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EMCET-2 — European Bank for the Development of Mod..
EMCET-2 — European Bank for the Development of Modular Curricula and Educational Technologies.
The project is based on a previous project’s results adding new countries and 8 new languages to the existing partner group and extending the contents of the existing Polish – English –language EMCET -database. The project is designed to provide information on flexible modular training courses to enable participation within them. Each member institution of the network will be able to offer modular training courses to any other member. The project activities include: (1) Establishing national and European –level networks of modular training providers (2) Dissemination of previous project’s outcomes to 8 new countries (3) Adaptation of EMCET database and website to the needs of the project partnership and external users including introduction on new language interfaces (4) Development of international standard of competencies for modular training trainer according to the national qualification standards; a best practice standard for modular training trainers in Europe (5) Agreement on commercialisation of the project outcomes. The products are targeted to VET policy makers, trainers, training bodies and individual users. The dissemination of activities and results will include methodological workshops, seminars and a final conference. Distribution will happen through the existing national networks and Internet site. Participating countries: DE, EL, ES, EE, FR, IT, HU, PL, SL, UK
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