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Raising Achievement Together - a vision for European schools
Date du début: 1 sept. 2016, Date de fin: 31 août 2019 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

Through this project we aim to discover why STEM subjects are so unattractive to young learners in schools and beyond, particularly amongst girls. We want to investigate primary and secondary practices with a view to radically changing practices in all regions. To achieve this we have set the following objectives:-Design and develop STEM activities that are both innovative and motivational-Utilise the knowledge and experiences of our young learners to identify areas for development and improvement-Involve young learners in the review of teaching practices and development of STEM activities-Promote engagement in STEM activities with families and the wider community-Encourage teamwork and collaboration as one of the basic pillars in the STEM environment-Widen participation in these project activities locally, nationally and internationallyI order to meet these objectives we will participate in a blended mix of activities to include:-transnational project management meetings-the development of baseline assessments and impact review-teacher training-preparation of classroom materials-developing pupil voice-pupil exchange-multiplier events-encouraging family engagement-local teacher training activities-ETwinning-development of Good Practice GuidelinesThroughout the project we will closely evaluate and monitor all activities. We develop internal evaluation instruments to measure the impact of STEM in different countries on teacher performance and student outcomes. We will conduct a thorough baseline assessment at the start of the project and a detailed impact review at the close. We will evaluate both hard data and attitudes to STEM subjects using this information to inform progress throughout. The baseline assessment will look at hard data such as standards in STEM subjects, the choices made by young learners post-school study in digital and other STEM subject areas, engagement in STEM activities at primary level, parental engagement in STEM school based activities etc. and importantly engagement by students with fewer opportunities. This will be coupled with a study of attitudes linked to gender balance, motivation and identifying role models. In addition all activities will be evaluated and the results will inform next steps.The impact review will revisit the same content as the baseline the results from which will measure impact overall and provide essential information needed to evaluate the success of the project. We will be able to show, through standardized testing scores, conclusive and quantitative evidence derived if proposed by this project has a positive impact on student outcomes. Thus evidencing an increase in standards in all STEM subjects and improved motivation throughout. The number of teachers engaged in this and similar projects following the multiplier events will indicate the success of our dissemination plan as will the number of teachers applying for KA1 funding to take part in the training programmes planned in year 2 and 3.The number of parents and the wider community engaged in school activities will also be an indicator of the success of this project. We anticipate that pupils and students will be better supported at home by involving the parents and families in STEM activities.



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