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18 projets européens trouvés

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Apply Skills And Conserve Our Environment With New Tools (ASCENT)

Date du début: 1 mai 2016, Date de fin: 31 août 2018,

Description (EN): The ASCENT project will bring together Local and Environmental Authorities to collectively address the environmental challenges facing the conservation and enhancement of Areas of Natural beauty in the partner regions. The ASCENT project will develop management plans across the programme area to assist Local Authorities and other stakeholders to monitor these sites ...
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Erasmus+ mobilities for Hordaland 2015

Date du début: 1 juil. 2015, Date de fin: 30 juin 2017,

Hordaland is a region in growth, having reached half a million inhabitants it is now one of the fastest growing counties in Norway. This development creates opportunities as well as challenges. The growing need for more relevant and competent professional expertise, changes in demographics, and increased globalisation all require new and innovative professional competences and relevant vocational ...
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Erasmus+ mobilities for Hordaland 2014

Date du début: 1 juil. 2014, Date de fin: 31 mai 2016,

International cooperation is an integrated part of Hordaland County Council’s (HCC) strategy for regional development (International Strategy, 2013-2016). The strategy aims at creating a sustainable, attractive and competitive region, and give young people international competence, experience and shared responsibility. The region faces challenges concerning climate and energy, sustainable developm ...
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Clean North Sea Shipping - Improved dissemination and impact (CNSS-IDI)

Date du début: 6 janv. 2014, Date de fin: 29 juin 2015,

The CNSS project produced results that have a great need and potential for further dissemination and exploitation. Models & draft tools for visualising of air emissions have been developed. With small adjustments they could be made available for free distribution to schools, universities, public sector organisations and the business community.The CNSS project has also been preparing high quality e ...
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Transport and mobility – a challenge The approach of the project will reflects several European policy areas – from health aspects, clean air and noise abatement, energy supply and fuel policy and the transport sector with its White Paper and Action Plan on Urban Mobility. The project has its basis in the further development of innovative mobility solutions on the local and regional showcase level ...
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Craft International

Date du début: 30 juin 2011, Date de fin: 30 déc. 2013,

The new heritage craft project will build on the success and on the experience gained from the current phase to create an innovative project using new media and the internet to sell artisan products closely linked to cultural heritage. The partners now know more about how to develop and convert and support artisan businesses and this knowledge will be applied in the new project to extend the partn ...
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CNSS will focus on emission and greenhouse gas reduction from ships, using studies to reveal the status of air quality in ports and surrounding areas. The partnership of CNSS (ports, business, regions, public authorities, NGOs, research institutes) will change this by creating transparency on cost-efficient technology solutions and develop and improve the introduction of successful air quality pro ...
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Coast Alive! (CA!)

Date du début: 31 janv. 2009, Date de fin: 30 déc. 2012,

The project activities consider cultural and natural heritage, as a means to improve public health, the development of SME's and the demographic profile of the region. Nature tourism grows three times faster than the sector as a whole. The project builds on the results of two former Interreg IIIB project; Nave Nortrail and Cycle-on, using the trails set up by these projects as a basis for activity ...
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...hese best practices were also presented at Gasskonferansen in Bergen, Norway, which attracted 194 participants. Partly thanks to lobbying and information activities by the project, the county of Hordaland in western Norway has decided to purchase 75 biogas buses and build a biogas production plant in Bergen. A decision has also been made by the project partner in Oslo to buy new biogas buses for ...
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Motorways of the Seas Strategic Demonstration Project (StratMos)

Date du début: 31 mars 2008, Date de fin: 30 mars 2011,

The application is for an extension of the project with the inclusion of a further two partners, who have been involved in the Stratmos project from the start but were not able to submit their letters of intent in time for the submission of the project in the first call. The potential partners were involved with the Stratmos predecessor project Northern Maritime Corridor. The Stratmos project aim ...
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Economusées Northern Europe 1.19 (ENE)

Date du début: 31 déc. 2007, Date de fin: 30 mars 2011,

Economusée Northern Europe will combine culture, craft and tourism to create an economy platform for craft artisans practicing traditional techniques in order to help the crafts survive and create new jobs. The project, which focused on rural or remote communities, will assist with business development, showcasing indigenous crafts, job creation and training of young people. The project is based o ...
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NAVE Nortail : The North Sea Coastal Path (NAVE Nortail)

Date du début: 30 sept. 2002, Date de fin: 29 avr. 2007,

The NAVE NORTRAIL project contributed towards the sustainable economic and social regeneration of the North Sea Coastal Region. The basic idea was to regenerate a network of landscapes and footpaths linked with nature and heritage sites in the recreational areas of the coastal regions around the North Sea. In relation with cultural and environmental tourism, outdoor activities and education the pr ...
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ENABLE - ENABLing European Entrepreneurship (ENABLE)

Date du début: 31 déc. 2003, Date de fin: 30 déc. 2006,

ENABLE is composed of regions that are distant from both national centres and the economic core of the EU. Their rationale for co-operation and joint action is that they are facing similar challenges and opportunities, such as conversion from dependence on traditional industries and/or agriculture to the knowledge based society and rural migration contributing to the decline of rural areas and cre ...
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NTN II: Transport Corridors Project of Nordic Transportpolitical Network (NTN II)

Date du début: 2 mars 2003, Date de fin: 30 déc. 2005,

The Interreg II C project, Nordic Transport Political Network, NTN, was a joint transport political network created around a transport corridor defined by the participating regions. NTNs aim was to organise transport systems more efficiently, thus contributing to sustainable regional development.The overall aim of NTN II – Transport Corridors is to create a basis for regional development through t ...
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NMC-NSR: Northern Maritime Corridor - North Sea Region (NMC-NSR)

Date du début: 28 févr. 2002, Date de fin: 30 déc. 2005,

The NMC project is means for efficient, safe and sustainable transportation, connecting coastal areas and well enhancing regional development in the North Sea Region and the Northern Periphery Area. The project addresses the following issues: the development of regional maritime clusters, the promotion of Short Sea Shipping (SSS), transport in the petroleum and the seafood sector and risk manageme ...
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The project is to give the opportunity of the young people to speak out and to alert the local politics on the theme of the human rights and youth.The group will work and make proposals, debate with the aim to product 10 proposals that they will give to the local politicians in the end of the week.
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A Certification System for Small and Medium Enterprises : Developing a European-standard common certification system for SMEs would greatly enhance the opportunities for workers to obtain employment in the eight participating countries This project started in 2001 and lasted 30 months.
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Date du début: 1 mai 2009,

DOORS MORE WIDE OPEN is a TC- project, with 17 partners from countries (from the high nord till the deep south...) about how to use "out door" and experiential learning methods, to approach youngsters facing social exclusion.We will go to two venues (one on the mountain "Stol" and one in Bohinj which is part of a national park) to train the participants in reality. We will use the "TAPE" method (t ...
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