Rechercher des projets européens

16 projets européens trouvés

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Energetic Algae (EnAlgae)

Date du début: 31 oct. 2009, Date de fin: 29 juin 2015,

Aim Energetic Algae aims to reduce CO2 emissions and dependency on unsustainable energy sources in NWE. by accelerating the development of sustainable technologies for algal biomass production. bioenergy and greenhouse gas (GHG) mitigation from pilot phase to application and marketable products. processes and services. This is achieved by bundling know-how. finance and political support. The plan ...
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Advanced Materials & Pharmaceutical TEChnologies (AMPTEC)

Date du début: 31 déc. 2013, Date de fin: 29 sept. 2014,

The Advanced Materials and Pharmaceutical Technologies cluster will gather some of the world leading researchers who want to undertake an innovative project by joining forces and pooling their respective skills.With their expertise on materials sciences, pharmaceutics, continuous processing technologies and medical devices, they will meet new challenges in pharmaceutical and medical development. C ...
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The project aim is to foster and accelerate development and use of biomass in North West Europe. to facilitate the sustainable achievement of 2020 energy objectives. and to make EU a world-class centre for Biomass utilisation. This will be conducted in an innovative and sustainable approach across NWE to developing energy from biomass. It involves organisations from UK. Ireland. Germany. Luxembou ...
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Innovative Management for Europes Changing Coastal Resource (IMCORE)

Date du début: 31 mai 2007, Date de fin: 29 avr. 2012,

Aim: To promote a transnational. innovative and sustainable approach to reducing the Ecological Social and Economic impacts of climate change on the coastal resources of NWE. To achieve: A demonstration of how the innovative expert couplet approach (i.e. collaboration between coastal practitioners and scientists using the principles of sustainability science). can help with the effective implem ...
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COREPOINT - Creating a Sustainable Framework for ICZM (COREPOINT)

Date du début: 9 janv. 2004, Date de fin: 31 déc. 2007,

...oastal information management system for NW Europe and promote shared social and political responsibility for the coastal environment. The lead partner is the Coastal and Marine Resources Centre of University College Cork. Together with 11other bodies from across North West Europe it will establish a virtual Coastal Resource Centre for North West Europe housing a Geographic Information coastal atl ...
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...f informal agreement amongst professionals across the EU of the expected competences of qualified SLTs, the reality shows significant variation in levels of initial education qualifications (from non-University diplomas to Masters) & a lack of agreed benchmarks for minimum standards of education & clinical competencies of newly qualified SLTs.This proposal aims to address these shortcomings by app ...
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Schools have to change in order to adapt themselves in changing environment and tobring up students for knowledge based society. However, some schools are losingstudents because they are considered unsuccessful by parents and society. It is a wellknown fact that school managers who are capable of adapting schools into changingenvironment and who are equipped with good leadership characteristics ar ...
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The Cloud is a major technological breakthrough with huge potential for education. It allows students and their tutors/teachers to interact productively in formal and informal education situations. Hosted Cloud communities mean that learners themselves can become creators and developers. Laptops and tablets will be everywhere, eBooks will replace text books as a normal part of classroom learning. ...
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AGORA is a project created within the European Master in Translation with the aim of setting up a solid system for international internships. The project, which includes 10 universities, 5 language service providers and the European Union of Association of Translation Companies (EUATC), will be developed over the 3 years. The project originated in the context of student mobility and in the coopera ...
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Sound in Audiovision

Date du début: 1 oct. 2011,

SOUND in AUDIO VISION: SOUND and SOUND LITERACY at the crossroad of audiovisual media and contemporary, innovative art.European culture and heritage plays an active and decisive role in the historical experience and mapping of sound, as it does in the history of painting and literature. Although the History of Sound has yet to be documented. The increasing cross-border flow of disciplines, student ...
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The Thematic Network "Dietitians Improving Education and Training Standards" (2006-09) successfully published first cycle competences, influenced education policy change and increased web-based and innovative communication between higher education (HE) and the dietetic profession. But to effectively contribute to policies and practices averting the European health crisis (WHO, 2007) and poor nutri ...
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Reason: A New Focal Point for Teaching EU StudiesAs of December 2009, the Lisbon Treaty has become the EU's new fundamental framework for the foreseeable future. The analysis of altered or novel treaty provisions becomes a high priority for interdisciplinary research-based teaching curricula in EU studies. Only a European academic network will be able to exploit input from the relevant disciplines ...
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Many innovative and successful educational projects have been initiated in Europe in the last years, (e.g. The year of intercultural dialogue 2008). Looking back we can say that many of these projects and initiatives were a huge success in terms of dissemination, valorization or sustainability. Europe has invested a lot of effort, time and money in developing them and many could be used as good pr ...
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Date du début: 1 oct. 2009,

The EUGENE Network aims at improving the impact of European Engineering Education (EE) on competitiveness, innovation andsocio-economic growth in a global context. This goal will be achieved by setting–up and a top-level “discussion & action” forum tomonitor and support the continuous evolution of EE in the EHEA and to open its competition and cooperation borders beyondEurope. Indeed, although Eur ...
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In Europe seniors and particularly elderly people (> 60/80 years old), are a growing component of the population. Health and psychological fragilities are strongly linked to age progression and do often appear in a context of comorbidity. The need of personal support and health care for older persons is therefore growing constantly, especially in the home care sector (Nolte and McKee, 2008; Baylis ...
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In the 5-year project the UoA, the consortium L’Internationale, drawing from previous experience in EU-collaboration, will publicly develop a new European model for content-driven, sustainable collaboration in the museum field. It does this through a rich program of 20 exhibitions, 10 publications, 8 symposia, 4 new commissioned art projects, a vibrant online platform, an innovative education prog ...
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