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9 projets européens trouvés

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Date du début: 1 sept. 2016, Date de fin: 31 août 2020,

SPECTORS is een Nederlands-Duits Hightech initiatief dat het marktpotentieel van civiele dronetechnologie ontsluit door sensorinnovaties ten behoeve van remote-sensing en –monitoring. De civiele markt voor het gebruik van drones en de hieraan verbonden sensortechnologie voor remote-sensing, remote-monotoring, filmproductie en landbouw is immens. Het US-portaal Business Insider schat het marktpote ...
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Lively Cities (LICI)

Date du début: 29 avr. 2010, Date de fin: 29 avr. 2015,

LICI aims to strengthen communities (Cties) by reclaiming public space for public use. Following many crisis. a lot of cities around North West Europe (NWE) have launched large & expensive urban renewals & revitalizations. Strangely enough. these have led to the emergence & proliferation of deserted places. underused. misused or simply not used at all. Beautifully designed. but not devised for peo ...
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Transnational strategy for global sustainable food management (GREENCOOK)

Date du début: 9 oct. 2008, Date de fin: 29 juin 2014,

GreenCook is aimed at reducing food wastage and to make the North-West Europe a model of sustainable food management. by in-depth work on the consumer / food relationship thanks to a multisectoral partnership. Food wastage is a challenging problem. directly linked with the question of waste. consumption and climate change. A quarter of the food produced in the world each year ends up in the dustb ...
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AIM The aim of DAIRYMAN is to strengthen rural communities in the regions of North West Europe (henceforth NWE) where dairy farming is a main economic activity and a vital form of land use. It will lead to a more competitive dairy sector. stronger regional economies and an improved ecological performance within the rural area. WHY? The climatic and soil conditions in NWE regions are excellent ...
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Energie Conversie Park (ECP) voor de verwerking van lokale biomassastromen (ECP)

Date du début: 31 mars 2010, Date de fin: 30 mars 2013,

Het gebruik van biomassa als energiebron is belangrijk als duurzaam alternatief voor fossiele brandstoffen. Groente- fruit en tuinafval (GFT), maaisel en snoeisel, bijproducten van landbouw en industrie worden als biobrandstof tot nu toe nauwelijks gebruikt . Bovendien zijn de huidige installaties waarmee biomassa wordt omgezet in bijvoorbeeld warmte, elektriciteit etc. bijna altijd ontwikkeld voo ...
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Background The use of pesticides in horticulture is widespread. Many of these chemicals end up in ground and surface water. In order to use pesticides in an optimal way it is necessary to know when and in what quantity these have to be applied, and for how long. Currently, application decisions for soil born diseases are made by the grower based on visibl ...
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Future Approaches to Land Development (FARLAND)

Date du début: 30 juin 2005, Date de fin: 30 déc. 2007,

FARLAND aims to encourage a more innovative approach to land development. By anticipating the current and future needs of local and regional authorities, FARLAND wants to place at their disposal an approach that allows them to achieve multiple objectives when tackling issues of land development in agricultural areas, environmentally-sensitive zones and metropolitan landscapes. ...
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Auf der Grundlage der Ergebnisse des Projektes Integrationsmodell für Zuwanderer/Neueinwanderer Entwicklung und weitere Erprobung nachhaltiger Mechanismen und Strukturen im Bereich von Integration und Einbürgerung und die Anwendung auf einen möglichst großen Kreis von Zuwanderergruppen sowie weitere Migrantengruppen und Evaluierung, ob die aktuellen Erfolgsergebnisse tragfähig bleiben und kompatib ...
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Ziel des Projektes ist die Entwicklung einer Technologie, mit der Hanf in Baumwollqualität in neue Textilprodukte verarbeitet werden kann, um somit eine wirtschaftlich rentable Hanfproduktionskette in der Euregio Rhein-Waal auf zu bauen.
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