Erasmus+ KA 2: Co-design the project idea and prepare the proposal for the next call

il y a 7 ans

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Ref: Erasmus+ - Key Action 2 - Knowledge alliances (at this point I suppose that the call will be opened and its deadline will be February 2018)

  • Do you have time and passion to co-design the winning project idea with me and with other partners?
  • Do you have an expertise in the area of World Class Manufacturing?
  • Do you have time, perseverance, energy and know-how to be an active operator of  preparation process of the proposal for Erasmus+ KA2?

If you answered three times YES, have  good connections with companies and you represent higher education institution which provides interest and competence on some of the following topics: manufacturing, maintenance, human factors in production, quality, continuous improvement, Lean and Six Sigma, please contact me.

 Fabrication industrielle
 Enseignement supérieur

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