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4 projets européens trouvés

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NEWFOR - NEW technologies for a better mountain FORest timber mobilization (NEWFOR)

Date du début: 31 août 2011, Date de fin: 30 août 2014,

The role played by mountain forests is extremely varied. Their contributions to the stability and overall development of life and economic factors in mountainous regions are highly significant. Due mainly to topographic conditions, managing mountain forests is significantly more cost intensive than in plain ones. A good knowledge of forest biomass location, characteristics, mobilization conditions ...
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Transport security and accessibility are essential for a balanced and sustainable development of ASP. Due to current climatic trends, the vulnerability of transport infrastructure to natural hazards has increased. But the specific threats to transport infrastructure have not yet been tackled in a systematic joint effort. Therefore the goal of PARAmount is to improve risk management strategies for ...
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...s. Under different climate and land-use change scenarios only an adaptive management can provide the conservation of the natural heritage and the multiple functions. MANFRED bridges the gap between research and practical forest management and seeks to a) collect knowledge with regard to CC effects on 4 main topics: forest growth and land use changes (WP4), hazards & stressors (WP5), best practices ...
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In a context of increased urbanization of society, of climate and environmental change and in a context of globalisation and a growing relevance of forests there is a ever but greater need for a sound comprehension of the multiple dimensions of forest and forestry. Forest pedagogics or “Waldpädagogik” is a priority area for developing a shared comprehension of forests and their role in helping to ...
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