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Date du début: 1 juin 2016, Date de fin: 31 mai 2020,

... undertake in order to become mature artists. Ulysses aims to propose “paths” that will enable young artists to find their way from the academies, through the journeys that ultimately will put them in a position to be offered commissions for creating new works to be premiered in world-class venues, thus serving as a “launching pad” for their careers. Secondly, the metaphor applies to potential you ...
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...e level and offer possible action plans for dealing with these, eventually in a comparative international context.The three years of the project are divided into six periods termed Semesters of approximately equal length. This allows for differences in dates of academic terms across Europe.Throughout the Partnership, led by the Science Education Department at MAKÜ, threads will be followed which d ...
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Culture of Learning

Date du début: 1 sept. 2016, Date de fin: 31 août 2019,

The world is changing rapidly and becoming increasingly globalised. Our young people will be facing a very different employment market in the next 10-20 years. Employment opportunities will change as the use of digital skills increases with rapid developments in technology.Our project is based on the evidence that although students are overall improving their results in external tests, when stu ...
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Challenging Extremism

Date du début: 1 sept. 2016, Date de fin: 31 août 2019,

...g professionals from a extensive number of European countries together to discuss a wide number of essential themes, this being one of them. Our objective is to develop materials for use in primary schools following extensive and detailed teacher training. We recognise that due to the sensitive nature of this project all participating staff need to be highly trained prior to introducing any of th ...
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Raising Achievement Together - a vision for European schools

Date du début: 1 sept. 2016, Date de fin: 31 août 2019,

Through this project we aim to discover why STEM subjects are so unattractive to young learners in schools and beyond, particularly amongst girls. We want to investigate primary and secondary practices with a view to radically changing practices in all regions. To achieve this we have set the following objectives:-Design and develop STEM activities that are both innovative and motivational-Utili ...
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Arts and Traditions(Promoting Awareness of Cultural Traditions in Modern Settings)

Date du début: 1 sept. 2016, Date de fin: 31 août 2019,

...hnology. The decision taken at the planning stage was that an Intellectual Outcome would be produced which would offer a practical one-stop guide to the use of the Arts across the curriculum within primary education. It will be the accumulation of the experiences, study, research, experimentation and innovations of the Partnership and will be freely available. As well as research the publication w ...
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Stereotypes: Tackling Adverse representations in School

Date du début: 1 sept. 2016, Date de fin: 31 août 2019,

... and has established contacts with the Red Cross. They have highly- developed communication, social and conflict- resolution skills, our teachers challenge stereotypes on a daily basis. These have primarily been focused upon stereotypes relating to Croatia's relationships with countries from the former YugoslaviaThe UK school has extensive experience of managing international projects, of keeping ...
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...odology that can be extended to other types of learning. Beyond these tandems, the school community will be impacted by this approach to educational continuum, and especially students, who are the ultimate beneficiaries.Potential long-term benefits.The project is mainly built on the long-term. Intellectual products will be reused and exploited later by the inventory on the expectations and needs o ...
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WE ARE A SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITY. CREATING SCIENTIST GROUPS TO SHARE SUSTAINABLE PRACTICES is a cross-curricularproject to enhance sustainable actions in our schools, institutions and towns as educational communities in the European frame through experimental activities carried out in jigsaw cooperative learning groups. It involves the whole community: pupils, teachers, families and local people.On ...
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BACKGROUND AND CURRENT SETTINGAccording to Eurostat for 2014, there are app. 122,3 mio (24,4%) people in the EU-28 at risk of poverty or social exclusion, among which the most vulnerable groups are disabled people, migrants, refugees and asylum seekers, Roma, long-term unemployed, NEETs etcWith raising societal challenges, especially increased migrant and refugee flows in the last years, Europe ha ...
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Disabled Employability Signaling

Date du début: 1 sept. 2016, Date de fin: 31 août 2019,

DESIGN stands for finding the most suitable person for a job, breaking discrimination cycles and society prejudice barriers persons with disability face. We want to deliver high job placement counselling services both to disabled persons and those employers’ with suitable job places.For people with disabilities the rate of poverty is 70% higher than the average partly due to limited access to empl ...
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Coach it up!

Date du début: 1 sept. 2016, Date de fin: 31 août 2019,

The main purpose of this project is to improve the work with young adults in the system of European voluntary service. The main activities covered by project are coachings for volunteers and those interested in EVS. Coaching interviews enable young people use EVS as an educational tool in all phases. They will understand since the beginning of EVS till their return to the home country the concept ...
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.... The project team is largely experienced in science communication, public engagement and sustainability issues.Asociación Forestal de Galicia (SP), Association Forêt Modèle de Provence (FR) and Unimadeiras (PT) integrate a large network of forest smallholders and technicians, and work with relevant stakeholders in the fields of forestry, sustainability, environment, and also major economic groups ...
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...ternationally.Number and profile of participants: 11 stakeholders, 4 in the UK, 3 in Denmark and 3 in Finland. All outlined in the bid, from a variety of backgrounds, some secondary, some primary, some through schools, a University and a Company that delivers innovative teaching to pupils in Denmark are included. Description of activities: Activities include visits by all 3 countries to each o ...
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Engineering Mobility for All

Date du début: 1 sept. 2016, Date de fin: 30 avr. 2019,

...NEERING manual to an ECVET4ALL manual. The experience gained with understanding and applying ECVET will help to embed the modules in their own educational programs to become part of the partner’s primary process; 6. Further develop teachers' professional skills in other VET areas regarding intercultural diversity, foreign languages and learning about the other VET programs in Europe. An extra focu ...
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Flexible FE/BE Sensor Pilot Line for the Internet of Everything (IoSense)

Date du début: 1 mai 2016, Date de fin: 30 avr. 2019,

The EU has set the stage to empower semiconductor manufacturing in Europe being one of the key drivers for innovation and employment and creator for answers to the challenges of the modern society. Aim of IoSense is to boost the European competitiveness of ECS industries by increasing the pilot production capacity and improving Time-to-Market for innovative microelectronics, accomplished by establ ...
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A good start for all: Sustaining TrAnsitions across the Early Years

Date du début: 1 sept. 2016, Date de fin: 28 févr. 2019,

...rsity/research/training organisations as well as ECEC/school institutions – located in 4 countries:- ERI and OS Tisina (SL),- UNIBO and DD Vignola (IT),- Pen Green Research Base, Rockingham Primary School, Studfall Junior Infant and Nursery School (UK),- VBJK, Mezennestje day care centre and Kolva kindergarden (BE).The International Step by Step Network (ISSA) and the ‘Mensen voor mensen’ poverty ...
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ART and SOCIAL CHANGE: a path to recovery

Date du début: 1 sept. 2016, Date de fin: 28 févr. 2019,

... and training materials.- Alongside this, partners will have to prepare documentary evidence of the training and the process using video format. This will be coordinated by La Maison de l’image (FR).- A set of written guidelines for decision makers). These guidelines will be developed to inform decision makers with regards to the main findings of our transnational cooperation in order to integrate ...
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Creating a framework and developing contents for tomorrow’s youth centers

Date du début: 1 sept. 2016, Date de fin: 28 févr. 2019,

“Creating a framework and developing contents for tomorrow’s youth centers” consists of equipping youth centers and youth organisations which are partners in the consortium with a series of competences and skills for young people and youth workers and working methods and tools for the same categories adapted to the needs of the future. More precisely, the application aims at creating a framework f ...
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Edukacja dorosłych jako narzędzie na rzecz włączenia społecznego

Date du début: 1 sept. 2016, Date de fin: 31 déc. 2018,

... The lead applicant is Municipal Social Welfare Center from Gdynia (Poland) and the order partners are: The Solidarity „PLUS” Association form Poland, Kofoed's School from Denmark and MVO PROXIMA* from Slovakia. All these organizations work in area of support people affected by social exclusion. The activities of the project will be used by partner organizations and their employees. People from di ...
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Urban Heat

Date du début: 1 juil. 2015, Date de fin: 31 déc. 2018,

...on in our cities. It aims to:- Develop new audiences for the arts, including those from under-served communities, enabling artists and organisations to build a broader base of public support and legitimacy- Build new skills and competences amongst artists and organisations, and specifically equipping them to understand and act upon the transformative potential of digital technologies in engaging a ...
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Integrating Diversities through Watersports

Date du début: 1 janv. 2017, Date de fin: 31 déc. 2018,

The aim of the project “In –Dive, Integrating diversities through Watersports”, is to encourage social inclusion and equal opportunities in sports, with a specific focus on people with mental and physical disabilities.The project specifically focuses on watersports and physical activities taking place in the water, such as:• Swimming;• The discipline of diving;• Synchronized swimming;• Psychomotri ...
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Model Discover Manipulate: a method for non formal learning of mathematics

Date du début: 1 déc. 2016, Date de fin: 30 nov. 2018,

The PISA results (2012) show that 22.1% of European students were low achievers in maths. Which means that more than one out of five youngsters in Europe is not equipped with that basic skill necessary for numerous valuable job in our current economy. The Commission has the objective to lower this number to 15% in 2020 but, so far, in many countries the progression is weak when the level is not si ...
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Tourist destinations are led to adopt behaviours capable of responding to a tourism increasingly oriented toward finding authentic engaging and unique experiences. This project is placed within this framework. It aims to define a professional profile of "Destination Managers" that is capable of proposing strategies aimed at managing, enhancing and promoting destinations in an integrated perspectiv ...
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...ces.To be able to do so, we have built up a partnership with Nebrija University from Spain, an English school which has great expertise when it comes to approaching Character Education (Redhills Primary school) and Competence-based learning, an English school which is specialised in multi-intelligences teaching (Offwell Primary), an Academy Trust from England which will organize University suppor ...
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New Technologies for Handicraft

Date du début: 1 nov. 2016, Date de fin: 31 oct. 2018,

One of the most important economic sector in Europe is Crafts and small businesses, that employ more than 66% of Europe's workforce. In Europe, small enterprises and craft businesses are a prominent source of jobs and a breeding ground for business ideas. Handicrafts and Art handicraft(H&Ah) sector have a specific cultural and social value for Europe heritage and economy. H&Ah sector is facing hug ...
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PANDORA – Discovering European opportunities for Female Entrepreneurship

Date du début: 31 oct. 2016, Date de fin: 30 oct. 2018,

The project “Pandora – Discovering European opportunities for Female Entrepreneurship” aims to develop and share best practices in the field of adult education. The organizations and institutions involved in the project work in different areas, but every institution/association focus on adult education and social field. The main idea of the project is to develop an educational path for disadvantag ...
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Modernizing Indonesian Higher Education with Tested European Pedagogical Practices

Date du début: 15 oct. 2015, Date de fin: 14 oct. 2018,

Indonesia, the main target area of this project, is a rapidly growing economy with an annual growth rate of around 6% in the last years. The Government of Indonesia sees the development of the country in the processing of natural resources and has called in international companies to help to industrialize the country. Industrialization can show success within a few years only with special commitme ...
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The motivation behind the Project is to bring together European HEIs which possess and supply cutting-edge developments, innovative learning practices and extensive international experience and HEIs from Partner countries in Central Asia/CA/ which need and demand the same developments, practices and experience. The specific problems of Region 7 would be solved by assuring Accessibility and Harmoni ...
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Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Development

Date du début: 15 oct. 2015, Date de fin: 14 oct. 2018,

Most agricultural rural areas in the Russian Federation and Kazakhstan are characterized by drastic changes in the agriculture and nutrition sector, due to privatization, modernization and increasing differences between large-scale agro-holdings and small holder farms. The importance of rural development and the need to develop perspectives for agricultural land use is both recognized by politics ...
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Citylabs: Engaging Students with Sustainable Cities in Latin-America

Date du début: 15 oct. 2015, Date de fin: 14 oct. 2018,

...uce and spread PBL, it is required to work on specific problems through multidisciplinary approaches. We choose to work on typical urban problems, such as urban planning, conservation, energy and climate change, poverty and crime, employment, …which are in general complex, and wicked problems that can only be properly addressed through multi-disciplinary and trans-disciplinary working methods. Mo ...
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The changes in educational paradigms and development of ICT are promoting the modernization of universities and the establishment of open and flexible study programs, freeing academic boundaries.Quality, accessibility and innovation are concepts that are driving the changes of virtual higher education. ACAI-LA Universities Network undertake the challenge of modernizing and internationalizing highe ...
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Date du début: 3 oct. 2016, Date de fin: 2 oct. 2018,

... support the evaluation of the results. ICT will enable the participation of 2200 indirect beneficiaries, 240 multiplier events with the creation of the results under open license, OER,and we are estimating other 2375 indirect beneficiaries.LIVING HERITAGE is based on a collaborative methodology among professionals in the field of formal and non-formal education and the participation of the stake ...
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AppHelp4SMEs – Apprenticeship Helpdesk for Small and Medium Size Enterprises

Date du début: 1 oct. 2016, Date de fin: 30 sept. 2018,

The project aims to build the capacities of key intermediary bodies in two EU countries – Cyprus & Poland - for providing tailored support to SMEs for taking on apprentices.Key Objectives:1. To develop the first of its kind national apprenticeship support service for SMEs in Cyprus and Poland offered by intermediary bodies such as Chambers of Commerce, Professional & Trade Associations, National A ...
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School European Professional Development

Date du début: 1 oct. 2016, Date de fin: 30 sept. 2018,

St Andrew's is a single form entry, smaller than average church primary school in a suburb of Warrington, which has strong ties to its community. The proportion of pupils disadvantaged and, therefore eligible for pupil premium is above average. A large proportion of our children enter school displaying skills that are well below the national average which results in a low starting point. Recently, ...
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Capacity Building for Intermediary Organisations through e-learning

Date du début: 1 oct. 2016, Date de fin: 30 sept. 2018,

In many countries of the Southern and Eastern Europe, current legislative reform is moving the apprenticeship system from a 100% school-based system towards a company based system. However, neither the intermediary organisations nor the companies are ready in order to cope with this change. The E-APPREN project is aiming to build the capacity of the intermediary organisations to support apprentice ...
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Bridging the Gap: world of school-world of work

Date du début: 19 sept. 2016, Date de fin: 18 sept. 2018,

... – to September 2018) The duration of the international mobility will consist of 30 days for the students and 60 days for the young graduates, the destinations will be : Belfast (UK), Prague (CZ), Limassol (Cyprus) and Mosta (Malta) The school promoter will manage relationships with local stakeholders and European partners, will disseminate the project information, select the participants, organi ...
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Sonnenblume - Achtsamkeit in Grundschulen

Date du début: 1 sept. 2015, Date de fin: 31 août 2018,

The project “Sonnenblume – Achtsamkeit in der Grundschule” (“Sunflower – Mindfulness in Elementary School”) is an innovative project, bringing the new and at the same time very old method of mindfulness intensely to the scholar everyday life. The consequences of constant acceleration and permanent distraction, resulting from last decades’ digital technologies in our world, make an adverse impact o ...
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EURspace: European IVT Recognition Gateway

Date du début: 1 sept. 2015, Date de fin: 31 août 2018,

The EURspace Project is developed by a European partnership consisting of eight entities from seven European countries: Portugal, Spain, France, Italy, Lithuania, Turkey and Romania. The Project aims to contribute for the development of a European area of skills and qualifications through the development of a European Platform that provides support to ensure the recognition, validation, attributio ...
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Creative and Innovative Training Based on Digital Materials and Games

Date du début: 1 sept. 2015, Date de fin: 31 août 2018,

...inuously work at learning the new technological language, whereas digital natives were born into retrieving information, problem solving, and communicating with this technology. Moreover, pre and primary school teachers graduate from the university without specifications for teaching art, music, english, physical education and are inadequate in the methodology of teaching basic algorithm and codin ...
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