Wadih Wilson Dib

: 14 nov. 2021

Recherche partenariat
A propos

Executive Director - Business Development and Operations - PFC-International.

Business and finance analyst with cross-functional expertise in consultancy, administration, and business development, helping in making decisions and setting priorities. More than ten years of experience in both financial and accountancy services industry combining strong analytical skill with business and supervisory wisdom to contribute to organizations bottom-line. Proven history of operations and smooth administration in increasing mental productivity within the subordinates with a goal to establish a career in Managerial and Financial Planning, Development & Analysis, or a comparable position, that will utilize my knowledge and years of progressive experience.

Mots clés et domaine d'activité:

 Entrepreneuriat et PME
 Europe créative
 Fonds européen agricole pour le développement rural (...
 Fonds européen de développement régional (FEDER)
 Fonds social européen (FSE)
 Union européenne
 Subventions EEE et Norvège

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