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6 projets européens trouvés

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TUnisian Network for Employability and Development of Graduates' Skills

Date du début: 15 oct. 2016, Date de fin: 14 oct. 2019,

Following the request of the Tunisian Ministry of HE, the project will support the ongoing reform of the HE system by the scaling up of the TEMPUS ISLAH observatory so to include the new coming universities of Tunis, Carthage, Kairouan and Sfax, in the integrated demand supply matching model, designed as to achieve the following results: -collect and analyze data on university and graduates perfor ...
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L’institution du Cours de Master de 2ème Cycle en «Design pour le Développement Durable des productions artisanales» a pour objectif la formation d'un Designer qui travaille pour le développement du système productif artisanal à travers l’introduction d'éléments d’innovation au niveau du projet, de la production et du marché, en continuité avec les traditions du territoire. Pour atteindre ce but, ...
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ALYSSA - Student Mobility EU - Tunisia

Date du début: 15 juil. 2013,

The Alyssa project is named after the first queen and founder of Carthage, Alyssa.The academic mobility scheme proposed (a total of 122 mobility covering all levels) aims to enrich the students & academic staffs’ experience through confrontation with other cultures, different pedagogical and scientific methods, and life styles; it has for objective to develop the “soft skills” that are of key impo ...
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EOLES project (“Electronics and Optics e-learning for Embedded Systems”) aims at creating an “E-LEARNING 2.0” ENGLISH-SPOKEN 3rd YEAR BACHELOR CURRICULUM.The created curriculum will be available for students living all over the world and especially in North Africa and having already the first two years of a Bachelor degree in Physics. This SPECIALISATION YEAR is oriented towards the EMBEDDED SYST ...
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Pour les établissements d'enseignement supérieur, il est aujourd'hui reconnu que la coopération avec le monde du travail, et plus généralement la société civile, est une nécessité et qu'elle ne peut plus se contenter d'être une activité optionnelle. Or, la structuration des partenariats universités-entreprises suppose comme préalable la présence de structures d'interface pérennes et opérationnelle ...
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Developing and implementing a system for QA and Certification in Tunisia for applied languages (English, French German, and Italian), and engineering, including- identification of the requirements for certification - development of specific criteria for certification - development of teaching programs provided in the framework of structured certificates in ECTS in close collaboration with the soc ...
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