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15 projets européens trouvés

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Date du début: 1 mai 2015, Date de fin: 31 déc. 2015,

...change took place in Reunion Island between 10 and 20 July 2015. 60 youth from 15 to 25 years old were gather together in the East of the island in order to exchange about cultural diversity. We used art of cooking as connecting thread. Participants came from Austria, Germany, Belgium, Danemark and obviously Reunion Island. During 10 days, through thematics activities linked with traditional dance ...
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Volunteers for inter(sub)cultural awareness in Budapest

Date du début: 2 sept. 2014, Date de fin: 1 août 2015,

We are a freshly accredited EVS hosting organisation, implementing social dialogue, promoting inclusion and equality, providing free access to contemporary art on a local level since 2009. With EVS volunteers we will have the chance to give our activity an international perspective, and promote our partner establishments as a welcoming and useful spot of social dialogue and an inclusive cultural s ...
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EU artist: Puppets play and story days

Date du début: 1 déc. 2016, Date de fin: 30 nov. 2017,

...ssociation and the House of Culture "St. Teofana Basarab "consists in the awareness and promotion of the values of cultural diversity and development of skills in the creative act effective participation among young people in disadvantaged categories by using drama and other art forms as a means of expression and communication.The activities proposed in the "EU artist: Puppets play and story days ...
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Combating Racism in Europe by Art and Theatre

Date du début: 26 sept. 2016, Date de fin: 25 sept. 2017,

CREATE - Combating Racism in Europe by Art and Theatre intends to be a Youth Exchange aiming to contribute to the promotion of non-formal education based on visual arts as a tool for: - improve the level of key competences&skills of young people, including those with fewer opportunities - promote among young people diversity, intercultural and inter-religious dialogue, common values of freedom, to ...
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Particip’actif – se former via la mobilité européenne

Date du début: 1 sept. 2016, Date de fin: 31 août 2017,

Les Têtes de l’art association (literally Heads of art) is an educational non profit organisation which offers a panel of activities fostering long live learning. The association acts for Europe of the citizens, social inclusion and intercultural dialogue by using information and communication technologies and capacity building. In order to respond to both objectives which are part of the global s ...
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Date du début: 1 sept. 2016, Date de fin: 31 août 2019,

...kills) aims at helping adult people get the most out of their camera, providing experts who can help them understand the fundamentals, get familiar with all the functions and achieve better results. Participatory photography places the medium of the camera into the hands of learners to democratize the image-making dynamic and give them the power to show and speak their own realities. The partnersh ...
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BalsiKa EVS in Strasbourg

Date du début: 1 sept. 2015, Date de fin: 30 juin 2016,

...ation. In all the tasks he/she will carry on, the volunteer will be accompanied by a professional in order to provide him support, advice and transfers of know-how. He/she will have opportunity to participate to usual activities of association language courses and lots of possibilities to see cultural events. We will adapt program to aims and competences of coming EVS. Best choice would be a musi ...
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Cross the culture

Date du début: 1 août 2015, Date de fin: 29 févr. 2016,

Project "Cross the Culture" was a Youth Exchange in Rustavi (Georgia), in dates 03.-13.8.2015 involving four partners: NGO" Pridunajska Aktivna Mlade?" Slovakia-Applicant/sending Organization, Association "Georgian Youth for Europe" Georgia-Hosting Organization; "Youth for city-City for youth"-Latvia (Sending-Partner organization); FYCA -Armenia( Sending-Partner Organization) Each Sending orga ...
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Del'ArT EVS 2015

Date du début: 8 juin 2015, Date de fin: 7 oct. 2015,

Trajectory: CAUdal'ArT is a Center of creation, innovation and social development, that works at national and international level, with Creativity like a vehicle for growth among cultures. After obtaining a positive result in EVS 2014 "New experience del'ArT" we wanted to do the SVE 2015 in order to bring the European reality the Catalan Pyrenees again, where volunteers helped with activities in r ...
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Artist For Europe+

Date du début: 29 mai 2015, Date de fin: 28 sept. 2015,

... people with fewer opportunities who rarely have the possibility to be involved in socialization experiences that enhance their self-esteem. The objectives of the project are: - To create a space for artistic and creative confrontation that has visibility, even in reference to the local community, through the implementation of a final public performance, with a provisional title "The Future Prospe ...
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„Fusion for Creativity - sharing and exploring methods of dance and coaching to support the growth of youth entrepreneurship”is realisedby a partnership of 8 NGOs form 8 countries: Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Greece, Latvia, Netherlands, Romania, Turkey, with the coordination or Egyesek Youth Association, Hungary. The aim of the project is to improve initiative and entrepreneurship of young people a ...
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Artist for Europe

Date du début: 1 août 2014, Date de fin: 31 déc. 2014,

... people with fewer opportunities who rarely have the possibility to be involved in socialization experiences that enhance their self-esteem. The objectives of the project are: - To create a space for artistic and creative confrontation that has visibility, even in reference to the local community, through the implementation of a final public performance, with a provisional title "The Future Prospe ...
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With the project „Here we are!“ the department of Educational Cooperation at the Language Department of Goethe-Institut, Prague, reaches out to focus on Romani youth, mostly living under marginalized condition in many of the European countries. The Youth Exchange in Dresden/Germany, taking place from 3rd to 9th of August, 2014 in the premises of Bruecke/Most-Foundation is designed and planned by G ...
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Visualize the Invisible

Date du début: 1 juin 2013,

Co-ordinator: ArtAgent, Sweden Co-organisers: Performing Pictures, Sweden / Croatia, Refraction Association, Albania, Media Artes, MacedoniaIn the project Visualize the Invisible; organisations in Sweden and Balkan, will implement participatory art projects in Sweden, Croatia, Albania and FYROM. The project will start 1 May 2013 and run for 20 months. The artists will use different art forms as vi ...
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Date du début: 3 sept. 2012,

The Duty of Comedy Project is a collaborative initiative to explore and recreate, to inspire and educate artists and further develop their skills, to produce artistic work based on intercultural dialogue, to develop the participants’ capacity, to promote cooperative creation, as well as to establish strong partnership bonds among European cultural workers, using ancient Greek comedy writer Aristop ...
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