Smart & Lean Hub Oy
20 janv. 2016
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A propos
- WHY: To foster customers' world class operational excellence.
- WHAT: Clever ICT- solutions together with data based continuous improvement.
- HOW: Practise oriented Lean and Six Sigma approach and close co-operation with ICT start-up companies, which focus on emerging technologies.
Mots clés et domaine d'activité:
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Idées proposées
Renforcement des compétences
Économie numérique
Fabrication industrielle
Développement des affaires
More than 80% of plastics found in marine environments has been produced, consumed and disposed of on land.
Microplastic contamination on land is estimated to be between 4 to 32 times higher than in the oceans.
In addition to inadequate end-of-life treatment of plastic waste, plastics reaches...
Sipura, 15320 Lahti, Finland
il y a 5 ans
il y a 5 ans
IoT is align with activities of continuous improvement - Lean, Six Sigma, Operational Excellence
Économie numérique
Fabrication industrielle
Fabrication 2.0
Ingénieur industriel
Internet des objets (IoT)
I have faced in my work as a Lean Six Sigma Black Belt the following question often: How can I get better data about the process, so that I can improve it and achieve better performance?
Now I have seen the light. We will have in future thanks to IoT
- cloud based analytics platform
- sensors in manufacturing and distribution facilities
- data from key proc...
15140 Lahti, Finland
il y a 7 ans
il y a 7 ans
Fabrication industrielle
Enseignement supérieur
Ref: Erasmus+ - Key Action 2 - Knowledge alliances (at this point I suppose that the call will be opened and its deadline will be February 2018)
Do you have time and passion to co-design the winning project idea with me and with other partners?
Do you have an expertise in the area of World Class Manufacturing?
Do you have time, perseveran...
15320 Lahti, Finland
il y a 8 ans
il y a 8 ans
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