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23 projets européens trouvés

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Caring Society: Building Communities, Social Inclusion and Health Development

Date du début: 1 oct. 2016, Date de fin: 30 sept. 2019,

... will closely collaborate with 3 highly experienced (Urban) European HEI’s that have ample knowledge and expertise on (1) placing health(care) learners in community clinical settings (Avans); (2) teaching more basic healthy lifestyle and enhanced physical activity education (LUAS) and (3) involving local communities in health(care) education and focus on strengthening the competence level and prof ...
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Bioeconomy Awareness and Discourse Project (BioCannDo)

Date du début: 1 oct. 2016, Date de fin: 30 sept. 2019,

The Bioeconomy Awareness and Discourse Project (BioCannDo) will raise awareness and acceptance of the broad public towards the bioeconomy and bio-based products through a strategic, stakeholder-driven information campaign and education. Convincing people that the bio-based economy offers something desirable, with new products, functionalities and applications for their daily life, that provide ans ...
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Higher education student and staff mobility project

Date du début: 1 juin 2016, Date de fin: 31 mai 2018,

This is a higher education student and staff mobility project, please consult the website of the organisation to obtain additional details.
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European Forensic Educational Network

Date du début: 1 sept. 2014, Date de fin: 31 août 2017,

Forensics is becoming more important in the fight against crime. And crime is increasingly transnational: human and drugs trafficking, cybercrime, terrorism, it does not stop at national borders. This results in the need for a pan-European approach to forensic practice, from initial education up to workplace of forensic institutions and companies. Not surprisingly, the European Union currently put ...
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... with the participation of 30 beneficiaries from 10/04/2017 to 23/04/2017.Potential beneficiaries in the mobility are owners and senior executives of poultry farms. The host organisation is Stichting Avans which is a university that has connections throughout Europe and is considered one of the best higher education institutions in the country with great experience on the expertise of biogas and i ...
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Higher education student and staff mobility project

Date du début: 1 juin 2015, Date de fin: 31 mai 2017,

This is a higher education student and staff mobility project, please consult the website of the organisation to obtain additional details.
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Higher education student and staff mobility project

Date du début: 1 juin 2014, Date de fin: 31 mai 2016,

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Societal challenges, RTD and innovation offer opportunities to rejuvenate and transform the resource intensive chemical and process industries into eco-efficient high-tech solution providers, by switching to bio-based feedstock, improving efficiency of processes, by recycling waste materials and by looking at industry as an integrated system (industrial symbiosis). Objective of the Chemicals Regio ...
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CO2 en CH4 als dragers voor regionale ontwikkeling (CO2 en CH4)

Date du début: 11 nov. 2013, Date de fin: 30 déc. 2014,

De doelstelling van het Interreg-project is het versterken van de economische slagkracht van de regio door een basis te leggen voor een rendabele infrastructuur voor koolstofdioxide (CO2) en methaan (CH4) aan beide zijden van de grens. Op die manier wordt de transitie van lang- naar kort-cyclische energie gestimuleerd en kunnen de regio’s hun positie op dit gebied in Europa vergroten.Om dit doel t ...
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CREA-Zone: Towards a Creative Future (Crea-Z)

Date du début: 28 févr. 2014, Date de fin: 29 nov. 2014,

The Crea-Z cluster aims to professionalise and accelerate the economic valorisation of creativity and innovation in a region or city, through the development of cultural and creative industries (CCIs) and through collaboration opportunities with traditional industries.CREA-Z (CREA-Zone) refers to creativity Zone, a place/region where creativity is essential and an important part of the area. CREA- ...
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The main aim is to increase the use of creative digital solutions in various business sectors and thus the development prospects of companies by raising, the development and dissemination of results of 2 Seas projects, additional studies and making/designing prototypes (f.e. gaming, simulations and 3D applications)
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The VIVID project aims to create a cross-border virtual network in the Visual Design sector, a sector that creatively translates communication into multimedia applications. This sector is constantly evolving and offers great economic potential for the 2 Seas area, using new media and technology to develop visual communication tools which are more efficient, more understandable and can also be appl ...
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Date du début: 30 juin 2010, Date de fin: 29 juin 2013,

Crossroads ondersteunt bedrijven inhoudelijk en financieel bij het ontwikkelen en realiseren van kansrijke innovaties door de inzet van één of meerdere opkomende technologieën: nanomaterialen, oppervlaktebehandeling en materialen, inkjet, embedded vision en remote diagnostics. Dit leidt tot nieuwe producten en productieprocessen, waarmee bedrijven kunnen inspelen op de groeiende internationale vra ...
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Energie Conversie Park (ECP) voor de verwerking van lokale biomassastromen (ECP)

Date du début: 31 mars 2010, Date de fin: 30 mars 2013,

Het gebruik van biomassa als energiebron is belangrijk als duurzaam alternatief voor fossiele brandstoffen. Groente- fruit en tuinafval (GFT), maaisel en snoeisel, bijproducten van landbouw en industrie worden als biobrandstof tot nu toe nauwelijks gebruikt . Bovendien zijn de huidige installaties waarmee biomassa wordt omgezet in bijvoorbeeld warmte, elektriciteit etc. bijna altijd ontwikkeld voo ...
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Verbonden in Veiligheid

Date du début: 30 sept. 2009, Date de fin: 29 sept. 2012,

Tegenwoordig stijgt de vraag naar een steeds beter en hoger opgeleid personeel op het terrein van veiligheid en criminaliteitbestrijding en dus ook naar personeel met grensoverschrijdende kennis.Om die reden hebben de partners in dit project besloten een samenwerking aan te gaan die moet leiden tot op elkaar afgestemde opleidingen op hoger beroeps en op universitair niveau. De bestaande opleidinge ...
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Date du début: 31 mai 2009, Date de fin: 29 mai 2012,

De verschillende projectpartners slaan de handen in elkaar om de Grensregio Vlaanderen-Nederland uit te bouwen tot een Europese topregio op het vlak van waterstof.Deze uitbouw zal gebeuren door: clustering/coördinatie van waterstofgerelateerde activiteiten binnen de regio op basis van de regionale kansen en Europese ambities;concrete realisatie van demonstratieprojecten van waterstofsystemen in ma ...
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Business Transfer concerns the transfer from parents to children or outside the family. VET institutes have almost no part in this process while the elements of this process are important study subjects in vocational education: economics and tax regulations, business administration, social communication within the family, management, marketing and business strategies and above all the target group ...
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Business transfer is of major concern in the European Union. Almost one third of the SMEs in the European Union, approximately 690.000 businesses with about 2.8 million jobs will be faced with the succession/transfer process within the next years. The transfer of the BTP curriculum and the Screening Tool has contributed to the improvement of the skills of business successors/buyers and transferors ...
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The economic and demographic changes that are currently taking place, demand action to create a sustainable labour market in the future. One of the engines for a healthy labour market is high quality education and proper career orientation and guidance (COG). BLUE works on the improvement of the quality of COG in the region of ‘s-Hertogenbosch and aims to create an ongoing pathway of COG fro prim ...
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In the VQTS II project, the VQTS model was applied to other sectors (electronics/ electrical engineering) and to other countries and languages. The VQTS II project focused on transferring and further elaborating on methods and procedures for the development of a Competence Matrix by using the ideas and principles described in the VQTS project.The VQTS model was also used for identifying the overla ...
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The goal of the project is to create a European-wide network of professionals working in Human Resources Development and Management, Quality Management, Organisational Development and VET in order to attain proficiency in using Human Performance Technology (HPT). HPT is defined as a comprehensive set of tools and methodologies which support the achievement of results through the management of peop ...
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Criminal Justice Social Work

Date du début: 1 oct. 2011,

Europe is facing many great challenges that result from the need for integration of policies in the area of freedom, security and justice in Europe (as stated in the Framework decisions). These challenges can be met by the contribution of European education in the field of Criminal Justice Social Work (CJSW). The partners are brought together in order to improve European cooperation between public ...
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