Fondazione Caritas dell'Arcidiocesi Pescara-Penne
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The FOUNDATION is based in Pescara (Italy) in the Abruzzo ;
Our target group are people in a state of social ;The motto of our activities is: "What we do is just a drop in the ocean, but if we do not it the ocean has a drop in less".
Our Foundation was formed in 1999 and is registered at the sole Registry of the NGO since 2007 and of the Registry organizations and associations which carry out activities in favour of immigrants at the Interior ;The Foundation answers concretely to the poverty and social exclusion. It is at the service of minorities and marginalized people and carries out activities in health and social care with a strong commitment in hospitality and education, the promotion of new lifestyles, inter-cultural integration.
The prevailing pedagogic and educational is to act daily in society beside weaker sections of people. For this purpose, it operates facilities and conducts projects for social cohesion in collaboration with local and national authorities and with a lot of numerous non-profit organizations.
Our general objectives are the sensitization of the community and of the individual to respect for one self and others, education to work, to self-entrepreneurship, to youth participation, volunteering and active citizenship in order to have a real effect in practice and social policy.
From work experience of daily contact with the social desease, through specific services born from attentive listening and a weighted analysis of the territory and its specificity, we seek to provide answers more and more personalized and effective.
In these years we have built a strong relationship with the territory, with local communities, citizens, social groups and institutions to improve the potential of the community and face its needs, with particular attention to the most vulnerable.
The presence and involvement with the social base where it is rooted, allows us to better represent the needs of the community and, consequently, to put in place the necessary solidarity and entrepreneurial initiatives.
Our activities are:
- welcome the homeless;
- refugee host;
- work inclusion;
- promotion of non-discriminatory attitudes and combating stereotypes in the society;
- integration of ROMA;
- the empowerment of women and the human rights of women and girls in the post-2015 context;
- inter-generational and intercultural dialogue;
- providing opportunities for self-assessment, development of skills and competences, practical support of self realization and promotion of gender equality;
- involvement of young people from disadvantaged groups in the social life - ending extreme poverty and rising youth employment;
- youth empowerment for political participation and the promotion of active citizenship;
- rising an interest on social responsible entrepreneurship and employment opportunities to increase the wealth of each individual and societies;
- sustainable development of local societies and peaceful democracy.
Mots clés et domaine d'activité:
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Développement rural
Innovation sociale
Personnes defavorisées
Égalité des sexes
Groupes minoritaires
Éducation et formation
Europe pour les citoyens
Social et Bien-être
il y a 5 ans
Éducation et formation
Mobilité des jeunes
Europe pour les citoyens
Social et Bien-être
Migrants et Réfugiés
il y a 5 ans
Innovation sociale
Affaires sociales et inclusion
Mobilité des jeunes
Culture et développement
Europe pour les citoyens
Coopération transnationale
Social et Bien-être
il y a 6 ans
Innovation sociale
Personnes defavorisées
Égalité des sexes
Groupes minoritaires
Fonds Asile, Migration et Intégration (AMIF)
Aide aux réfugiés
Éducation et formation
il y a 6 ans
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