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21 projets européens trouvés

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Background Climate change is a pressing challenge for international, national, regional and local environment policies and actions. By signing the Kyoto Protocol, the EU has committed to achieving a 20% reduction in CO2 emissions (compared to 1990 levels) by 2020. Agriculture is a contributor to the release of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, and i ...
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BioEthics Standards in Translational research (BEST-NetWORK)

Date du début: 31 mars 2015, Date de fin: 30 mars 2016,

The project objectives aim to developing, through specific & adequate activities, a competitive network of research institutions & bioethics centers in the region, having a great interest to develop their own qualified cadre at the junction of Bioethics with TR domains. A Center of Education & Research in Bioethics will be developed within the Life Science Institute from UASVM Cluj-Napoca. Danube ...
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Improving the economic performance of the border area by facilitating a sustainable modernization of the agriculture. Expected Results: 3 monitoring centers for bovine productions; 2 pilot farms: one in Iasi and one in Chisin ...
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Cross-border networking for organic agriculture

Date du début: 5 avr. 2011, Date de fin: 5 oct. 2012,

The project will encourage cross-border contact and facilitate exchange of information and expertise in the field of production and marketing of organic products, in order to improve the economic and social situation in the border area. Achievements: An operational inte ...
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Szeged - Timisoara axis for the safe food and feed (SZETISA1)

Date du début: 31 janv. 2011, Date de fin: 29 juin 2012,

...nt.The direct beneficiary target group is formed by the young researchers (8 junior scientists, postdocs and PhD students from each sides of the border) and the closest indirect beneficiaries are the university students, biologists and environmental scientists, altogether 300 students.
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► OBJECTIVESThe objective of this project is to create strong European agroalimentary dies by sharing good practices. Thanks to this project, the tool is now accessible to 7 European countries. This project made work 3 countries together, on the basis of SECUPROD, conceived by the same promoter and coordinator with the assistance of European competences (Belgium, Portugal, Poland, Tchèquie). Thi ...
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This joint project between the University of Szeged and the Banat University of Agronomical Sciences in Oradea focused on setting up a joint Hungarian-Romanian analytical laboratory, where students could research the industrial use of wheat grain. The support also allowed us to use the newly developed methods in the practical training of PhD students as well. The bilateral academic and technical c ...
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The grant stimulates initiatives for co-operation in the area of the South Great Plainregion near the border, primarily through making the availability of informationin relation to the offers in the tourism market more concentrated and improvingthe human resources opportunities of the sector. As a result of the project a study anda database was made to identify the offers and any related informati ...
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The project aims to assist the development of cross-border research cooperationbetween agricultural research and educational institutions in Hungary andRomania. Research involves the exchange and joint production of wheat andother cereals resistant to stress, and the physiological, pathological and moleculargenetic characterization of Hungarian and Romanian cereals. As a result of the project, new ...
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...lication titled„Rural Development, Institutional Framework of Rural Development”, which gives acomprehensive analysis of the issues involved in rural development, and is used in thecourses of the University of Debrecen. Achievements: Please refer to the 'Description' fi ...
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The aim of the project, is to train of target groups within their socio-cultural and relegious perspectives in the topic of animal welfare and food safety with the use of courses and printed products, encouragement of the use of ICT techniques, and provision of knowledge, skill and quality and in the long term to qualify the registered and hidden workforce and reinforcement of workforce market, a ...
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The project will test new methods of teacher and student assessment relevant to key skills and competencies in vocational education amongst nine project partners in six countries. The core assessment components to be covered will include self-assessment (printed and electronic versions), project assessment, portfolio assessment, teacher assessment (internet/intranet-based), diploma work assessment ...
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Career assistance in bio-science : The project will oversee the application of EU standards to bio-science training. Mechanisms will also be set up to assess the needs of the labour market and at the same time offer help to those aiming for careers in the field. This project started in 2000 and lasted 36 months.
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With increasing public interest in the origin, production and quality of food for human consumption, this project addresses quality assurance in animal welfare and related food production/consumption and traces the food chain from the farm to the consumer. The project will develop new internet-based student courses on three core themes, namely, animal welfare, environmental impact of and on animal ...
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Arising from the establishment of a Food Quality Management Network in Eastern European, as part of a recent PHARE project, the QUAMANCEEC project will establish a network of Vocational Education and Training Centres (VETCs) on Food Quality and Safety. Project partners will design and introduce a range of Quality Management education, training and information tools, which the VETCs will then pilot ...
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This partnership of training providers, each with different levels of expertise, will develop and pilot a low-key approach to motivating SME's in the implementation of e-business methods, based upon informal study groups and coaching. The E-business in SME project will test the effectiveness of such an approach and will investigate whether training in e-business could be a potential growth area fo ...
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The project “DASVENT” will develop an accreditation system for Veterinary Nurse Trainers. This accreditation system will be developed with the help of Vetnnet, a stable European Network of Veterinary Nurse Trainers and Associated Institutes. An existing American Accreditation system will be used as an example, in order to accelerate the process of developing the european system.The system will be ...
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DearsNet is a transnational network which will primarily seek to enhance the skills and competences of teachers and trainers in the sectors of agriculture and rural development within the context of lifelong learning. Through already existing networks and in this new extended partnership, the project will promote new and more innovative approaches and best practice in these sectors. Best practice ...
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English Profile Network

Date du début: 1 nov. 2009,

The English Profile Network (EPN) is a pan-European network which encompasses different types of educational establishments (schools, universities, private language schools), an internationally renowned publisher and assessment body, plus several research centres and key education professionals. These various organisations hold a wealth of experience and knowledge of all aspects of language teac ...
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European Master "Green Food Industries"

Date du début: 1 oct. 2012,

The project aims to develop a European Master of Science in order to train future managers of food companies and organizations able to manage food processing and other food production related activities in a sustainable way. The MSc programme will lead to multiple degrees, based on the recognition of ECTS credits between the partner universities. To guarantee the adequacy of the curriculum develop ...
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