Sociedade Portuguesa de Inovação
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Sociedade Portuguesa de Inovação (SPI) is a private consulting company created in 1996 as an active centre of national and international networks connected to the research and innovation sectors. SPI has become a leading promoter of linkages between national and international public and private organizations/companies/S&T institutes. SPI has coordinated and provided expert support on projects based in Europe, Asia, North America, South America and Africa. Currently, SPI has 80 full-time staff located in the various offices of the company in Portugal, Spain, China, USA, and with an affiliated office in Belgium (Brussels) through the European Business & Innovation Centre Network (EBN). SPI also has established professional and business networks in Brazil, Angola, and South East ;SPI also has established professional and business networks in Brazil and Angola. SPI is very experienced in working with the European Commission and DG Research & Innovation, including in over 25 FP7/CIP and now over 30 H2020 projects across a range of research themes. SPI has interests worldwide and continues to expand its international presence in increasingly diverse locations, promoting international opportunities across a wide range of sectors.
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Entrepreneuriat et PME
Horizon Europe
Gestion de projets internationaux
il y a 6 ans
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