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25 projets européens trouvés

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Slow Adventure In Northern Territories (SAINT)

Date du début: 13 avr. 2015, Date de fin: 12 avr. 2018, and travelling in wild places, through marketing to new, distant customer markets.  Nothern Europes wide-open, wild spaces provide a great, saleable contrast with the target groups lives in urban centres around the world.The common challenge is for partners to work with SMEs to overcome issues of peripherality, with restricted local demand and difficult access to international markets.The princ ...
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Contemporary old city: Enhancing cultural tourism across the border

Date du début: 31 mai 2012, Date de fin: 30 déc. 2014,

Activities of the project are aimed at increasing tourist attractiveness and promotion of historical and cultural centers and activities in Petrozavodsk and Joensuu, and in the respective regions. The inventory of territories’ cultural and historical offers, existing information sources, needs and future potential will be carried out. Thereafter, strategy for tourist development will be elaborated ...
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Corporate Social and Environmental Responsibility through Public Policy (COGITA)

Date du début: 31 déc. 2011, Date de fin: 30 déc. 2014,

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is defined as "a concept whereby companies integrate social and environmental concerns in their business operations and in their interaction with their stakeholders on a voluntary basis."In recent years, public entities have recognised CSR’s potential as organisational innovation to improve social conditions and promote regional development and competitiveness ...
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The OrientGate project will foster concerted and coordinated climate adaptation actions across the SEE region. The project will explore climate risks faced by coastal, rural and urban communities; contribute to a better understanding of the impact of climate variability and change on water regimes, forests and agro-ecosystems; and analyse specific adaptation needs in the hydroelectricity, agro-ali ...
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Smarter Cluster Policies for South East Europe (ClusterPoliSEE)

Date du début: 30 avr. 2012, Date de fin: 30 oct. 2014,

ClusterPoliSEE main objective is to enhance the capacity of regional policy makers to confront, prevent and anticipate change, developing smart specialization strategies for cluster improvement, thus accelerating differentiation and structural change towards a knowledge-based economy in which there is a place for all SEE regions to position themselves. 25 members partnership covers 11 different SE ...
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In 2009, the European Parliament asked the Commission and the Member States to consider the EuroVelo- Network and Iron Curtain Trail as an opportunity for promoting European trans-border cycling infrastructure networks, supporting soft mobility and sustainable tourism?. The European Commission organised workshops to raise awareness of the ICT and awarded grants to preparatory projects to define th ...
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Less favoured rural areas in SEE rely on traditional economic activities as the main source of income and jobs. At the same time they possess unique cultural values which are not recognised as a development factor and consequently not properly managed. The main objective of the project is therefore to improve the management of cultural values in rural areas in order to contribute to economic and s ...
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Cultural Heritage sites located in both rural and urban areas are often facing the dilemma between loss of cultural values and hence loss of identity, due to non-sustainable growth, and economic decline and emigration, due to inappropriate infrastructure and high cost of living (especially, buildings maintenance). CHERPLAN aims to provide a strong basis for ensuring compatibility and synergy betwe ...
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Tourist Guide for Northern Periphery (TG4NP)

Date du début: 14 juin 2010, Date de fin: 29 sept. 2013,

The aim of the TG4NP project is to support tourism industry of peripheral regions by enhancing the visitors experiences in cultural and natural heritage destinations with the help of multimodal mobile information services. Project will develop potential new approaches to efficient and sustainable management and utilisation of resources in natural and cultural heritage. The idea is to exploit the l ...
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Protected Areas (PA) play an important role for sustainable territorial policies.Often perceived as a limit to economical growth, PA´s have to face up anthropic pressures reconciling economic interests with ecological requirements. New integrated plans based on a transnational framework will be fostered to improve PA sustainable growth. Increasing awareness and diminishing economical and social ...
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...f European regions’ and cities’ attractiveness to economic performance. In addition, it shall identify the key ingredients of attractiveness in different types of territories, from vibrating city centres to tranquil rural settlements, taking into account issues such as access to services, well-being and quality of life. Finally, the project shall investigate in which way policy makers can improve ...
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Date du début: 28 févr. 2010, Date de fin: 27 févr. 2012,

The setting up of a common European research and innovation space can be succesful only with precisely defined innovation and supportive policies and programmes, as well as interventions that tackle among others also the SME support and cluster cooperation support. In parallel, a step must be done that enables the implementation of tools, the application of policies and the introduction of innovat ...
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CO2-Neutral Transport for the Alpine Space (CO2-NeuTrAlp) (CO2-NeuTrAlp)

Date du début: 31 août 2008, Date de fin: 30 août 2011,

Alternative propulsion technologies for transport on the basis of renewable energies (RE) shall be implemented by local users of the Alpine Space: 1.) A variety of solutions will be applied in regions with differing resource potentials; 2.) Technical solutions will be harmonised in order to set international standards; 3.) Transnational exchange of know-how promotes the competitiveness of the Alpi ...
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The Development of the Islands - European Islands and Cohesion Policy (EUROISLANDS)

Date du début: 31 janv. 2009, Date de fin: 31 mai 2010,

In recent years great consideration has been given to geographical particularities within the EU which seem to be significantly responsible for the persistence of regional and intraregional inequalities, affecting the development of some regions. The territorial dimension has been included in the recent cohesion reports, lending a particular dynamic in the search of more specialised and integrated ...
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Baltic Business Development Network (BBDN)

Date du début: 2 janv. 2005, Date de fin: 30 déc. 2007,

The development of the Baltic Sea Region (BSR) as a whole is characterized by large economic and social differences, cultural barriers, different languages and different business structures. Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) have problems to benefit from the advantages of the enlarged market due to their lack of knowledge and skills about business structures outside their home markets.In o ...
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Greening Regional Development Programmes (GRDP)

Date du début: 30 juin 2004, Date de fin: 30 oct. 2007,

GRDP’s overall aim is to deal with this issue by enabling regions to collaborate and share best practice on how the environment can be better integrated into all programmes benefiting from Structural Funds. This is intended to lead to the development of more effective regional programmes that deliver sustainable results for local people. GRDP will also draft a common European methodology for integ ...
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Towards the sustainable region (DQE)

Date du début: 31 déc. 2003, Date de fin: 29 juin 2007,

The overall objective of this cooperation is to exchange experience and jointly develop new instruments and tools for competitive and sustainable development at regional and SME level. The partners aim to test and apply the “DQE Method” as a tool for integrated SME development in all participating regions. This shall increase the competitiveness of their SMEs. ...
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Integrating Logistics Centre Networks in the Baltic Sea Region (InLoC)

Date du début: 31 juil. 2004, Date de fin: 30 mars 2007,

As a follow up of the project NeLoC projecz InLoc aimed at further improvement of the networking between logistics centres, ports and other logistics operators in the Baltic Sea Region. The project also analysed spatial and environmental consequences of logistics centres and aimed at removing bottlenecks in port-hinterland connections. Furthermore, the project tried to improve the compatibility of ...
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Study on spatially relevant aspects of Tourism (Tourism)

Date du début: 1 févr. 2006, Date de fin: 12 févr. 2007,

Tourism is of vital importance to the global economy and for many regional economies. The World Tourism Organisation (WTO) estimates that tourism is directly and indirectly responsible for generating up to 10% of the world´s GDP and 100 million jobs. The European Commission says that 9 million people are directly employed in the EU tourism sector, which accounts approximately for 5% of the GDP.The ...
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Seagull-DevERB (Seagull )

Date du début: 19 août 2002, Date de fin: 18 nov. 2005,

...ic, (2) The Lyckeby River-an attitude investigation about water issues – study I, (3) The Lyckeby River-Nature, culture, environment and The Lyckeby River Water Association, (4) Innovative centres and SMEs as vehicles in regional development, (5) Gender Equality in ERB, (6) Rural Areas in ERB-Empirical description, (7)Euroregion Baltic and the Baltic Sea, (7a) ATLAS-Euroregion Baltic and the Balti ...
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Bothnian Arc - Arctic Coastal Tourism Region (BothnianArc-ACTion )

Date du début: 25 juin 2002, Date de fin: 24 sept. 2005,

...ute in positioning of the area. At the same time the Karelian and Swedish-Finnish coastal regions create together an exciting tourism concept, “Arctic coastal and archipelago tourism”. The Danish Centre for Regional and Tourism Research will contribute with theoretical backup in the development of tourism concepts. An important aspect is the planning of strategic coastal/archipelago trails with di ...
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Territorial effects of the Pre-Accession Aid (Pre-Accession Aid)

Date du début: 30 mars 2003, Date de fin: 20 sept. 2005,

The objective of this project has been to conduct a comparative territorial analysis of the national instruments of structural policy in the new Member States, who joined the EU in 2004, and the Candidate Countries Bulgaria and Romania. Also the non-EU members Norway and Switzerland were to be included in the respective analyses as far as possible. The analyses aimed at territorial impact assessme ...
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The applicant’s division in Békéscsaba has established a joint website and aninformation, documentation centre through the development of an institutionalsystem working to promote cross-border cultural, social, research, municipal andeconomic co-operation. The same has been completed by the Voivodinan partner inNovy Sad and the centre has been opened during a cross-border regional developmentconfe ...
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The project is aiming at designing a European systematic approach for employers’ engagement to anticipate skills requirements and support quality assurance in VET through bringing key actors into one EU.EM.NET - network. The project mirrors the real needs for effective and efficient engagement of employers in the overall process of detecting of new skills needed for the future development in the s ...
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... project consortium is made up of a strong network of agencies that are devoted to helping society and its individuals to grow to their best potential. Icelandic partners are the Development Centre of East Iceland, the East-Icelandic Knowledge Network and the East Iceland Cultural Board. These organizations have years of experience in the transfer of knowledge and support to innovation and proc ...
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