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25 projets européens trouvés

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Spaces for Intercultural Learning

Date du début: 1 sept. 2016, Date de fin: 31 août 2018,

Context and objectives of the project: Intercultural competences are crucially needed in our globalised world because of the increasing diversity and the pressing global challenges we face in our societies. For example, due to the sudden flow of asylum seekers to Europe there is an urgent need in the adult education sector to learn new ways and methods of how to teach newcomers in intercultural se ...
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Dance tools for inclusion

Date du début: 15 août 2016, Date de fin: 14 janv. 2017,

Type of activity is training course for young people’s learning which will combine creative, social and physical abilities with focus on how to transfer knowledge to young people. Activity will be implemented in Zagreb, Croatia on the dates 22.10.2016. - 29.10.2016. We have 35 participants from 11 partners coming from Croatia, Slovenia, Spain, Poland, Italy, Bulgaria, Lithuania, Greece, Romania, C ...
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Be Sporty Be Happy

Date du début: 1 août 2016, Date de fin: 31 déc. 2016,

Youth exchange project Be Sporty Be Happy idea comes from youngsters of Engures Region and project objectives are to discover different kind of sports and benefits which sport brings in youngsters daily life and to promote healthy and active lifestyle among young people. The project coordination organization is Association Pozitiva Doma (Latvia) and partner organizations are Dom Kultury "Zacisze" ...
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LoCoEco 2

Date du début: 2 mai 2016, Date de fin: 1 déc. 2016,

Project LoCoEco2 consists of two thematically connected Youth Exchanges on a topic of up-cycling, environmental awareness and creativity. Project will provide space and time for cultural exchange and international cooperation for 24 youngsters from Latvian organization Radi Vidi Pats, Georgian organization Georgian Youth for Europe, Ukrainian organization Khmelnitsky Youth Club of Development an ...
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Date du début: 1 mai 2016, Date de fin: 30 nov. 2016,

I Ovanåkers kommun har våra unga ledare varit värdar för ett projekt, 'Outdoor Activities Across Boarders'. Den samordnande gruppen åkte med Viksjöforsbaletten till Lettland och deltog i projektet 'Dance for peace'. Upplevelserna där inspirerade till att skapa 'Det perfekta projektet'. Nu har vi lärt oss så mycket om åldersspridning, hur man ska hantera och begränsa alkohol och rökning, gynna hä ...
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Date du début: 1 nov. 2014, Date de fin: 31 oct. 2016,

Motto: Know yourself and be open to the difference of others Short description This interdisciplinary project proposes to develop a concept for, and implement, innovative teaching modules for 10- to 14-year-old students. It adopts the theoretical perspective of purposive history and interdisciplinary approaches. The modules will be devoted to specific themes, such as the concept of ‘home’ as natio ...
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Hip-hop Entrepreneurship

Date du début: 1 juin 2016, Date de fin: 31 oct. 2016,

To be best at things you do, you have to do what you love. It is a quote we often hear in many situations but lack courage and guidance to do what we do best. A lot of young people in Europe (especially Poland) are independently engaged with one of the 4 elements of hip-hop (dance, music production and singing, dj-ing, drawing - graffiti). But they lack inspiration and entrepreneurial skills in or ...
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Narrative skills are the ability to describe things and events and tell stories. They are basic skills and key-competences, which are essential for • literacy (i.e. the ability to read and write), • first and second language learning and • certainly also for active citizenship and participation in democracy (roughly: being able to make oneself heard). They are also crucial for effective and eng ...
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Theatre of Europe

Date du début: 12 janv. 2016, Date de fin: 11 sept. 2016,

The youth exchange project "Theatre of Europe" of the society "Daugavpils jauniešu savienība" will continue 9 months (01.01.2016 -30.09.2016). Venue is Daugavpils (Latvia).The topic of the project is theatre and creativeness, social inclusion. The theatre art plays the great role in the life of modern people, because it promotes the growth of the present and future generations and shows the intell ...
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Street show connection

Date du début: 11 janv. 2016, Date de fin: 10 juin 2016,

“For the things we have to learn before we can do them, we learn by doing them.” - Aristotle. Project ˝Street show connection˝ objectives are to teach entrepreneurship skills to youngsters through planning, organisation and implementation of a street show. Through non formal education and learning by doing, project aims to improve the level of key competences and skills of young people; how to tak ...
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Dance for Peace

Date du début: 1 août 2015, Date de fin: 31 janv. 2016,

The youth exchange project Dance for Peace objective is to provide platform for young people from different countries with different experiences to express their vision and attitude regards peace and tolerance using creative methods like dance, art and music. Project promoted non-formal learning principles providing young people possibility to work together on their ideas, take initiative, respon ...
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Gender in daily life

Date du début: 1 mai 2015, Date de fin: 1 déc. 2015,

Gender equality and equal opportunities are very important factors for the successful development of society. Gender roles are often treated as a public granted/ imposed roles. Many misconceptions and distortions of the concept of gender stems from the traditional character of the negative stereotypes of gender roles. It is observed that the gender roles that are based on misconceptions and negati ...
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European dance choregraphy

Date du début: 1 mai 2015, Date de fin: 30 nov. 2015,

The MJC Haut du lièvre (France association) and the partners following, the kultury Dom " Zacisze " w.dzielnicy targowek (Poland), Europejskie centrum ksztalcenia i wychowania OHP w roskozy ( Poland), Raplection ( Croatia) and Comune di Tortona (Italy), organizes a meeting of young people during Halloween holidays. From the October 19th to the October 24th (except the travel days), i ...
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Date du début: 1 mars 2015, Date de fin: 30 sept. 2015,

What is theatre's animation? How to use it to integrate multicultural groups? For these and other questions young volunteers who initiated a project "Voluntheatre" will find answers during the international youth exchange. Twenty-six people from Poland and Romania will stimulate their creativity and entrepreneurship by working in groups, play-roles, learning by doing, participating in workshops. A ...
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Wolność do potęgi 3

Date du début: 15 avr. 2015, Date de fin: 14 sept. 2015,

Project 'Freedom for the third power' is a retrospective look at changes which has been taken place for 25 years in Poland and Lithuania connected with freedom. The title of the project is very symbolic and is due to changes after debates of Round Table in Poland and after recovery of independence in Lithuania. There were two key moments in our common history which started democratic changes in ...
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Re-think and re-create

Date du début: 1 mars 2015, Date de fin: 31 août 2015,

Re-think and Re-create was a training course for 27 youth workers, peer educators, volunteers from 8 partner organisations (SK, HU, PL, CR, RO, LT, LV, MK), which took place in Modra from 20.-28. June 2015. In the first part of the program the trainers gave input in the form of creative recycling workshops, media workshops, team buildings, we were discussing design thinking and connecting it to t ...
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Start-up Flow

Date du début: 1 juil. 2014, Date de fin: 31 déc. 2014,

The Project " Startup flow " is directed to social activists who want to promote the idea of entrepreneurship among young people and equip them with the tools that will successfully establish and run their own business . Our activities are aimed at providing professional knowledge on starting and running your own business , startup ‘s and new technologies. Its mission is to promote entrepreneuria ...
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New media in social life

Date du début: 1 juil. 2014, Date de fin: 31 déc. 2014,

Our project has the same objectives as the Erasmus + program and the action first . We intend to promote the professional development , entrepreneurship and fight the problem of unemployment. These objectives we want to achieve by giving our participants (in most social activists working with youth and young entrepreneurs ) the most effective and most desirable skills in the labor market - support ...
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4 elements for 4 corner of Europe

Date du début: 1 août 2014, Date de fin: 1 déc. 2014,

Lot of young people spend a lot of time in one of 4 elements of hip-hop (dance, music production - mc-ing or singing, dj-ing, drawing – grafity) trying to make a bussines out of it but they lack entrepreneurial skill to make a meaning of living out of their hobby. Lof of them don't even see the opportunity that this hip-hop culture got to offer. Through project ˝4 elements for 4 sides of Europe˝ ...
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The development of reading habits among adults is one of the best ways to raise their intellectual and social activity. The READCOM Learning Partnership aimed to develop reading habits among adults, organising groups of adults, particularly seniors, which are interested in lifelong learning through reading. Mentoring and leading the Reading Clubs requires careful planning: How to attract people an ...
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Date du début: 1 août 2013,

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The VALUE (Volunteering & Lifelong Learning in Universities in Europe) Networkcomprises 20 organisations representing Universities (Unis), Volunteering Organisations(VOs) & networks/associations (from both sectors) from 13 European countries. Itsprincipal aim is to both facilitate & stimulate the development of cooperation betweenUnis & the volunteering sector in the delivery of University Lifelon ...
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Let’S! Let seniors teach sense of initiative and entrepreneurship through innovative multimedia storytelling approaches, answers to an EU problem: provide adults with skills they need to DEALING WITH THE TRANSFORMATIONS taking place in the economy, as a condition for FULL PARTICIPATION in society. Adults, especially if coming from educationally/linguistically deprived backgrounds, must be provided ...
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Skorosze - osiedle talentów

Date du début: 1 juil. 2011,

‴Skorosze- estate of talents‴The project participants are young people making first steps in Labour Market. 4 members of an initiative group, despite havinga university degrees, have faced the problems of unemployment (also a long-term one) and looking for a job. The subject of aproject is to organize a plan of various activities, meetings and events. The project will last few weeks on a newly bui ...
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The art of helping

Date du début: 1 mai 2013,

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