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26 projets européens trouvés

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Date du début: 31 mars 2016, Date de fin: 30 mars 2020,

Description (EN): The "ROCKET - Regional Collaboration on Key Enabling Technologies" project is the engine to bring the Comprehensive Economic competencies in the area of KETs in the German-Dutch border area together, to build and to deploy a measurable and future-oriented economic development .KETs enable innovations in various application domains. The combination of technology and ...
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Date du début: 1 sept. 2015, Date de fin: 31 août 2018,

...s aim to ‘exemplar’ project that will act as a ‘demonstrator’ project for future VET products utilising gamification. The project will involve 200 participants from the target group: new business start-ups and small enterprises trading for less than three years and set up by Generation Y individuals. They will implement the micro-lite Project Management methodology in their business. They will be ...
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...eship Alliances involving 80+ intermediaries and wider stakeholders, including VET providers.2. Produce and disseminate information resources, a teaching course, and practical tools which make the “business case” for SMEs to become involved in apprenticeships and provide step by step guides.The unique structure of RAISE enables the partnership to leverage access to intermediary organizations and S ...
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Female Rural Enterprise Empowerment

Date du début: 1 sept. 2015, Date de fin: 28 févr. 2018,

Rural areas are important when developing economies in Europe, both when it comes to traditional rural business, such as farming and new businesses. Support however is more often focused in traditional rural business then new businesses, meaning many entrepreneurs in these areas face an obstacle to accessing training which can help them set up new companies. Women in rural areas require extra supp ...
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Sustainable water management under climate change is an urgent challenge for the Euro-Mediterranean region. Future climate change projections estimate an increase in water scarcity and droughts in the region, causing substantial socioeconomic losses and environmental impacts.In this context, efforts are needed to strengthen public participation and embed a sense of responsibility within the societ ...
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Future INternEt Smart Utility ServiCEs (Finesce)

Date du début: 1 mars 2013, Date de fin: 30 sept. 2015,

...h utilise energy generation from renewable energy sources and optimize energy usage efficiency into a Smart Energy System based on the introduction of Future Internet technologies. At the same time, business innovation needs to be encouraged to ensure that job creating SME's can thrive in the new energy eco-system. FINESCE will organize and run user trials in 7 European countries, building on inv ...
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The overall objectives of the project are the improvement of the regional capacities for planning, coordination and implementation of joint strategic documents,and to building of an effective network infrastrucuture for promotion and implementation of market oriented tourist products. ...
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Next Generation Teaching, Education and Learning for Life (NEXT-TELL)

Date du début: 1 sept. 2010, Date de fin: 31 oct. 2014,

NEXT-TELL will provide, through research and development, computational and methodological support to teachers and students so that they have available nuanced information about learning when it is needed and in a format that is supportive of pedagogical decision making, thus optimizing the level of stimulation, challenge, and feedback density. Methods and software will be developed that cover the ...
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Date du début: 31 oct. 2013, Date de fin: 30 oct. 2014,

Enhancing the capacities and promoting greater interaction between people and communities; Strengthening the cooperation and economic performance of the SMEs from the Romania-Republic of Moldova- Ukraine border region in order to achieve economic growth and sustainable development. ...
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Sustainable energy for the rural village environment (SERVE)

Date du début: 1 nov. 2007, Date de fin: 31 oct. 2012,

The SERVE project demonstrates sustainable energy use in rural communities. Retrofit work is led by the Local Authority (NTCC) and new build by a not-for-profit co-operative (SPIL). SPIL is selling serviced sites in an Eco-Village to members, who will then build under the control and guidance of SPIL. This 132-home project is already under way. Thus, it will act as a flagship for Concerto from the ...
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Siret-Prut-Nistru Euroregion IT Cooperation Network

Date du début: 26 avr. 2011, Date de fin: 26 juin 2012,

The objective of the project is strengthening of logistics infrastucture of the Siret-Prut-Nistru Euroregion for developing and implementing joint projects. Achievements: 50 persons from Romanian and Moldovan public administration trained to use equipment and software; ...
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The project will improve the administrative capacity of local public authorities.
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Transnational Action for Public Private Partnership (ACT4PPP)

Date du début: 30 sept. 2008, Date de fin: 29 sept. 2011,

Financial, structural and territorial challenges in Central Europe ask for a strengthened teamwork of public and private actors to create and maintain attractive and competitive living conditions. Due to economic and demographic changes and limits to public resources (financial, know-how) the provision of public tasks and regional/urban restructuring can no longer be provided efficiently by public ...
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According to recent studies, Risks Against Patient Safety (RAPS) represent one of the most important factors of dead in hospitals: during therapy, more then 8% of patients recovered in hospitals suffer for additional disease that in almost 50% of the cases produce either dead or significant additional health problems. RAPS occur in any stage of the patient care process.REMINE project idea origina ...
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Protection And tRuSt In FinanciAL infrastrcutures (PARSIFAL)

Date du début: 1 sept. 2008, Date de fin: 28 févr. 2010,

...the industry with an important platform through which to communicate on whichever new CIP issue arise. Furthermore, PARSIFAL Forum would asses a possibility of the creation of EU FCI related industry/business associations. The success of PARSIFAL will be largely based on its ability to build a large consensus in the financial, security industrial and scientific community. This will require the ab ...
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REASON: Fostering entrepreneurial (further) education/training among young people is a necessity in order to meet the challanges in a constantly changing labour market (compare Small Business Act, especially Principle 1 and Oslo Agenda). Selfemployment/Entrepreneurship is a chance for young people, particularly in the case of graduates from vocational based education there is an occasion to set up ...
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...of crisis: an innovative training package for European young professionals” is addressed to young people aiming to develop or enhance their leadership skills. In the rapidly changing and unstable business environment that EU firms operate nowadays, there is a fundamental shift in how organizations compete and in how they are managed. In this new era of economic uncertainty, leadership becomes crit ...
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...the youth centres of participating EU countries through project partners and to specialised centres in social problems that youth in rural areas encounter. On the long run, whole civil society and businesses had benefit from results of the project through a better prepared educational offers and updated VET system.
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...e to 75 potential and actual High Growth Coaches 5. To set up a European network of High Growth Coaches to promote the exchange of best practice The target groups of the project were VET trainers and business coaches working with SMEs. The Consortium is made up of Exponential Training & Assessment, UK; Enterprise Lithuania, LT; Trebag Vagyon és Projektmenedzser Kft, HU; Gospodarska Zbornica Slove ...
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This meat-technology innovate project has been worked two years during 1.11.2007-31.12.2009.All partners are specialist of meat-technology area and have years experience special innovates, products, production and education on differents levels.
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Innovation is one of the principal means by which businesses can contribute to reaching the goals established by the Lisbon Council in 2000. Recent studies reveal that innovation is generated by exchanges of knowledge between businesses. Indeed, business collaboration is widely supported by academics, large companies and multilateral organisations and is at the heart of EU enterprise policy. Ye ...
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The aim of the project is to create a new virtual learning environment for international business management studies in the fields of hospitality and manufacturing. By developing e-learning content including learning materials and courses, progress will be made on the existing and future curricula. The direct target groups of the project are students of tourism management and business, higher scho ...
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Certified EU Researcher-Entrepreneur

Date du début: 1 nov. 2009,

The motivation for this project proposal lies in the lack of a European-wide valid set of training modules and certification of entrepreneurial skills of young academic people. Europe is far from exploiting its potential of successful entrepreneurship in higher education, because it often fails to mobilize the right innovative resources and young brains. The proposed project aims at delivering to ...
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 TERMINÉ 1) To outline, via research, the H&WB service supply, resources, staff competencies and elements at a destination appreciated by locals and tourists.2. To identify or strengthen the potential for business opportunities in tourism and to foster innovation around H&WB based services and destination development.3. To contribute to lifelong learning by the achieving the following outcomes:a) An el ...
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This is a regional JEP in Governance Reform involving ten universities in Libya, Morocco, Egypt and Lebanon satisfying the regional priority ‘ University Management and Student Services’ . The wider objective of the project is to demonstrate that good management practices can build sustainable HE cooperation between nations. The project does this by addressing the challenges facing the management ...
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Wider Objective :To strengthen role of Ukrainian HEIs in implementation of Public Policy on Human Resources Development (HRD) as engines for society progress through realization of services for leadership and organizational development (L&OD)Specific Objectives:1. To develop conceptual and informational background to strengthen universities’ role in implementation of Public HRD Policy (Order of th ...
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