Interested in a Partnership (Fondazione Caritas dell'Arcidiocesi Pescara-Penne)

il y a 6 ans

Fondazione Caritas dell'Arcidiocesi Pescara-Penne

Non lucratif


Recherche partenariat

Recherche partenaire principal

Caritas Pescara Foundation is part of Pescara Social Plan (PIS), with significant expertise on social inclusion, and immigration policies. In this last sphere, it manages first and second level welcome and hospitality processes with more than 300 migrants and refugees. With its migration area responsible and project management officers, the Foundation carries out operative and research roles, participating in regional, national and European AMIF projects. We are now participating in a European AMIF project on trafficking issues, but we'd be happy to support ideas as a partner with our know-how and skills. If you are interested in our organization you can write to us at this mail .

 Innovation sociale
 Personnes defavorisées
 Égalité des sexes
 Groupes minoritaires
 Fonds Asile, Migration et Intégration (AMIF)
 Aide aux réfugiés
 Éducation et formation

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