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Combating Racism in Europe by Art and Theatre
Date du début: 26 sept. 2016, Date de fin: 25 sept. 2017 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

CREATE - Combating Racism in Europe by Art and Theatre intends to be a Youth Exchange aiming to contribute to the promotion of non-formal education based on visual arts as a tool for: - improve the level of key competences&skills of young people, including those with fewer opportunities - promote among young people diversity, intercultural and inter-religious dialogue, common values of freedom, tolerance and respect of human rights - increase the young people's active citizenship, intercultural dialogue, social inclusion and solidaritySpecific objectives: O.S. 1 - to develop - at the level of 45 young persons + 9 leaders - basic and transversal skills and key competencies necessary for understanding needs of socially excluded and marginalized young people such as: minorities, migrants, asylum seekers, refugees, Roma; using innovative and learner-cantered pedagogical approaches based on theatre and visual arts and other informal education tools O.S. 2 - to involve participants in creative activities based on theatre and visual arts - and other peer-to-peer educational tools that will contribute both to their personal self development and to raise their awareness on important forms of exclusion with the explicit aim of breaking negative stereotypes against minorities O.S. 3 - to allow 45 young persons + 9 leaders from 4 EU, 2 acceding and 3 Partner countries to participate together in a joint programme of creative activities that will empower them (beside the two objectives mentioned above) to act as multipliers and promote initiatives that would foster inclusion of marginalized groups and also to improve pride of a personal cultural identity It will take place between 08-17 May 2017 in Romania, Valcea County Calimanesti-Caciulata - an important health resort here, with a big number of tourists that could represent important factors for dissemination the project in the whole country and abroad, also a town where Association Pro Xpert has a good cooperation with local authorities and there are a few projects focused on Roma minority that could be a good example of how to face with different discrimination topics.It will gather 45 young participants between 18-30 years old - from which 28 with fewer opportunities - and 9 leaders from 9 countries that covers Europe from North (Lithuania) to South (Italy) - 4 EU member states (that join EU in different accession waves), 2 candidate countries and 3 Partner Countries that are, themselves, as independent states, very new. All these young persons coming from countries with very different economic, social and cultural (including religious) background and they are different themselves from the point of view of professional background, life experience, age, social status etc. will work together for 10 days, learning and experimenting different creative non-formal tools and having a common goal - to develop a performance, for a big public, with a challenging aim to sensitize them on unfair way racism, discrimination, stereotypes and prejudgments could affect the most important parts of our life: love, friendship, workplace, free-time and access to public/private services. All activities are drawn in order to reach the project overall and specific objectives, development – at participants' individual level – of key competencies and abilities that will contribute both to their personal self development and to raise their awareness on issues related to promoting diversity, intercultural and inter-religious dialogue, common values of freedom, tolerance and respect of human rightsThe main positive impact on the participants is given by the topic of the he exchange - focused on the critical context of Europe nowadays and transferring the common fundamental peace-related values of our society particularly to the hard to reach young people and preventing their violent radicalization of ell has as main impact on participants an increased awareness of their co-peers on building a peaceful future for our Europe and world and of the necessity to promote personal responsibility of each individual regarding combating racism, xenophobia and any form of violence against othersMoreover, each national team will have dedicated an evening to promote their culture, traditions, music, dance, food, history and whatever they consider to be important about their country (by video photo, dances, songs, power point presentation with geographical/historical facts, quizzes, etc). These events for supporting intercultural dimension will represent a specific and clear time of talking and debating certain cultural aspects of each partner's country, but these discussions will be also encouraged during the free time. Participating to "national evening", visits and trips will have the strongest contribution to improve cultural awareness and expression by increasing young people's positive awareness of other cultures.



7 Participants partenaires