Marine Fellowship Association – BG
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The Marine Fellowship Association is non-governmental, voluntary and independent organization of legal entities and individuals, working for the public benefit and having for the main objective to assist and defend the private initiative of Bulgarian fisherman and traders, to represent their economic and social interests before the governmental bodies and other organizations, to provide better access to common natural resources. Founded in 1982 the Association has a mission to meet the challenges of the change in the economic development of Bulgaria and facilitate the integration and affiliation to European economy, taking into account the national identity and cultural, archeological and ecological heritage. Marine Fellowship Association has set the following goals: 1/ development of the fishing fleet to promote sustainable fishing activities in marine areas; 2/ improvement of fishing vessel security, fish quality, hygiene conditions and the selection of fishing gear; 3/ encouragement of activities of collective interest in order to achieve the objectives of the Common Fisheries Policy in Bulgaria and the EU and to create the necessary environment for the development of enterprises in the fisheries sector by means of: modernization of fishing ports, landing docks and sheltered lobbies, developing new markets and promotional campaigns, and supporting joint actions for the sustainable development of fisheries and aquaculture and resource management; 4/ sustainable development of fisheries areas in order to develop areas with a significant level of employment in the fisheries sector through the implementation of local strategies for the diversification of activities, improving the quality of life in these areas and ensuring a good standard of living for the fisheries sector. persons engaged in fishing activities; 5/ conservation and development of aquatic flora and fauna.
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Apprentissage des adultes
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il y a 6 ans
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