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EU artist: Puppets play and story days
Date du début: 1 déc. 2016, Date de fin: 30 nov. 2017 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

Romania continues to have the poorest children in the EU, and half of them live in rural areas. There exists a growing group of very vulnerable children - from poor families, with one type of income, often supported only by social allowance or income. Their everyday concern is work not the education or playing, they go to bed hungry and feel marginalized in the community and even their family. There are alarming data that emerge from the recent study "Child’s welfare in rural areas", conducted by World Vision.The situation in Giurgita (Dolj) does not differ from those revealed in this study. Village with 2,883 inhabitants (according to census of 2011), of which 7.7% are Roma, Giurgita has approximately 250 children and young people. For all, the only local institution with concern for extracurricular education is the House of Culture, but only with sporadic activities.As nationwide, the youth’s situation in Giurgita continues to be alarming, and the gap with the urban deepens. It is similar in Vidin in Bulgaria with 23% unemployment. Poverty involves multiple vulnerabilities for these young people – marginalization, limited resources for school attendance and poor results – which have a significant impact on their evolution and development throughout life.The purpose of "EU vreau" Association and the House of Culture "St. Teofana Basarab "consists in the awareness and promotion of the values of cultural diversity and development of skills in the creative act effective participation among young people in disadvantaged categories by using drama and other art forms as a means of expression and communication.The activities proposed in the "EU artist: Puppets play and story days" project will help them to develop communication skills and practice and optimize their capacity to relate to young people from different socio-cultural spaces. The project refers to many expressive forms – theatre, literature, music, dance, drawing, as a means of enhancing and enriching each personality, helping them express their emotions and difficulties they encounter or simply develop harmoniously.By the atmosphere created during the presentation of performances offered by the Theatre for Children and Youth "Colibri" in Craiova (RO) and the State Puppet Theatre in Vidin (BG) and artistic creation workshops by artists and workshops of techniques and acting methods supported by actors, young people will express freely, revealing their artistic skills and talents. Starting from the ideas they suggest, using fantasy and their artistic imagination, they will create a scenario (taking inspiration from classical literature or folklore, they will recreate characters and write dialogues), sketches, and will achieve sceneries and puppets that they will use in a real show. The role of trainers will be to stimulate and direct them, teaching them to build and handle puppets and express themselves through various means of artistic expression. Young people thus develop team spirit, ability to make friends, to discern between good and evil, learn to be generous and tolerant, all these aspects managing to facilitate their integration more easily into society and being consistent with the Erasmus+ objectives. The project takes place for a period of one year and implies activities in Vidin (BG) and Calafat (RO). They will be based on nonformal education and will involve 15 young people from Giurgita and 15 from Vidin with poor opportunities, including Roma. Most are high school students – a very important period of their life because now they develop their personality and learn to be themselves. Participating in this project, they discover how to overcome their fears, emotions, shyness, how to handle stressful situations and especially how to break the impasse. They will discover the confidence, persuasiveness, and ease of public speaking and master the body language to. They will rediscover the pleasure of playing and creativity thus it becomes an important element in their lives.The objectives:- Develop verbal and nonverbal communication skills, improve the self-image and increase self confidence, practice and optimize capacity to relate to young people from different socio-cultural space, encourage intercultural dialogue and tolerance- Improve everyday life quality by focusing on positive thinking, optimistic and training, education through artistic game- Develop preferences and artistic talent, stimulate creativity, ability to work in a team and the spirit of initiative- Introduce young people to this form of artistic expression – magic of puppets show - through play, laughter and good mood and encourage them to create moments of joy to the public



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