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17 projets européens trouvés

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European AIDS Vaccine Initiative 2020 (EAVI2020)

Date du début: 1 nov. 2015, Date de fin: 31 oct. 2020,

HIV-1 is responsible for a global pandemic of 35 million people, and continues to spread at a rate of >2 million new infections/year. It is widely acknowledged that a protective vaccine would be the most effective means to reduce HIV-1 spread and ultimately eliminate the pandemic, while a therapeutic vaccine may help mitigate the clinical course of disease and lead to strategies of viral eradicati ...
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Imaging the Force of Cancer (FORCE)

Date du début: 1 janv. 2016, Date de fin: 31 déc. 2019,

Cancer is the second leading cause of mortality in EU member states with ~90% of all cancer deaths caused by metastatic spread. Despite its significance, measuring metastatic potential as well as potential indicators of therapy efficacy remain unmet clinical challenges. Recently, it has been demonstrated in vitro, that aggressive metastatic cells pull on their surroundings suggesting that metastat ...
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Kansainvälisen työssäoppimisverkoston yhteistyömuotojen kehittäminen

Date du début: 1 juin 2016, Date de fin: 31 mai 2018,

PROJECT BACKGROUND:North Karelia municipal education and training consortium development work is based on 2016-2019 development strategy. International operations are specifically aimed at promoting the effectiveness of developing student's skills for working life, and contribute that the student will find his/her position in the labor market.By enabling staff´s and students mobility international ...
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Public Engagement with Research and Research Engagement with Society (PERARES)

Date du début: 1 mai 2010, Date de fin: 31 oct. 2014,

PERARES strengthens public engagement in research (PER) by developing multi-annual action plans, involving researchers and Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) in the formulation of research agendas and the research process. It uses debates on science to actively articulate research requests of civil society. These are forwarded to research institutes, and results are used in a next phase of the deb ...
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Leukodystrophies (LDs) are inherited rare neurodegenerative diseases of the white matter and its main component, the myelin, that are affecting predominantly children. Severity of the disease is related to the axonal dysfunction due to myelin deficiency or destruction. Despite the achievement of remarkable advances made in the past decade, there is no current curative therapy. The development of t ...
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Europe is experiencing an alarming increase in overeating and obesity. Increased awareness of the significant impact of diet on health and well-being has driven the food industry to develop healthier products; in particular those with less salt, sugar and/or fat. Industry faces a challenge - such ingredients are inherently rewarding; the healthy alternatives may initially be selected and liked, bu ...
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Atlantic Arc Aquaculture Group 2 (AAAG 2)

Date du début: 31 déc. 2006, Date de fin: 29 juin 2008,

AAAG2 will help ensure that aquaculture can continue to grow and provide much needed economic activity in isolated Atlantic Area coastal communities while at the same time ensuring natural habitats are protected. Specific sub-projects are aimed at: -Reducing estuarine pollution by using waste nutrients from cage and land-based fish farms to produce valuable secondary crops such as samphire, sea ur ...
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Tourism Learning Network (TourismNet)

Date du début: 31 déc. 2004, Date de fin: 30 mars 2007,

The TourismNET project aims to develop the Tourism Industry through the provision of key networking and learning opportunities to business practitioners. This is a pilot project which will be developed and delivered jointly by University College Dublin and University of Wales Bangor.
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Aquaculture Group from the Atlantic Space (AAAG)

Date du début: 31 juil. 2003, Date de fin: 30 juil. 2006,

Aquaculture presents an important potential for growth and diversification in the Atlantic Area, which could make it possible to compensate for the job losses engendered by the reduction of fishing quotas. The AAAG project aims to support the development and modernisation of this industry and to encourage practices which respect the environment of the Atlantic Area, by means of the creation of a n ...
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The basis for the project is a detected need of people with intellectual disabilities for respectful life and treatment; legislation in most European countries has developed towards social inclusion and improvement of the quality of life of disabled persons. The project will develop training packages for trainers of people with intellectual disabilities, based on the values of social inclusion, em ...
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The project will build upon the experience of local taxation in two established EU countries to provide a forum for exploring ways of raising local taxes in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE). Existing means of local taxation in CEE will be critiqued and recommendations will be made with regard to potential future local taxation regimes. Ultimately, the project hopes to provide a platform for a new ...
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The ATLAS project has identified a missing link in the process of employment integration for those with an intellectual disability or minimal levels of education: employers have been found to terminate contracts with these individuals due to a mismatch between the requirements of the job and the social skills of those in this disadvantaged group. The project seeks to bridge this gap through the de ...
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Improving levels of competence in medical training : A training programme for medical students' pre-registration year. This project started in 2000 and lasted 30 months.
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E-learning in prosthetic and impact dentistry : A website is to be created with tools for simulation of dental procedures and also for assessment. The development of this programme will benefit various societal stakeholders both within and outside the dental profession. This project started in 2002 and lasted 30 months.
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D-signs is a project to implement an online training system for sign language in the workplace, mapped to Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR), to be made available in British, Irish, Czech, Greek and Cypriot Sign Languages. This implementation will ensure compatibility of content and approach and to pave the way for a Council of Europe -recognised qualification in sign la ...
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Teachers and trainers who are confronted with intercultural classes due to the presence of students from different nationalities need further teaching skills to deal with difficulties they come across in such situations. The purpose of this project is to identify specific methodologies and training plans for teachers and trainers who work with multi-ethnic classes including a high proportion of fo ...
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 TERMINÉ geomedia in schools

Date du début: 1 nov. 2010,

There are pockets of activity in using geo-media with geoinformation (GI) and Geographical Information Systems (GIS). Two Comenius projects supported some developments. Those involved are not networked, so the project will do this and be a place for new initiatives. An early focus will be the founding of a European Centre. This will be based at the Austrian Centre of Excellence, di ...
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