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15 projets européens trouvés

Recherche sur 125080 projets européens


Peat Valley: repositioning education in the region

Date du début: 1 sept. 2015, Date de fin: 31 août 2018,

Context/background of project and objectives of your project Education institutes play a central role in a knowledge-based economy. Evidence shows – consistently, and over time – that countries that invest heavily in education and skills, benefit economically and socially from that choice. Research shows that it requires schools to be flexible, responsive to the needs of the labour market and the ...
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Arbetsplatsintegrerat lärande inom den gröna näringen

Date du début: 1 juin 2015, Date de fin: 31 mai 2017,

The project is a continuation of former Leonardo project and partnership and the need of developing a mutual validation platform for education within the green sector based on ECVET-units. In accordance with the European development plan for the schools the objective is to develop the schools international exchange programs further and formalize the reviews students receive after they finish thei ...
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Rohelise sektori õpilaste ja õpetajate õpiränne

Date du début: 1 juin 2015, Date de fin: 31 mai 2017,

The project "Mobility of students and teachers in the green sector" envolves the mobilities of forestry, landscaping and wilderness guiding students and teachers. Alltogether there are 48 participants: 10 forestry, 8 forest machine handling, 15 landscaping and 4 wilderness guiding students and 11 teachers. The hosts are partnering schools from Finland, the Netherlands and Sweden, as well as partne ...
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In Site

Date du début: 31 déc. 2011, Date de fin: 29 sept. 2014,

In Site is a collaborative initiative taken by 10 cultural institutions and municipalities from Bornholm in Denmark to Moss in Norway. The objective is to increase citizens common knowledge about how the Öresund-Kattegat-Skagerrak-region is linked together and how cultural heritage in combination with art can be a resource for the future. The project aims to create the visible common story of Öres ...
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Maritime Competence and Innovation Cooperation in the Skagerrak & Katte... (MARKIS)

Date du début: 30 avr. 2010, Date de fin: 29 avr. 2013,

The project Maritime Competence and Innovation Cooperation in the Skagerrak & Kattegat, MARKIS focused on development and innovation within maritime environmental technologies and safety and on how innovative solutions to maritime climate and environmental challenges can become new business opportunities and competence advantages in the global market ...
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Build with CaRe - Mainstreaming Energy efficiency in the built environment (BwC)

Date du début: 31 juil. 2008, Date de fin: 30 mars 2013,

The aim of the Build with Care project is to mainstream energy-efficient building design by raising the awareness and increasing the knowledge of the potential of energy savings. In collaboration with the building sector, a transnational strategy for increasing energy efficiency in buildings will be developed. Within the project, an education and information programme will be carried out to change ...
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Energize Regional Economies (ERE)

Date du début: 29 nov. 2005, Date de fin: 30 juin 2008,

The main aim of the project was to investigate how regions can stimulate their economies by promoting sustainable energy. Achievements: In the ERE project, five regions (the core partners) systematically analysed their regional situation, looking for strong points and o ...
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The central aims of the project were to improve the accessibility between rural areas/hinterlands and gateways around the North Sea and secondly to develop the integration of hinterland areas in national and international transport networks. Emphasising an increased use of more sustainable modes of transport, the project covered both goods and passenger transport.The overall aim of the project was ...
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Borderless statistic and analysis research (GSA II)

Date du début: 26 sept. 2004, Date de fin: 29 juin 2007,

One of the objectives of the GSA project is a database with statistical data on the population, estate prices, employment and cross-border commuting in the Norwegian-Swedish borderland. The database will offer a clear picture of the conditions in the region and provide a necessary ground for future development. A large number of municipal and regional planning officers have attended courses, learn ...
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Ny järnväg Oslo (Ny jernbane Oslo)

Date du début: 31 déc. 2003, Date de fin: 30 déc. 2005,

Uppdatering/komplettering och informations/förankringsarbete av underlagsmaterial för utredningen av järnvägsförbindelsen Oslo-Göteborg samt framtagande av förslag till alternativ finansiering.
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Ord utan gränser/Ord uten grenser

Date du début: 31 juil. 2000, Date de fin: 30 déc. 2001,

Anordna en svensk-norsk bokfest, "Ord utan gränser", en bokmässa med seminarier, föreläsningar, författarmöten mm.
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The task assumed is to promote policy learning and transfer processes among RegionalGovernments in some policy areas where their interest will be higher. Such processesencompass quality and effectiveness improvement of regional policies through activetrans-regional cooperation around Europe. Moreover they support mutual institutionallearning on innovative policy measures and their transfer into ot ...
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Into Dance (Community Cohesion through Creativity) was established in November 2009 and was a 2 year project enabling staff, artists and adult learners from a wide range of backgrounds to develop new skills in dance and share good practice through creative participatory projects. A key focus for the project has been around ‘integrating’ a range of disabled and disadvantaged groups from different c ...
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The proposal aims to develop a contextualised language training programme for medical professionals in a technologically mobile environment, i.e. on PDA/smartphone/BlackBerry devices, but which is also accessible through workstations. For this purpose e-learning content will be developed. A multi-layered training package will provide the professionals with contextualised language training with ref ...
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The project is concerned with the creation and the experimentation phases of a common scheme of reference which can be applied to the processes of competence validation adopted by different national systems. The scheme is based on the definition of common principles, macro-criteria and macro-indicators adopted to guarantee the transferability and the certification of acquired competences within th ...
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