Valentin Nenov
17 mars 2021
Recherche partenariat En recherche de financements
A propos
SME founder
Developing sensors for water quality
and air quality monitoring
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Idées proposées
Protection environnementale
Innovation & Recherche
Technologie mobile
By using the data obtained by conventional Air Quality Sensors data an algorithm which interrelates the single AQ parameters with TFR is developed. Besides the sensors, the device includes a controller which transfers the real-time data into a cloud computing-based web server. For data analysis a cloud computing technology is used.
Burgas, Bulgaria
il y a 3 ans
il y a 3 ans
Protection environnementale
Innovation & Recherche
Based multy parameter air quality measurements to perform real time mionitoring of air in respect of free radicals
Burgas, Bulgaria
il y a 3 ans
il y a 3 ans
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