours and greenhouse gases. Furthermore, the use of manure for ...
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...ourages an approach to this topic based on the experience of other partners and experimentation with new approaches. Expected results / Résultats attendus Creation of new tools for regional and national policies; development of new approaches for land planning and social, cultural and economic integration; development of debate and exchange of experiences amongst the European regions and countries ...
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Date du début: 31 août 2006, Date de fin: 29 avr. 2008,

Le projet SEMCLIMED (SEMence, CLImat et MEDitérannée) propose une série dactions qui ont pour finalité évaluer les effets du changement climatique sur la biodiversité de la flore du bassin méditerranéen, proposer des mesures de conservation active des espèces et habitats menacés et augmenter la conscience publique sur lampleur social et écologique du réchauffement de la planète. La nécessité de pr ...
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Date du début: 30 sept. 2006, Date de fin: 30 mars 2008,

Le projet sinscrit dans le domaine du transport de matières dangereuses et vise à définir et harmoniser toutes les actions nécessaires pour la sauvegarde de lenvironnement dans la filière du transport de cargaisons avec un risque élevé de pollution. A partir des résultats obtenus par le projet Medocc SESTANTE, MADAMA se propose de définir de nouvelles politiques et des solutions innovatrices afin ...
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Environmental integration for ports and cities (SIMPYC)

Date du début: 1 août 2004, Date de fin: 31 janv. 2008,

...Implementation of an Environmental Management System and its subsequent certification for application in the remaining ports managed by the Department of Infrastructure and Transport of the Valencian Region (Spain). The ports of Denia and Villajoyosa (both in Spain) have acted as pilots, but other European fishing ports and marinas will be invited to adopt the EMAS taking into account the project' ...
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Network of European Automotive Competence (NEAC)

Date du début: 31 janv. 2005, Date de fin: 30 déc. 2007,

The project intends to provide a platform to help automotive regions understand the competences and excellence of their own supply base within the context of the EU. By creating joint approaches and instruments, NEAC wants to improve regional and European competitivity of the automotive supply industry. ...
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...e / Objectif général The main objective is to strengthen competitiveness in a major sector for job creation while contributing to land planning for urban areas and for town centres. Since different regions have different objectives, we have a lot to learn from each other. The INTERREG IIIC programme in the South zone should provide added impetus to commerce. Another important objective is to invol ...
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The CENTURIO programme, created by the Assembly of European Regions (AER) in 1994, has been successfully promoting dialogue and exchange of experience between European regions for several years. However, the enlargement of the EU in May 2004 served to illustrate that the European and global context for the regions is changing. Their growth and competitiveness depend on their capacity to develop in ...
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European Union Regions Benchmarking, Economic Strategy and Transfer (EURBEST)

Date du début: 30 juin 2003, Date de fin: 29 juin 2006,

The objective of EURBEST is to benchmark best practice in the area of business support at regional and sub-regional levels. Following on from this is the need to create tools and mechanisms that will transfer this best practice from one of the exemplar regions to another in the project. The project builds on a previous project conducted under the auspices of EURADA that involved 14 regions across ...
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« Genmedoc » s’intéresse à la conservation du matériel génétique de la flore méditerranéenne. Il propose l'échange d'informations techniques et l'adoption de stratégies et de protocoles de travail communs en relation avec cette problématique. Le projet stimulera la création d'un réseau stable et interrégional de centres dédiés à la conservation de la biodiversité. Les actions consisteront, d'une p ...
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Conservation of Abies nebrodensis (Lojac) Mattei in situ and ex situ (Nebrodensis)

Date du début: 1 sept. 2001, Date de fin: 31 août 2005,

Background The area of Polizzi Generosa in the Parco delle Madonie in northern Sicily – situated within two proposed Sites of Community Interest (pSCI) – is host to the only population in the world of Sicilian firs (Abies nebrodensis), a species endemic to Sicily (and a priority species within the meaning of the Habitats Directive). This population, h ...
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 TERMINÉ efficiency SMEs and clusters in many areas together with companies in charge to provide energy services(ESCO) both to entreprise and citizens. According to this context, Public(EU and National/Regional Authorities) and Private investors (mainly venture capital, business angels network and Banks) have approached the sectors, even if with generic risk evaluation instruments. Generally speakin ...
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...on workshops in order to reach a final set of conclusions. Training seminars will be organized in a national level for capacity building of technical personnel of public authorities and SMEs. - Local/regional action plans for incorporating the methodology in local/regional policies. - Finally, a strategic plan will be formulated aiming to the incorporation of the new methodology as a successful st ...
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Some projects have developed good practices, pilot actions and tools with similar objectives but at the end of the project, all of them disappear into obscurity. The idea is to join the skills of these different outputs by thematic trying to enrich the capitalization of the result, involving the different agents that have to profit it: - IMPROVING THE SUPPLY CHAIN BY USING INNOVATIVE IT TOOLS. Pro ...
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...ilar capacity-building development needs, and thesecould be more effectively if addressed at a European level.The CLIL Cascade Network (CCN) is to address the development needs which havenow surfaced regionally/nationally, and consolidate resources and expertise for thebenefit of a pan-European network of stakeholders (primary, secondary, vocational, andhigher education). It is to provide a networ ...
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I-WEB aims to support KAZNU, IKTU and KokSU to work collaboratively with business, professional body and regulatory organisations at a national and international level to develop and deliver Integrated Water Cycle Management (IWCM) Masters and PhD programmes. The main features of I-WEB are the establishment of an International Advisory Board (IAB) consisting of KZ and EU academic partners and repr ...
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