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The complex interactions between genetic and non-genetic factors produce heterogeneities in patients as reflected in the diversity of pathophysiology, clinical manifestations, response to therapies, disease development and progression. Yet, the full potential of personalized medicine entails biomarker-guided delivery of efficient therapies in stratified patient populations.MultipleMS will therefor ...
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COmmunity Nurse Supporting Elderly iN a changing SOciety (CO.N.S.E.N.SO)

Date du début: 16 déc. 2015, Date de fin: 15 déc. 2018,

...e project will validate a model of transnational governance of processes required to deliver healthcare, prevention and active ageing. Families will benefit from reduced elderly home assistance and Regional Authorities will see a reduction of social and health costs. The project will also build capacity within the social economy by proposing innovative business models. The Alpine space, characteri ...
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...s, houses, factories) to encourage behavioural changes for energy efficiency and carbon footprint reduction. Behavioural changes and energy reduction will be assessed and will improve transnational, regional and local low carbon and spatial development policies. Sustainable exploitation will also be analysed in order to maximize effectiveness and trigger economic development of the Alpine Space. ...
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Date du début: 1 oct. 2016, Date de fin: 30 sept. 2018,

Statistics show that the number of apprenticeship in Rhône-Alpes and Piemonte is low regarding the number of companies. They also show that apprenticeship is declining, especially in the SMEs.This situation is mainly due to the complexity of the procedures and regulation concerning apprenticeship, and also to the fact that they are subject to frequent changes.This situation is particularly difficu ...
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SPP Regions

Date du début: 1 avr. 2015, Date de fin: 31 mars 2018,

The SPP Regions project is aimed at promoting strong networking and collaboration at both the European and sub-national regional level on sustainable and innovative procurement (SPP/PPI), to help promote and embed capacity building and knowledge transfer. At the regional level networking will be promoted to build capacities and transfer skills in sustainable and innovative procurement implementati ...
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European Initial Vocational Placements 2016

Date du début: 1 sept. 2016, Date de fin: 31 janv. 2018,

...efits:- Improvement of the image of VET institutions, making them more attractive to potential students.- Increase of the number of VET institutions active in mobility.- Strengthening the regional strategy of the Departament d’Ensenyament in the promotion of mobility.
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Innovation and Commercialisation in the NMP thematic area (INCOMERA)

Date du début: 15 janv. 2014, Date de fin: 14 janv. 2018,

...and inclusive growth. This strategy concerns the so called concept of Smart Specialization Strategy.By itself, sounds a challenging task, but it is of crucial importance, especially for less advanced regions. According to this concept, each region must set its own innovation priorities and streamline public funds in those technological fields, where certain advantages and thus exploitation prospec ...
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European Initial Vocational Placements 2015

Date du début: 1 juin 2015, Date de fin: 31 mai 2017,

...: - Improvement of the image of VET institutions, making them more attractive to potential students. - Increase of the number of VET institutions active in mobility. - Strengthening the regional strategy of the Departament d’Educació in the promotion of mobility.
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The MastermMind Consortium to avoid dispersing efforts has narrowed the scope of the services to just one, non-organic, mental disorder: depression. This because of its high incidence, social cost and proven clinical effectiveness of ICT in its treatment. MasterMind intends: 1) to implement at scale (almost 5.000 patient overall) evidence based computerised Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (cCBT) ser ...
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Initiative de mobilité, pédagogie alternative, citoyenneté et territoires 7

Date du début: 1 juin 2014, Date de fin: 31 mai 2016,

...This project is conducted by a consortium under the leadership of National association of CEMEA that is responsible for the management of mobility grants and gives pedagogical supports, and the regional associations of CEMEA which organize vocational trainings, crisscross the territory and guide trainees in their mobility. Impact 7 pursues Europe 2020 strategy through its goals: 1-Giving the oppor ...
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From materials science and engineering to innovation for Europe (M-ERA.NET)

Date du début: 1 févr. 2012, Date de fin: 31 janv. 2016,

... to access world leading knowledge.It is our mission to- strengthen the status of the European RTD community and economy in materials sciences and engineering;- mobilise critical mass of national and regional funding for transnational RTD cooperation in materials science and engineering, thereby achieving a very large leverage effect of the requested FP7 funding;- set up a novel umberlla concept f ...
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...Alpine Building Culture in the broader context of territorial development and ecologic sustainability. It aims at enabling local actors to capitalize on this outstanding cultural asset as a source of regional identity and economic development. Central elements of AlpBC are a) the implementation of inter-municipal planning concepts, b) the stimulation of regional closed loop economies in the buildi ...
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...main objective of the EC-SQUARE project was to control and eradicate threats caused by grey squirrel (and other non-native squirrel species) in different socio-ecological contexts, in three different regions of northern Italy: Lombardy (Lombardia), Liguria and Piedmont (Piemonte). The aim was to produce a decision support system to identify the most efficient management strategy in each case, and ...
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Date du début: 14 janv. 2013, Date de fin: 14 janv. 2015,

Le projet CASSAT a pour object l'amélioration de la surveillance sismique dans la zone transfrontalière. Il permettra d'optimiser les performances du réseau sismologique transfrontalier existant. Il mettra aussi en oeuvre des méthodes de production de cartes de mouvements forts en cas de séisme majeur et une meilleure diffusion de l'information au grand public.
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Risques de barrages (RISBA)

Date du début: 14 janv. 2013, Date de fin: 14 janv. 2015,

Le projet vise à développer et partager des méthodes, outils et bases de données pour le contrôle et la prévention des risques liés aux barrages de stockage d'eau dans la zone transfrontalière, et à promouvoir des actions de sensibilisation, information, conception et gestion de ces ouvrages.
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Date du début: 13 janv. 2013, Date de fin: 13 janv. 2015,

Lobjectif du projet est la capitalisation et le développement du réseau transfrontalier sur les risques naturels dans les territoires des Alpes Occidentales pour développer une identité transfrontalière. La stratégie retenue est de mener une réflexion commune sur des concepts tels que la «culture du risque» (facteur important didentité transfrontalière) et le «risque soutenable».
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... to a desk research study, more than 280 interviews were conducted. A report on potentials of the Central Europe area which is complemented by reports outlining the specific potentials of the project regions and countries is available. Based on the new insights, a strategic framework including core elements of the joint strategy were discussed and adopted during the 2nd Transnational Policy Dialo ...
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CCAlps. Creative companies in Alpine Space (CCAlps)

Date du début: 30 sept. 2011, Date de fin: 29 juil. 2014,

... Achievements: It has been written the first minutes of the kick off meeting of October 20th and Lombardy Region has required to activate Lotus Quickr, which is a technical instrument to exchange messages and documents through a dedicated forum, awaiting the networking platform will be ready for this purp ...
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Observatory Network to Enhance ICT Structural Funds Absorption (ONE)

Date du début: 31 déc. 2011, Date de fin: 29 juin 2014,

ONE aims at improving the regional capacity of planning ICT investments under Coeshion Policy Programmes through the setting up of a Federated network of regional ICT observatories in Poland, Germany, Italy, Czech Republic, UK, France and Cyprus. Capacity to plan, assess and manage investments in the field of ICT represents a crucial aspect of Innovation policy activity as accessibility, both in t ...
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Mobility and Residential Costs (MORECO)

Date du début: 30 juin 2011, Date de fin: 29 juin 2014,

... Achievements: MORECO-household-calculator has been implemented in different ways the pilot sites in Salzburg, Region Rhône-Alpes, Slovenia, Province Belluno and Province of Turin. A lot of stakeholder workshops have been held as well as local events and lessons for each of our target groups (house hunting hou ...
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Platform of Local Authorities and Cities Engaged in Science (PLACES)

Date du début: 1 juin 2010, Date de fin: 31 mai 2014,

PLACES Networks partners are developing a common platform for a wide and diverse community of actors to promote the cooperation in their science communication activities, at city/regional level. Over four years, 67 science communication institutions (science centres, museum, festivals) are supported to work with their local authority administrators and policy makers to plan and implement their lon ...
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Central European Living Lab for Territorial Innovation (CentraLab)

Date du début: 30 avr. 2011, Date de fin: 29 avr. 2014,

The systemic impact on the economy, the environment and the quality of life in the Central European regions derives from the increase in the “innovation attractiveness” of the Central Europe space, as it develops and articulates the innovation demand coming from its citizens and businesses and sets in place the governance mechanisms to ensure policy coherence and optimise the benefits of single in ...
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... Slovakia) discussed strategies for enhanced cooperation with the participation of policy level representatives, clusters & experts.Creating and enhancing framework conditions for the effective cross-regional and cross-border cooperation of clusters in Central Europe requires joint actions by the policy makers. In many cases, the regulatory level is exactly the area which CE cluster experts see as ...
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Alps 4 EU

Date du début: 31 août 2011, Date de fin: 28 févr. 2014,

Alps4EU aims to overcome clusters initiatives fragmentation and favour the emergence of meta-clusters, applying a macro-regional vision and driving Alpine area clusters to be more competitive in the European scenario for the benefit of all Alpine Space’s economy.The project will address both policy making and cluster management activities, with a trans-regional approach and it will impact on phas ...
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Le projet vise à réaliser des actions transfrontalières entre les Régions Piémont et Rhône-Alpes, les clusters de l'Energie et les Associations industrielles pour le soutien à l'innovation et à la diversification productive des filières industrielles locales vers le marché des nouvelles énergies
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Alpine Forest FIre waRning System (ALP FFIRS)

Date du début: 31 août 2009, Date de fin: 30 août 2012,

The project aims to improve forest fire prevention in the AS with the creation of a shared warning system based on weather condition affecting fire potential. Main goal is the development of a decision support tool for actors involved in forest fire prevention and suppression, consisting in a daily fire danger level assessment and forecast to identify critical periods in advance of their potential ...
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...s of cross-sectoral character: key actors from transport and natural hazards management are integrated as PPs and observers. Long-term practical implementation will be assured by the establishment of regional risk dialogue. This will improve risk awareness, quality of decisions and positive impacts of PARAmount measures. ...
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Mediterranean Inter Cluster (IC-MED)

Date du début: 31 mai 2009, Date de fin: 30 mai 2012,

Cluster policy is a priority in the Mediterranean regions taking part in the ICMed partnership. ICMed will address the issues and challenges facing cluster policy by focusing on 5 specific themes and putting SME competitiveness and innovation at the heart of the project. The ICMed work programme will cover a 3 year period. First, a series of activities will be launched in order to identify the are ...
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New Regional governance of the Euromed area (Medgovernance)

Date du début: 14 mai 2009, Date de fin: 14 nov. 2011,

MEDGovernance is proposed by some of the most relevant regions of the area; it is aimed to analyse, to experiment, to realise and to capitalise an appropriate model of multilevel governance useful for States and Regions to support a polycentric and sustainable development of EuroMed area. The proposal is born from a supporting action from prestigious research institutes to the involved regions, it ...
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Adaptation to Climate Change in the Alpine Space (AdaptAlp)

Date du début: 31 août 2008, Date de fin: 30 août 2011,

...l hazards. The uncertainties and the increase of natural hazards due to the impacts of CC requires concerted management in the Alpine Space. AdaptAlp will improve information on impacts of CC esp. on regional level (e.g. high resolution modeling,design events) and evaluate different methods of risk assessment,hazard mapping & risk management in the Alpine Space.The activities concentrate on identi ...
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maNET - Permafrost long-term monitoring network (PermaNET)

Date du début: 30 juin 2008, Date de fin: 13 juil. 2011,

Permafrost is highly sensitive to climatic changes. Permafrost degradation and related natural hazards affect traffic routes, tourism areas, settlements and infrastructures. The main problem is a lacking strategy for the consideration of these newly observed specific impacts of climate change in risk prevention and territorial development. With the joint development of a common strategy for dealin ...
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Platform for Integration of Trans regional Energy R&D activities (PITER)

Date du début: 1 janv. 2009, Date de fin: 31 déc. 2010,

"The project aims at creating a trans-national platform to facilitate the exchanges between the members of the consortium in terms of: research, technological development and transfers, joint political and economical actions for the development and diffusion of renewable energy. This project contributes to the implementation, at a local and national level, of the European directives concerning a b ...
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Regions for Better Broadband connection (B3 Regions)

Date du début: 31 août 2008, Date de fin: 30 oct. 2010,

B3 Regions aims to improve the effectiveness of regional development policies in the Information Society area, by optimising the expert partners' good practices (mainly achieved through Structural Funds Plans 2000-2006) that are related to broadband implementation in disadvantaged areas.This capitalisation process will be achieved thanks to two main activites:1. A transfer process which aims to sh ...
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Date du début: 31 mai 2006, Date de fin: 29 juin 2008,

Le projet PAMEL@ a pour ambition daffirmer lIdentité Economique de lArc Méditerranéen Latin et de rendre lisibles les enjeux du développement économique de son territoire, en sappuyant sur les possibilités de communication apportées par les Technologies de lInformation. Il doit permettre de déployer la réflexion et lanalyse sur la réalité économique de lArc méditerranéen latin en sintéressant en p ...
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The project intends to strengthen the interregional exchange of traffic related effects and monitoring results in the Alps. In the participating regions, monitoring networks are already established and results are available. The idea is to use these results and establish the interregional exchange about the interpretation and consequences: Identify the road traffic related effects on the Alpine sp ...
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Climate Change, Impacts and Adaptation Strategies in the Alpine Space (ClimChAlp)

Date du début: 28 févr. 2006, Date de fin: 30 mars 2008,

"Climate change, impacts and adaptation strategies in the Alpine Space” is a strategic project with the aim to give concrete input to a future Alpine Space Programme based on conclusions about the type of climate changes in the Alpine Space and its potential effects. By a general assessment of historical climate changes and its impacts as well as by climate models, future scenarios and their effec ...
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Alpine Lakes Network (ALPLAKES)

Date du début: 31 oct. 2004, Date de fin: 30 janv. 2008,

...ine lakes, and on the other hand in sustainable development and improvement of “lakeside environments”. The networking initiative’s two main concerns are the promotion of tools in favour of the regional planning of the lakes space, the protection of the environment and the development of quality tourism (ecotourism) which is respectful of the environment.This project is organised around operationa ...
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Le but du projet est de comprendre dans quelle mesure et avec quels instruments les Etats membres et les Pays tiers peuvent contribuer, approfondir et définir les thèmes concernant laménagement du territoire contenus dans: - Les nouvelles priorités européennes exprimées dans les déclarations de Lisbonne et de Göteborg - Le SDEC en ce qui concerne les spécificités de lespace méditerranéen et les pr ...
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Date du début: 31 mars 2003, Date de fin: 29 nov. 2007,

...tlas, a resource tool on the METREX website to promote networking between metropolitan areas. Improvement of practice was identified in the need for better relationships between planning at national, regional, sub-regional and municipal levels, and greater coherence between administrative boundaries and functional urban regions and areas; better integration of forecasts, projections, scenarios and ...
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ays.Doc : Good Practices for the Landscape (Pays.Doc)

Date du début: 31 mai 2005, Date de fin: 30 oct. 2007,

Le projet vise à faciliter les échanges et la dynamisation de la coopération méditerranéenne et des autres institutions intéressées par le fait paysager. Lespace méditerranéen offre un milieu géographique aux caractéristiques propres et aux problèmes communs et le partenariat souhaite mettre en place les moyens dun processus déchange dexpériences entre lensemble des acteurs (gestionnaires locaux, ...
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