Maritime Archaeological Society of Finland
13 déc. 2023
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A propos
Maritime Archaeological Society of Finland promotes the research and accessibility of European underwater cultural heritage - namely historic shipwrecks. We are building a 3D onthology of the Baltic Sea's historic shipwrecks with over 150 3D modelled wrecks in our database and at Sketchfab. Our long term goal is to establish a historic shipwreck acquarium, in which maritime archaeologists can work in an transparent manner and engage the general public in a unique way.
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Idées proposées
Héritage culturel
Baltic Sea is the only Sea with historic wooden shipwrecks but they are endangered by climate change and warming oceans. We aim to protect the most precisious ones into a shipwreck aquarium and thereby raise the awareness of our underwater cultural heritage.
Helsinki, Finland
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Tourisme durable
Héritage culturel
Open source
Droit sur la propriété intellectuelle
Levée de fonds
Écriture académique
IT pour le patrimoine
Humanités numériques
We are open to all European consortiums involved with underwater cultural heritage or digitalisation of cultural heritage. We are the only scientific society of FInland recognized by UNESCO.
Helsinki, Finland
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