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7 projets européens trouvés

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The “European experience of innovative culture and intellectual property relations: communicative aspects” (EICIPRC) module aims to promote EU studies in the area of innovative culture and intellectual property (IP). The overall objective will be achieved by delivering 3 courses “European experience of Innovative culture in Mediacommunications”, “European and homeland experience of IP in Mediacomm...
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The proposal Aurora – Towards Modern and Innovative Higher Education II (Aurora II) will promote multidisciplinary cooperation at various levels, which will increase the links between Europe and Russia and contribute to cultural dialogue and mutual understanding.The proposal builds on an agenda of higher education institutions and business benefiting from working together. By developing partnershi...
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The initiative for the Erasmus Mundus Action 2, Strand 1, Lot 6 proposal Integration, Interaction, Institutions – Triple I is to enhance institutional capacity to understand the standards and demands of international educational cooperation, and to reinforce the interest in functions and policies for the development of structured international activities in academic institutions. Opportunities for...
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Date du début: 15 oct. 2010,

The Tuning project recognizes and responds to a number of general tendencies in higher education sector. The objectives of the proposed project will include: 1. Promotion and dissemination of Tuning methodology among Russian academic community (in particular in 7 subject areas - Economic, Law, Natural Sciences, Information and Telecommunication Technologies, Languages, Tourism and Social Work)2. I...
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Triple I addresses the needs and constrains of the countries involved by disseminating the socialand democratic values of the EU and promoting better understanding of Russia, thus supporting thedevelopment of Euro-Russian relations in whole. The theme of Integration, Interaction and Institutionsis strategically chosen to address the issues important in the Euro-Russian relations.Triple I mobility ...
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L05 - Russia

Date du début: 15 juil. 2009,

Triple I addresses the needs and constrains of the countries involved by disseminating the social and democratic values of the EU and promoting better understanding of Russia, thus supporting the development of Euro-Russian relations in whole. The theme of Integration, Interaction and Institutions is strategically chosen to address the issues important in the Euro-Russian relations. Triple I mobil...
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