Regional Agency for Entrepreneurship and Innovations - Varna (RAPIV)
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Regional Agency for Entrepreneurship and Innovations – Varna (RAPIV) is a non- governmental non-profit organisation, carrying out its activities in public benefit, for stimulating regional economy, through the development of entrepreneurship and innovations.
Members of RAPIV are 4 Universities (Varna Free University “Chernorisets Hrabar”, Medical University – Varna, University of Economics – Varna, Naval Academy “;); local/regional authorities (District Administration Varna, Municipality of Varna, Municipality of Aksakovo); research organization, NGOs/ business support organizations and innovative SMEs.
RAPIV’s main objective is to support the regional economic development by establishing favourable environment for SMEs. It has a long-year experience in rendering support services for entrepreneurs and SMEs (including women and youth) as its mission is the stimulation of the regional economy, through the development of entrepreneurship and innovations.
RAPIV is also experienced in preparation and implementation of more than 25 European and national projects in the field of entrepreneurship’s promotion, research of social innovations. We are experienced in the management of EU funded projects, being a LP of numerous of them incl. under the CBC Black Sea Programme – BlasNET project, FP6 – NE BG-RIS project, etc. Being a partner in an INTERREG EUROPE project (INTRA) and 3 INTERREG IV C projects (INNOMOT, INOLINK, REGIOCLIMA), the organization gained specific experience in the European Interregional Programmes and their implementation rules.
The agency also has been carried out activities in: (1) Strategic surveys and analysis of the European regions in the economic field, basic infrastructure, including ecological infrastructure and social development; (2) Identification, selection and transfer of good practices; (3) Elaboration of socio-economic analysis of policies; (4) Analysis of the integration of the EU strategies and policies in Bulgarian legislation; (5) Participation in the development of Regional strategies and consolidated European Strategy; (6) Raising awareness campaign; (7) Increasing the participation of non- governmental organisations in fostering policies for entrepreneurship and innovations in priority sectors for the Region; (8) Development of a Strategic document “Municipal plan for development of Varna Municipality for the period 2014-2020”, etc; (7) Education, trainings, consulting and other support services for start-ups within the activity of the Business Incubator, etc.