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Developing Administration and Customer Services Skills in Local Taxation

The project will build upon the experience of local taxation in two established EU countries to provide a forum for exploring ways of raising local taxes in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE). Existing means of local taxation in CEE will be critiqued and recommendations will be made with regard to potential future local taxation regimes. Ultimately, the project hopes to provide a platform for a new examination-based qualification in local taxation at a Europe-wide level. The project will result in a series of training modules for local taxation initiatives. These modules will be produced by national partners responsible for taxation in close cooperation with the project leader, and will be available in EN and the language of the participating country. The modules will have a common structure for all participating countries, and will be available through face-to-face teaching, tutorials, private study, and as distance-learning training packages. The module foundation material will have a strong emphasis on training in key/core skills which will lead to a two-stage examination in each partner country involving written and oral examinations. The examination curriculum will comprise of a range of key learning components on taxation-related subjects, as well as an element on professional ethics. Internal and external evaluation, in the form of feedback from potential module users, will result in adaptation of the developed modules. A press and public relations campaign is a key part of the dissemination process along with representation of the project at international/national conferences, utilisation of partners' existing websites, and dissemination through a range of related focus groups.



7 Participants partenaires