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29 projets européens trouvés

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EU-PV-Trainer project fits in the Europe 2020 Strategy, Education and Training 2020, the Directive of the European Parliament and Council Directive (2009/28/EC) on the promotion of the use of energy from renewable sources, which requires all Member States to raise the EU's share of RES to 20% by 2020. A pre-project diagnosis has been performed within the partnership, which shows, inter alia, that ...
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Project EcoMentor is going to focus on the situation in the vocational sector in the field of work-based-learning (WBL). As it was pointed out by the European Ministers of Vocational Education and Training in the Bruges Communiqué, WBL constitute a foundation for the social coherence of the current and future employees as well as the base for their professional and personal development. It is wor ...
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Europe 2020 is the growth strategy for the EU and the Member States to achieve higher employability, productivity and social cohesion levels whereas the comparability of skills and qualifications across the countries is consistently underlined as important. Going through all the Official Reports or Recommendations of European bodies for the EU transparency tools, one can see that one of the major ...
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Understanding and developing business models

Date du début: 1 sept. 2016, Date de fin: 31 août 2018,

An important element of business launch is a business model, which particularly in the modern times of fast paced technological, economic, market and social changes is a prerequisite for the success of an enterprise. Unfortunately, not many entrepreneurs-to-be realise the power of business models and seem not to pay enough attention to this stage of company creation. It is estimated that the perce ...
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Nowadays, students face at least 40 years of professional life on the open European job market. However, graduates of vocational schools have difficulty in obtaining employment in accordance with the learned profession. Countries have a variety of vocational training systems making it difficult for the employers in another country to understand skills and professional qualifications acquired in th ...
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Date du début: 1 juin 2015, Date de fin: 31 mars 2018,

CIMULACT has as a main objective to add to the relevance and accountability of European research and innovation – Horizon 2020 as well as national - by engaging citizens and stakeholders in co-creation of research agendas based on real and validated societal visions, needs and demands. The project will expand the outlook and debate on STI issues, increase scientific literacy in a broad sense, whic ...
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Communicating Professional Competence

Date du début: 1 sept. 2015, Date de fin: 31 août 2017,

ComProCom is designed to improve the way that professional competence is described and represented, particularly in relation to complex work in higher-level occupations where outcome-based conceptions of competence have proved most challenging. Six countries are involved in the project, representing systems with established traditions of ‘competence-based’ VET or practice-based assessment, throug ...
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According to the Polish census conducted in year 2011, total number of the disabled people amounted to approx. 4.7 million, which constitutes 12.2% Polish population. Among the handicapped persons, men’s share came to 46.1%, while women – 53.9%. Other sources state, though, that these interests may be underestimated due to occurring data underestimation. In year 2012, 17.4% disabled people aged 15 ...
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Training issues of the Green-Comp-IT project refer to development of the concept of “green economy”, which constitutes a response to global problems of environmental degradation caused by expansive economic activity. Annually increasing amount of industrial and municipal waste, as well as improper way of proceeding with them constitute a serious threat for people and environment. It should be emp ...
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Open Badge Network

Date du début: 1 sept. 2014, Date de fin: 31 août 2017,

CONTEXT / BACKGROUND Recognising non-formal and informal learning is increasingly seen as a way of improving lifelong and life-wide learning. More European countries are emphasising the importance of making visible and valuing learning that takes place outside formal education and training institutions, for example at work, in leisure time activities and at home. Yet, despite a number of initiativ ...
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Skills Training for Effective Practice

Date du début: 1 sept. 2014, Date de fin: 31 août 2017,

Current activities promoting employment in many EU countries are insufficient. ALMP expenses in eastern Europe are low compared with other countries In many countries, programmes do not increase the employability of participants. Disadvantage in the labour market is persistent. It is notable that disadvantaged groups do worse than others during recession, and remain unemployed more at any time. C ...
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Certified VET trainer in the construction sector

Date du début: 1 sept. 2014, Date de fin: 31 août 2016,

The EU construction industry with increasingly qualified workforce of 14.5 million (EUROSTAT 2009) exemplifies the significance and urgency of moving toward mutual recognition of qualifications. Case studies show that retraining is required for workers to convert to an occupation and to upskilling which enable a person to fulfil an occupation mainly through an add-on of knowledge. Erasmus+ program ...
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Implementation of the FINECVET model to the formal and nonformal education

Date du début: 1 sept. 2014, Date de fin: 31 août 2016,

Problems of the TRANS-FINECVET project refer to development of the European Credit system for Vocational Education and Training (ECVET) in the European Union and to implementation of curriculum solutions developed with consideration of EQF/NQF requirements and descriptors describing learning outcomes (knowledge, skills and competences). Due to the above conditions, the project partnership has bee ...
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Equality between women and men is one of the European Union's founding values. It goes back to 1957 when the principle of equal pay for equal work became part of the Treaty of Rome. The European Union's achievements in fostering equality between women and men have helped to change the lives of many European citizens for the better. However, looking closely to the EU statistics, we still see signif ...
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Process Industry LEarning Unit Project

Date de fin: 16 juil. 2015,

The EU faces an ageing population and fewer youngsters entering the labour market. In addition, the competence level required by the labour market is increasing due to technological innovation. Being aware that Europe has 76 million low-qualified people it is obvious that there is an enhanced need to further train and re-skill employees. This is in line with the recommendations of the New Skills f ...
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At present, the metalworking sector involves more than 400.000 companies throughout Europe, most of them SMEs with limited technical and human resources. This fact entails that the subsectors selected: vehicle repair, machining, surface treatment and metal coating subsectors, which must fulfil the environmental regulations, do not have the necessary staff resources to control and follow-up the wor ...
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Date du début: 1 oct. 2005,

Conscious of the fact that knowledge-based societies are generally reliant on the transfer of information through text-based means yet aware of the fact that many other aspects of society are reliant upon the use of graphics, icons and pictograms, the visuaLearning project considered how adult education might benefit from the use of visual learning approaches and tools, in particular when working ...
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In Certi.MenTu, the focus was on the field of workplace learning in the vocational sector. The main purpose was to transfer the very positive experiences and results from the previous project “IWOLTE”, where a learning system for vocational teachers in training institutions and supervisors in companies had been developed. A similar approach had been developed in the project “EOF-European Outplacme ...
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The realisation of Leonardo da Vinci Transfer of Innovation project no. 2008-1-PL1-LEO05-02057 showed the great interest from the companies side. The aim of this project was to transfer metholodogy, procedure and tools to evaluate and recognise competencies from companies point of view. During the dissemination activities the great demand for follow-up activities to transfer and adaptation of exis ...
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This project aims to provide a means of bridging the growing employment and skills gap within the road traffic industry. It intends to develop a training programme that would lead to a trans-national vocational qualification that would have an EU-wide validation and impact for those that participate in training activities and who are employed («traffic staff») in the transport sector. For the purp ...
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The project is based on a previous project’s results adding new countries and 8 new languages to the existing partner group and extending the contents of the existing Polish – English –language EMCET -database. The project is designed to provide information on flexible modular training courses to enable participation within them. Each member institution of the network will be able to offer modular ...
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Objectives of the project: Further education concept fort the "EU-Wine-Liner" - incl. Good Practice Examples within the Wine Sector of the partner countries; Development of a Certification concept with Quality Standards; Target group: Employees of different qualification and employment status: small and medium-sized wine growers, Hobby winegrowers, part-time employees and distributors. Secondary ...
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Compiling coherent competence-based curricula : The initiative has come up with a variety of materials including a vocational trainer job profile, a framework for a modular training course and comepetence units. Curricula will be produced to fit the framework and this competence-based will be incorporated into human reosurces management systems. This project started in 2003 and lasted 36 months.
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Objectives of the project: Further education concept fort the "EU-Wine-Liner" - incl. Good Practice Examples within the Wine Sector of the partner countries; Development of a Certification concept with Quality Standards; Target group: Employees of different qualification and employment status: small and medium-sized wine growers, Hobby winegrowers, part-time employees and distributors. Secondary ...
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As all kinds of vocational trainings simply aim to give opportunity to trainee to "work and earn money", the aim of this project is also to help the target group to work and earn money for their life sustainability. There exist a large number of inactive people with physical disabilities who are potentially "home based workers" or "e-workers", but they need proper and efficient training for this. ...
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Building construction sector is the one of the key sector in the European economy and labour market. In recent years the construction industry has been highly concentrated in Polish economy. Around one quarter of all persons employed in the Polish non-financial business economy were employed within construction activities in 2007. Competition in this sector is global and skills of the workforce in ...
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Continuing education and nonformal forms of learning and professional improvement prefer learning through practical experience. This idea is supported by innovative solutions e.g. training modules and didactic materials, that support employees when performing vocational tasks. E-packages for improvement of employees competencies are solutions that make self learning and improving skills easier in ...
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Employers expect from vocational schools graduates', among others, creativity and innovativeness, abilities to solve problems, team work, efficient use of information-communication technology tools. The experience proves that the innovative combination of the environment, IT and moderation techniques is an effective support for all kinds of team work. It contributes to create innovative problem so ...
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Unemployment is regarded as a major deficit in a labour society, which restricts professional and social development. Professional qualification is an opportunity to resolve this deficit and it also supports unemployed people in order to guarantee their sustainable integration into the labour market. However, professional qualification is not the only significant factor for successful employment b ...
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