Nikolay Dragomirov
14 mai 2022
A propos
Our professional services are focused on the small and medium companies looking for competitive solutions for modern logistics and supply chain management. In the conditions of intense competition and constant entry of new business competitors, the only way to succeed is by introducing innovations, digitalisation, and digital transformation of the business.
That is why we offer working and flexible solutions for business logistics. With their help managers will get more business opportunities and time to focus on essential business tasks.
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Idées proposées
Entrepreneuriat et PME
We are interested in joining projects in the field of supply chain management, innovations, digital transformations and etc. Our team is flexible, with a huge professional experience, and most of the members are Ph.D.
Our focus is on SME and solutions for better performence of the logistics and supply chain management processes. Startup are also great opportunity to work.
Sofia, Bulgaria
il y a 2 ans
il y a 2 ans
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